Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Gulf Arab is small nation but very rich. The only one that has relatively good man power among them is Saudi Arabia.

Arabs main problem is the division among them that is too strong. I mean the division is real among their population that led them to kill each other. We can see democracy cannot survive there, Tunisia for example come back to authoritarian as this is the only country previously become the example among Arabs.

They need to sort this problem first. Because division makes Arab weak. Weak Arab will be disaster to Palestinian as no deterrence anymore pose by Arab if Israel run amok in Palestine.

For Israel, they have made another big sins again. If we beleive with Quran. Punishment from God will surely come but within God time and God own decision.

You are misreading bro.
Arabs are largely a tribal society, even those who are settled.
I don't know what's wrong with you all, like you are surprised that Kuffar hate you?
I don't wonder about that nor I appeal to some sort of reason, I know the score. So I have different mind set, if you read what I write to the Jews and their supporters , you would notice that they usually have no the answer.
I know the psychology of those people and I know polotical thinking and psychology. They know it very well that I know how to deal with them.
As of Gulf Arabs, I don't care, since King Faysal I have never expected something from them, so I have no need to go to the tirade. Personally I have never even looked any threads about their " development:.
I am completely disinterested about that subject, unless they directly annoy me.
Haha, what I am going to do? Cry , because that girl doesn't want me?
Never, I respect myself enough not to give a sh about the people who don't give a sh about me.
Good luck to them and don't effin make Instagram clips, explaining to my people how to take Wudu properly or tie the shoes, that's all what I want from them. Oh yes , do whatever you like with your money and toys, it is Arab right to do what they want with their money.
Personally I have never needed them.
As how to proceed, well yesterday this guy SC wrote about Sultan Kutuz , that was a good story.
Memluks were not big in numbers and they were foreign to Egypt.
They prepared and waited and acted . So even the unity with morons doesn't bring much.
Because the missile fired is either an HGV or MARV missile.

One Pakistani said in the thread about US sanctioning Chinese entities for assisting Paksitan's nuclear program that Pakistan's missile needs can't be met by Iran, but meanwhile, Iran's resistance allies (Houthis) are firing HGVs, which only Russia has done in an actual war situation.
This could be quite significant as the entity fired no less than 20 missiles of 2 different types and still failed to intercept this one single Houthi missile.
Yes, the cost of those failed missiles must be in the millions of $.
It seems that after Arrow failed, they desperately tried David Sling which was not even designed to shoot down a missile of such range and so of course failed as well.
Seems again like their defences is not as good as claimed and no doubt Houthis/Iran are analysing this incident to gain as much knowledge as possible about the Zio-US ABM shield.
That maybe true or/and Israel's national air defense system has been degraded from the war, so it has alot of holes now (Hezbollah knows this for sure and exploits it in northern Israel) and gaps in detection and engagement of targets. US and Israel are probably not producing enough air defense interceptor missiles to defend Israel against ALL the missiles and rockets being thrown at it. Economics of war has caught up with 2 of US allies in wars - Israel and Ukraine-bankruptcy will show up in the West like a turmor next year, most likely.
You are the one that clueles.

Look like I need to make it clearer for some members here

For Israel, they have made another big sins again. If we beleive with Quran. Punishment from God will surely come but within God time and God own decision.

And We warned the Children of Israel in the Scripture, “You will certainly cause corruption in the land twice, and you will become extremely arrogant.

When the first of the two warnings would come to pass, We would send against you some of Our servants of great might, who would ravage your homes. This would be a warning fulfilled.

That maybe true or/and Israel's national air defense system has been degraded from the war, so it has alot of holes now (Hezbollah knows this for sure and exploits it in northern Israel) and gaps in detection and engagement of targets. US and Israel are probably not producing enough air defense interceptor missiles to defend Israel against ALL the missiles and rockets being thrown at it. Economics of war has caught up with 2 of US allies in wars - Israel and Ukraine-bankruptcy will show up in the West like a turmor next year, most likely.

They fired 20-22 interceptors and missed every time.

This was a lone strike and so nothing to do with saturation or lack of interceptors.

The most logical explanation is that Houthis have HGV capability and that spells very bad news for the entity as there is no realistic way to intercept HGV.
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They fired 20-22 interceptors and missed every time.

This was a lone strike and so nothing to do with saturation or lack of interceptors.

The most logical explanation is that Houthis have HGV capability and that spells very bad news for the entity as there is no realistic way to intercept HGV.

Sounds like experimentation to find the flaws in the missile shield that Israel has. Looks like the secrets of Iron dome, Arrow and Davids Sling have been compromised now.

We saw how some of the ballistic systems that had manouvering warheads, could not be intercepted. This servers to reinforce that limitation.
The major operations carried out by the Palestinian and regional resistance groups on Saturday, September 14, are as follows:

Al-Qassam Brigades' operations:

  • Targeted the 300th Western Brigade headquarters of the Israeli military in northern occupied Palestine with a concentrated rocket barrage.
  • Detonated six explosive devices on a convoy of Israeli military vehicles in the Tulkarem governorate, occupied West Bank.
Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades' operations:

  • Targeted a gathering of Israeli forces stationed in the "Netzarim" axis with a 107mm rocket barrage.
  • Engaged in fierce clashes with Israeli forces in Al-Ain camp of Nablus, occupied West Bank, using machine guns and explosive devices.
Al Quds Brigades' operations:

  • Carried out a sniper operation against an Israeli settler on "Mount Gerizim."
  • Engaged in fierce clashes with Israeli forces in Al-Ain camp of Nablus, occupied West Bank, and targeted Israeli military convoys with pre-prepared explosive devices.
Martyr Omar Al-Qasim Forces' operations:

  • Targeted a gathering of Israeli forces in the "Netzarim" axis with a number of heavy mortar shells.

Hardly much reporting in Western news, all i get on YouTube is much more Indian sources and they are the ones I want to avoid☹️

This could be quite significant as the entity fired no less than 20 missiles of 2 different types and still failed to intercept this one single Houthi missile.

It seems that after Arrow failed, they desperately tried David Sling which was not even designed to shoot down a missile of such range and so of course failed as well.

Seems again like their defences is not as good as claimed and no doubt Houthis/Iran are analysing this incident to gain as much knowledge as possible about the Zio-US ABM shield.

Agree, feels like a war of nerves, upping the ante a bit every now and then

Only worry is something crazy to happen from Israel

Just read God punishment to Israel in Quran. This is why I told him clueless. Israel has made big sins and God punish it, with what ? Go read it

If they make another big mistake, God will come back punishing Israel (promise of God in Quran and I think it is first stated in their own holly book)

There is the fact that there is an opposing army, so it needs someone some people's to lift a finger, not only watch
If you know the term Murjjiah , you would understand it much better

Different perspectives from different national experiences

I prefer to give the benefit of the doubt but then I am aware Ruth m enough to filter the ones who have a bit more skin in the game, so to speak

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