Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Welcome to PDF. Sorry to see your country in such dire situation.
I'd say this though: If there was no Hezbollah then Israelis would have gobbled up Lebanon up to the Litani River. It is in Israel's nature. It wants fertile lands. Have you pondered the comment made by Trump recently about Israel being too small and needs to be larger?? He reflected the Israeli mindset.
Thank you.

Well I don't know what to think anymore.
Some say so, some say Israel wouldn't want anything to do with Lebanon and give Jordan and Egypt as a counterexample.

One thing for sure we don't trust Israel one bit, but many in Lebanon don't trust Hezbollah either.
Thank you.

Well I don't know what to think anymore.
Some say so, some say Israel wouldn't want anything to do with Lebanon and give Jordan and Egypt as a counterexample.
One thing for sure we don't trust Israel one bit, but many in Lebanon don't trust Hezbollah either.

Who knows about Israel's real intentions about expansionism? But I think there is peace with Egypt and Jordan because Israel wants to truly gobble up the West Bank first but so far unable to do so. So there was no point in having Jordan and Egypt as antagonist until the West Bank is absorbed into Israel. And look at how that has helped Israel: Two large neighbors are quiet while Israel has been systematically taking over the West Bank.
I VERY strongly believe Israel wants as much arable land as possible in that parched region and the area to the south of Litani River serves more than just good land: It also provides strategic depth.
Anyway, it is better to NEVER trust a group of people who are expansionist by nature and have shown to be such.
A ten minute video of a Palestinian Jalal al Fara, living in Pakistan speaking in Urdu language. He is saying that Gaza was 'the wall' of the Arab World. A wall for Egypt. He is saying that Israel is eventually going to expand into other parts of the Middle East, which the foolish Arab leaders don't realize yet. And almost in tears, he is saying that what Gaza has endured would make an ocean try dry, a stone to break, the ground to split apart. And at the end, he is saying that for the apathy of the Muslim countries they will have to answer in front of God on the Judgement Day and the Gazans would never forgive the Islamic World for abandoning Gazans. Never!

Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told lawmakers that he is considering the so-called "generals’ plan" to lay total siege to northern Gaza and expel all its Palestinian residents, the Times of Israel reported Monday.

When retired major general Giora Eiland presented the plan last week, he claimed it would "change the reality" on the ground in Gaza. "We have to tell the residents of north Gaza that they have one week to evacuate the territory, which then becomes a military zone, [a zone] in which every figure is a target and, most importantly, no supplies enter this territory." The remaining Hamas fighters would then be forced to surrender or starve, according to the plan.


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