Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

AND YET, people like you will still say "what can us Arabs do against superior American and Israeli military technology " WHEN:

1. The bravery and determination of Gaza alone is impossible for Israel to quench or defeat (so Egypt can use that as inspiration and confirmation that it can successfully challenge Israel).

2. These 0 willpower and low self esteem lost Sunni Muslim govts like Egypt and Turkey ALREADY have enough weapons and technology to fight and beat Israel, but what they lack is the willpower to do it and survive without daddy America's "support".

3. Rag-tag militia Houthis from far distance used 1 hypersonic missile and some drones to damage Israel and its aura of invincibility forever.

4. Rag-tag militiat Houthis used reverse-engineered donated missiles donated by Iran to enforce a naval blockade and control of the Red Sea even US can't break (a fact).

5. All it takes is for the weakest and most useless Arab govts like Egypt to call the IRGC to acquire an HGV that Israel cannot intercept. Iran will give it to any Muslim or Arab country as long as they promise to use it only against Israel (and US allies) and never against Muslims (or their interests).
You jump from challenging the US to challenging Israel..make up your mind..and go commit suicide..because that 's what you want the Arabs to do..

Just give them at least 2000 nukes and the means to deliver them to the US or anywhere else.. and then you can witness the courage that you obviously lack..
Urgent | The New York Times, on the former commander of the Gaza Division of the Israeli army: Hamas retook the cities a quarter of an hour after the army withdrew.

Urgent | The New York Times, on the former commander of the Gaza Division in the Israeli army: Hamas is winning this war
You jump from challenging the US to challenging Israel..make up your mind..and go commit suicide..because that 's what you want the Arabs to do..

Just give them at least 2000 nukes and the means to deliver them to the US or anywhere else.. and then you can witness the courage that you obviously lack..

How is no-recognition and a total siege on the entity a recipe for suicide?

No one is asking the neighbouring states to fire a single bullet on the entity but to have no relations of any kind with it.

Please explain as I do not think anyone here actually follows this logic.
In case you need a good laughter, here is Rabbi Shmuley aka Rabbi Buttplug!

How is no-recognition and a total siege on the entity a recipe for suicide?

No one is asking the neighbouring states to fire a single bullet on the entity but to have no relations of any kind with it.

Please explain as I do not think anyone here actually follows this logic.
Everyone knows that doing that to Israel is the same as doing it to the US..with all the consequences that follow..

The two main states that you are talking about are Egypt and Jordan..both had wars with the entity..and the peace was brokered..guess by whom again..the US..
Everyone knows that doing that to Israel is the same as doing it to the US..with all the consequences that follow..
The two main states that you are talking about are Egypt and Jordan..both had wars with the entity..and the peace was brokered..guess by whom again..the US..

I agree with you that it is more complex than it might seem to some people: Even turning off oil supply by GCC would not only hurt their own economy but also cause global ripple effects which would include expulsion of potentially hundreds of thousands of workers from GCC back to the countries like Pakistan, India, Bangladesh--those poor countries rely on the remittance.
GCC and other Arab countries had tried hard to help Palestinians in the past; they didn't succeed. They couldn't succeed. And especially after King Faisal, they have learned to accept their place. They have no sugar daddy. Who can guarantee that Russia or China would even help them in the UNSC?? America is in a position to throw Ukraine and Taiwan as 'concessions' to Russia and China to dull their responses.
It is all hypothetical, of course. And so need fighting over it. What matters in this thread is the on the ground conflict, the exodus of Israelis, the decline of the Israeli economy, the disarray in the Israeli society and body politic; those are the things I try to concentrate on.
Everyone knows that doing that to Israel is the same as doing it to the US..with all the consequences that follow..

The two main states that you are talking about are Egypt and Jordan..both had wars with the entity..and the peace was brokered..guess by whom again..the US..

Egypt is the only one that has any kind of “excuse” for having any relations with the entity.

It needed the Sinai back for economic reasons.

Jordan was an opportunist who used the cover of “Camp David” to make peace with the entity. It betrayed Egypt and Syria just before the 1973 war and so that shows its true nature.

Anyway why does KSA allow flights to and from the Zionist entity to use its airspace?

Did the USA threaten to destroy KSA unless it did this?
I agree with you that it is more complex than it might seem to some people: Even turning off oil supply by GCC would not only hurt their own economy but also cause global ripple effects which would include expulsion of potentially hundreds of thousands of workers from GCC back to the countries like Pakistan, India, Bangladesh--those poor countries rely on the remittance.
GCC and other Arab countries had tried hard to help Palestinians in the past; they didn't succeed. They couldn't succeed. And especially after King Faisal, they have learned to accept their place. They have no sugar daddy. Who can guarantee that Russia or China would even help them in the UNSC?? America is in a position to throw Ukraine and Taiwan as 'concessions' to Russia and China to dull their responses.
It is all hypothetical, of course. And so need fighting over it. What matters in this thread is the on the ground conflict, the exodus of Israelis, the decline of the Israeli economy, the disarray in the Israeli society and body politic; those are the things I try to concentrate on.

You misunderstand.

People are not even asking for retaliation against the west or USA in particular.

It is these surrounding Muslim states like Turkey supplying Azeri oil, UAE,KSA and Jordan supplying food that the Houthis payed in blood to stop.

The collaboration is the problem and not lack of willpower to fight the Zionist entity.
You misunderstand.

People are not even asking for retaliation against the west or USA in particular.

It is these surrounding Muslim states like Turkey supplying Azeri oil, UAE,KSA and Jordan supplying food that the Houthis payed in blood to stop.

The collaboration is the problem and not lack of willpower to fight the Zionist entity.

Turkey by simply not allowing oil to Israel will be one of the biggest shocks to Israel. And, unlike the GCC, the Turks don't have as huge investments in the West which could be 'frozen' or worse 'seized' at a moment's notice. And, unlike the GCC, the Turks are an almost indispensable nation for the West and also militarily powerful--powerful enough to give Israel nightmare.

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