Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Israel is going to commence a ground invasion probably by tomorrow or the next day the interceptors are getting scarce, Houthis I am nearly 100 percent sure will send something very soon but if iran doesn’t back up hezbollah meaningfully Hezbollah will have to do much of the fighting to wear down the idf main problem with hezbollah like Hamas they have no real defense against bombers from the air a few anti aircraft systems here and there might get some helicopters but not an f 35 or even f 15

Can Iran replenish Hizbollah with new recruits from Khorasan if needed in a full blown ground conflict?
Why is Northern Israel (originally Palestinian ) deserted if the Iron Dome works?
Houses are exposed to ATGMs which Iron Dome can't intercept.
Mountainous topography allows for suicide drones to evade Israeli radars.
Generally, Hezbollah has a lot more short ranged rockets which are far cheaper, smaller and could be fired at bigger volleys.
Risk of Hezbollah ground infiltration.
The fact that this is an active frontline.
Houses are exposed to ATGMs which Iron Dome can't intercept.
Mountainous topography allows for suicide drones to evade Israeli radars.
Generally, Hezbollah has a lot more short ranged rockets which are far cheaper, smaller and could be fired at bigger volleys.
Risk of Hezbollah ground infiltration.
The fact that this is an active frontline.

Welcome to PDF. Sorry to see your country in such dire situation.
I'd say this though: If there was no Hezbollah then Israelis would have gobbled up Lebanon up to the Litani River. It is in Israel's nature. It wants fertile lands. Have you pondered the comment made by Trump recently about Israel being too small and needs to be larger?? He reflected the Israeli mindset.
Houses are exposed to ATGMs which Iron Dome can't intercept.
Mountainous topography allows for suicide drones to evade Israeli radars.
Generally, Hezbollah has a lot more short ranged rockets which are far cheaper, smaller and could be fired at bigger volleys.
Risk of Hezbollah ground infiltration.
The fact that this is an active frontline.
It doesn't look so mountainous.
Israeli lies about eliminating Hezbollah's military command:

In recent days Israel has been circulating graphics purporting to show the elimination of virtually all of Hezbollah's highest military command

while Israel has eliminated many top commanders, these graphics are quite misleading

if we go back to November 2023, Israel was circulating this more accurate graphic showing the members of Hezbollah's Jihad Council (the top military command, kinda like Iran's SNSC):

Screenshot 2024-09-23 at 23.35.16.png

worth noting that from this group, only 2/7 have been martyred (Aqil and Shukr). Karaki survived a failed assassination attempt today.

contrast with this graphic that Israel prefers to circulate today:

Screenshot 2024-09-23 at 23.35.24.png

they only show 3 members of the Jihad Council (1 of which is still alive), and selectively only show 1-2 commanders under each member. with the exception of the Radwan Unit, the other units remain relatively strong even at the commander level. Note this graphic also only shows four Hezbollah units (Radwan, Nasser, Aziz, and Bader).

And only shows one commander of Nasser, Aziz, and Bader. There are other units not shown, and of course many other commanders in each group not shown.

this is not intended to minimise Israel's achievements and Hezbollah's failures to protect its top commanders. this cannot be denied. but this is to provide some context about these misleading graphics and claims that Israel has 'wiped out Hezbollah's entire military chain of command', which is not close to being true.
Israeli lies about eliminating Hezbollah's military command:

In recent days Israel has been circulating graphics purporting to show the elimination of virtually all of Hezbollah's highest military command

while Israel has eliminated many top commanders, these graphics are quite misleading

if we go back to November 2023, Israel was circulating this more accurate graphic showing the members of Hezbollah's Jihad Council (the top military command, kinda like Iran's SNSC):

View attachment 66616

worth noting that from this group, only 2/7 have been martyred (Aqil and Shukr). Karaki survived a failed assassination attempt today.

contrast with this graphic that Israel prefers to circulate today:

View attachment 66617

they only show 3 members of the Jihad Council (1 of which is still alive), and selectively only show 1-2 commanders under each member. with the exception of the Radwan Unit, the other units remain relatively strong even at the commander level. Note this graphic also only shows four Hezbollah units (Radwan, Nasser, Aziz, and Bader).

And only shows one commander of Nasser, Aziz, and Bader. There are other units not shown, and of course many other commanders in each group not shown.

this is not intended to minimise Israel's achievements and Hezbollah's failures to protect its top commanders. this cannot be denied. but this is to provide some context about these misleading graphics and claims that Israel has 'wiped out Hezbollah's entire military chain of command', which is not close to being true.
It's all just propaganda for the most
Typical misinformation being spread by Israeli Zionist , in order to demoralize Resistance forces of Palestine

Nations in region


All should know, Israel's approach is simple , pick out one region at time and destroy it's infrastructure and military

If you think like Sheap , you will be pushed to any direction the dog wants you to move

Characteristic of Sheap
  • Unsure
  • Looking at UN
  • Looking outside
  • Hoping Settler Based state (like USA) will have compassion or change of heart
  • Reluctant to face the dog directly
  • Sheap will hope the Dog just eat one of the sheap and they can be spared so they just move one side to other side in fear


However you are not sheap but Lions

  • Does not takes bull shit and takes decision quickly to put Hyena or Dog in it's place quickly
  • Lion does not wait , it acts to defend it's Pride (family of lion)

If Muslims Nations Take a Bold decision the result will be quite predictable


Muslims of Turkey are Lion
Muslims of Egypt are Lion
Muslims of Jordan are Lion
Muslim of Iraq are Lion
Muslim of Syria are Lion
Muslim of Palestine are Lion
Muslims\Christians of Lebnoon are Lion

It's all about Mindset and saying "Lets Go!"
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It's all just propaganda for the most
Hezbollah has 7 military units, but they only show 1 commander from each of 4 of those 7 units and claim to have destroyed the entire military leadership.

even their claim to have eliminated the Radwan leadership is not totally accurate, the real head of the Radwan unit is still alive but Israel does not mention him on their graphics.
Hezbollah has 7 military units, but they only show 1 commander from each of 4 of those 7 units and claim to have destroyed the entire military leadership.

even their claim to have eliminated the Radwan leadership is not totally accurate, the real head of the Radwan unit is still alive but Israel does not mention him on their graphics.

Also the resistance axis built up is multi state, training is multi state

Iran is the head of the resistance, much to it's credit

Iranians may think why the hell should they take the risk or spend anything, but this is how nations make names for themselves, make their own history and establish empires

As irans tech improves and spreads , it has the ability to supply weapons of destructive power

It's only unfortunate none of the other major Muslim countries do the same or fund the resistance

Whatever happens at the moment the resistance will only grow from here on in
And taking pot shots at Israel from further away will become normal just to keep Israel constantly on edge
Israeli's announcement are bullshit , even if one Resistance of Palestine pillar falls , they will have other People willing to become the New Pillar

Palestinian spirit is like a Tree with Million branches if you cut one branch a new branch grows from the tree of Freedom

However - this is not just Palestine people war

This is war for All Muslims in region

It is time to respond , what the Leaders of Muslim World should be deciding

a) Forget about Trade or economy
b) Forget about opening ports for Israel
c) Forget about Ambassador or hospitality
d) Worry not about feelings of Zionist

It is WAR !! Just take decision

All Muslims of World want Leaders of Muslim countries to Declare War on Isreal
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View attachment 66615

this is the border area

quite yellow and orange
Zooming in makes it even clearer how high up:
It appears that the altitude is between 400 and 800 meters;

I even saw a news story here about a drone hitting a power plant in Israel, I don't know if it's true.

Iron Dome failed to intercept a Hezbollah drone that hit a power plant
Zooming in makes it even clearer how high up:
View attachment 66620
It appears that the altitude is between 400 and 800 meters;

I even saw a news story here about a drone hitting a power plant in Israel, I don't know if it's true.

that video is from Russia

Screenshot 2024-09-24 at 00.00.23.png

and this area seems to reach 1000m
Can Iran replenish Hizbollah with new recruits from Khorasan if needed in a full blown ground conflict?
I think you would have to ask iran I think Hezbollah has plenty of soldiers at this point if Hamas and other resistance groups in Gaza can still fight Hezbollah who hasn’t even started to fight has plenty

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