Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

I've said this from day 1....even in the old forum, which triggered off many people. A strong Russia and Multi-Polar world is better for humainity. The f@ggot Zionists have gone unchecked for far too long using financial mechanisms to undermine governments and spread their tentacles. They did the very same in the Orange Revolution in Ukraine placing a midget Zio Clown in power. As Muslims, we should give our full support to Russia from a strategic perspective. Russia is Rum (Byzantine Orthodox Christianity) and they will be closest in friendship and alliance with Muslims in the end times.
Divide and rule is the rule of today, unfortunately.
Israel attacks Syria again, don't recall Syria attacking israel:-

Hamas, Sinwar at first, don't want to release hostages.

A confidential Hamas document, revealed by the German newspaper Bild, outlines the terrorist organization's negotiation strategy with Israel. Signed by Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar, the document, dated spring 2024, lays out the guiding principles for ceasefire talks.
Hamas' strategy is based on several key points. First, the organization plans to maintain psychological pressure on the hostages' families in order to increase public pressure on the Israeli government. It also aims to exhaust Israeli political and military mechanisms and intensify international pressure on Israel.
Hamas also seeks to preserve and rebuild its military capabilities, even if this means prolonging the negotiations. In the media, the organization aims to shift the blame for the failure of the negotiations onto Israel, presenting itself as cooperative.

Finally, Hamas wants Arab forces to be positioned along the borders with Israel to protect and reorganize itself after the war. It is notable that the document does not mention the suffering of the Palestinian population in Gaza, nor the thousands of Palestinian victims. In addition, there is no reference to the Philadelphia axis, which is central to recent negotiations.

Hamas is not seeking a quick end to the conflict, preferring to improve the terms of the deal, even if it prolongs the war. The revelation offers a rare glimpse into Hamas' internal strategy, shedding light on its priorities and tactics in the current negotiations.

The major operations carried out by the Palestinian and regional resistance groups on Sunday, September 8, are as follows:

Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades' operations:

  • Engaged in clashes with Israeli forces storming the Old City of Nablus, occupied West Bank, and targeted regime forces around Bab Al-Saha with a high-powered explosive device.
  • Confronted the occupation forces as they passed through the Jenin town’s entrance on Haifa Street with heavy gunfire and explosive devices.
Martyr Abu Ali Mustafa Brigades' operations:

  • Carried out a rocket strike targeting Israeli military gatherings east of Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip with a barrage of 107mm rockets.
A little bit short Bro.
Not enough to convince me.
We are not here to convince a chap with Indian origin living in France dreaming of being more Jewish than the Jews.
We want to discuss what is really happening. Genocide - war crimes - rape of prisoners and of course 40,000 innocent Palestinians butchered.

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