Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

The arabs need to respond militarily otherwise there is no stopping of this brutal genocide of Muslims.

This is exactly what Israhell wants. It needs an excuse to wage regional war.
I agree, regional players must get involved and respond....but not with a limp fist which is what Israel needs. If they're going to attack, go all out and destroy the Zionist entity once and for all. Destroy their plans for a greater Israel is the only way.
Hit Tel Aviv Airport tarmac and watch civilian airline industry go down the drain.

Hit one or two of tech buildings owned by large multinational blue-chip company.

Right now Hezbollah isnt hitting anything that really hurts Israel.
I agree! I don't understand why Hezb are holding back. The baby killers carried out 1300 strikes in 24hrs!!! 1300!!! And in return you're targeting empty fields? I don't understand the mindset.
The only way to stop this mad dog is to tactical nuke Tel Aviv. This is Gog and Magog we are fighting, and Allah says in the book that non but I can defeat them. The resistance must be kept up but divine intervention is needed. The Muslim world didn't listen to gods commands of avoiding usary and not making friendly relations with Zionists (Jews & Christian who are friends amongst themselves).
Now we pay the price for not listening.
Maybe Pakistan can provide the nukes, what use is it being the only islamic nuclear power if you can't use it
Maybe Pakistan can provide the nukes, what use is being the only islamic nuclear power if you can't use it

Making that statement - full well knowing it's not going to happen.
Unfortunately, the generals are holding the country hostage. Not going to happen uncles Mai Baap US gives the go ahead.
I agree! I don't understand why Hezb are holding back. The baby killers carried out 1300 strikes in 24hrs!!! 1300!!! And in return you're targeting empty fields? I don't understand the mindset.

I'm disappointed with the response. Nothing but showboating and firing a few fireworks. When they launch anything major, they give 1 weeks+ notice everyday reminding them until they have fully prepared their defences. What sort of donkey thinking strategy is this?
I really don't get it. What are they waiting for to use their heavy duty weapons?
Making that statement - full well knowing it's not going to happen.
Unfortunately, the generals are holding the country hostage. Not going to happen uncles Mai Baap US gives the go ahead.
Keyboard warriors are always the first to wet their pants
The arabs need to respond militarily otherwise there is no stopping of this brutal genocide of Muslims.

Their self importance and survival is their only priority and aim. What goes on around them is simply not a matter for them. They simply dont care. Never have done.
I can go as far as saying they are facilitating this onslaught.
I agree! I don't understand why Hezb are holding back. The baby killers carried out 1300 strikes in 24hrs!!! 1300!!! And in return you're targeting empty fields? I don't understand the mindset.
Hezbollahs funds are provided by Iran. The mullahs are telling Hezbollah "be patient".

Nothing more, nothing less.
Maybe Pakistan can provide the nukes, what use is it being the only islamic nuclear power if you can't use it
Ha ha… GHQ is neutered.. any rumblings and their retirement plans in US/AUS down the drain… legs shaking in case they get a call from uncle Don Lu
US is fully complicit in the Gaza and now Lebanon genocide.. supplying bunker busters, satellite intelligence for deep underground structures, endless supply of weapons. On the ground joint operations included. They are sending in 101st because they know on the ground Israelis will get their asses handed to them on a plate..
Iran not responding as US has told them that they will be levelled to the ground if they interfere, hence Hez left high and dry…
Raise a battalion of PDF warriors and paradrop them in Gaza .... hopefully , all them will get nishan a Haider
There are no red lines.
Israel is a butcher hired and fed by America and seemingly no can do a damn thing about it.

I read NY Times every day to get idea about the US govt. thinking; it is especially relevant to the Democratic regimes' policies. Last night read an article about the ongoing conflict--it was something like Biden is about running out of time for a ceasefire. That's a joke--because Biden is Biden, a lifelong self-proclaimed Zionist. But what was heartening were the Comments to the article, which were scathing toward Biden. That's a liberal crowd which can't find much fault in Biden in general. But they called him a 'warmonger', a lifelong supporter of wars in faraway lands, a hypocrite etc etc.
Hit Tel Aviv Airport tarmac and watch civilian airline industry go down the drain.
Hit one or two of tech buildings owned by large multinational blue-chip company.
Right now Hezbollah isnt hitting anything that really hurts Israel.

Already the targets have expanded to southern Beirut and Haifa. With no brakes being applied, next is Beirut Airport and Tel Aviv...

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