Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

You suffer from the condition called delusion. Infact you are a typical nationalist racist which cant see the wrong your people are doing and see their aparthied racist, criminal terror actions as being fine.

I have no problem condemning hamas for killing innocent people, can you condemn the IDF for deliberately killing civilians?...............white noise......white noise.....yeah I thought as much. As I said a nationalist racist thats why people like you cant be taken seriously.

If you really want to help your nation, then you need to stop demonising the Palestinian people.

Fact is jews have huge problem with jewish supremacists running the show on behalf of all jews. These supremacists are what we call zionists.
They are chronic liars. Never believe a single word that comes put of their mouth.

Poor palestinians, who have to deal with the worst kind of people on earth.
These demonstrations have been happening for eleven months now.

It is clear that neither Israel nor the Western governments give a damn about these demonstrations. This is the new opium of the masses: the illusion of relevance and democracy.
I understand your point, but i think its critical, factual, timely and extra appropriate to point out the successes of these protests- made many global citizens aware of the Gaza genocide, pressured their govt and business officials in their countries (which had led to shut down of some business locations supporting Israel), given Gazans much needed hope about their situation etc.

While the protests haven't been as effective as they could have been because of the reasons you mentioned, they've had needed and productive impact on the conflict- Israel has now met the 1 crime it will not commit and get away with.
China too should ramp up production and supply of weapons to countries and groups who are fighting against the rise of the Nazis. Problem with Nazis you don't know when they will turn on you. If the flame of Nazis expand it will engulf more and more countries and cause millions and millions of deaths worse than in 1939. Not finishing them off now will be a tragedy for the world and we will see worse atrocities than what the Palestinians are seeing. Indians , Chinese, South Americans , Africans and all the third world countries must work together to extinguish the Nazi racist flame.
I get your point, but supplying Russia maybe China supporting the groups "who are fighting against the rise of the Nazis".

Since the Nazis had momentum, collaborators (they call them "alliance" members- sure, its a Nazi alliance) and resources, it will still take sometime to exhaust them, but it has started and it can be done.
Channel 13: first publication
The United States and Israel tried to hold a negotiating summit in Egypt, but Egypt refused because it was angry with Israel

Channel 13, according to sources: Egypt refused to host a high-level meeting to discuss negotiations called for by the United States and Israel because of its anger at Netanyahu.

Channel 13, according to an Israeli official: Egypt sent angry messages to Israel after the press conference held by Netanyahu last week
Urgent | The Israeli Broadcasting Corporation: The army thwarted a drug smuggling attempt on the Egyptian border, shooting occurred and an attempt was made to run over soldiers

Urgent | The Israeli Army: We spotted a vehicle speeding towards our force at the Egyptian border. The suspects were chased and the area was combed

A high-ranking Egyptian source said that there is no truth to what was reported by the Hebrew media regarding a shooting incident on the Egyptian-Israeli border.

Egyptian media from a source: There is no truth to what was reported by Israeli media regarding a shooting incident on the Egyptian-Israeli border. What happened was an exchange of fire between an Israeli border guard force and a group of smugglers in the Negev desert.
Al-Qassam Brigades mourns the Jordanian martyr, “Maher Dhiab Al-Jazi”



Father of the Jordanian martyr:
My son's blood is not more precious than the blood of the people of Gaza

Delegations from Jordanian tribes and clans arrive at the funeral home of the martyr #Maher_Al-Jazi Al-Huwaiti in the Jordanian Ma'an Governorate.

Al-Qassam Brigades mourns the Jordanian martyr, “Maher Dhiab Al-Jazi”

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Father of the Jordanian martyr:
My son's blood is not more precious than the blood of the people of Gaza

Delegations from Jordanian tribes and clans arrive at the funeral home of the martyr #Maher_Al-Jazi Al-Huwaiti in the Jordanian Ma'an Governorate.

The zionists must know how hated they are in the region including by the normal people of their allies who they have a peace treaty with.

At the moment the corrupt, bought out dictators are holding back the anger of muslim people when that damn breaks this zionist entity will be in trouble.

For the genuine jews out there who see what this racist ideology zionism is and see how they are being tarnished and branded by it when they despise it and hate what the aparthied state is doing, i stand with you in solidarity.

Im a british citizen and never supported the invasions of Iraq, Afghanistan and many other escapades the British government got up. That does not make me anti british just as a jew who is anti zionist doesnt make them a self hating jew. Lets get that straight as this antisemitism card for calling out these disgusting racist killers is getting tiring.
The recovery of a large number of martyrs and injuries as a result of the violent bombing carried out by occupation aircraft on the tents of displaced persons in Mawasi Khan Yunis.

There are extreme difficulties in recovery operations due to deep holes in the ground caused by occupation missiles, and the vast darkness that prevails over the area.

Medical teams talk about a massacre, and a number of martyrs are in pieces, some of whom were recovered, and there are others missing as a result of the bombing.

The occupation army publishes a new evacuation map for areas in the northern Gaza Strip - and demands residents to leave

The constant question remains: where do we go?

Egyptian Minister of Foreign Affairs

We are making every effort in the negotiating process to stop the Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip

Egypt made a great effort to fight terrorism and destroy all the tunnels that existed and were inherited from previous decades

Whenever we get closer to a ceasefire agreement, you find justifications, excuses, and provocative policies issued by Israel

We do not accept outbidding Egypt in its efforts to eliminate terrorism and arms smuggling

We erected a security fence to ensure the complete destruction of all existing tunnels, which date back to the period of the Israeli occupation of Gaza.

The Egyptian state invested a lot of financial resources to destroy the tunnels along the border

i24News channel - under (first publication)

For two weeks, Israel has not had an ambassador in Egypt. Against the backdrop of tensions between Israel and Egypt and Prime Minister Netanyahu’s insistence on remaining in the Philadelphia axis, the Egyptians have refused, up to this moment, to give permission to the new Israeli ambassador to Egypt, Udi Rothman.


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