France offers full support in nuclear submarines, jet engines and underwater drones to India

Flying drone is any day better than to allow foreign troops on your own land.... first it was US and now China.... also these drones are just being flown they are not killing Indians the way it did with Pakistan....

Want to stick to the subject now or do you always digress when embaressed about India's defence failings?
So you're saying india is better than NATO members, Japan, South Korea etc?
Except France almost all NATO and South Korea, Japan are vessel states of USA.... India cannot be called as a vessel state with her robust independent policies.... So yes by that India is better than them....
Except France almost all NATO and South Korea, Japan are vessel states of USA.... India cannot be called as a vessel state with her robust independent policies.... So yes by that India is better than them....

India till now yes but i don't foresee this to continue. When you go with US you go in US camp. A bitter truth we know much more than you. You won't feel it till you are drowned.

There is a catch in every deal. What is the catch ?

Rafale Deal but that's obvious.

The India-France strategic defence partnership is set to take another big step forward with the Emmanuel Macron government ready to discuss and support the construction of nuclear attack submarines, and offer 100% transfer of technology for 110 kilo-Newton thrust aircraft engines and underwater drones with full capabilities to India.

Doval will also seek to make progress on an offer made by the Kolkata born Chairman of Safran Engines Ross McInnes to the Modi government when he visited India last week.

Safran, which helped ISRO develop space rocket engines in the 1970s, has offered to jointly design, develop, certify and produce 110 KN engines for future Advanced Medium Combat Aircraft (AMCA) project with 100% TOT including hot engine sections. It has also offered to train Indians in advanced metallurgy. The jointly developed engine will be sovereign property of India, which it can export to third countries without any restrictions, HT learns. Safran has also offered to help India upgrade this fighter jet engine for newer versions of AMCA in the future.

That's probably the best route for India. Business with France is not cheap meanwhile GE and other US goodies comes with an invisible price which felt a lot later. Infact India needs to join French Sixth Gen Project now to get lots of benefits of not only early 6th Gen induction but techs trickle down for other jets like AMCA etc.
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India must got for French SSN technology... this will be great for our future homemade SSNs...
Flying drone is any day better than to allow foreign troops on your own land.... first it was US and now China.... also these drones are just being flown they are not killing Indians the way it did with Pakistan....
No need, Bakhtoras do a splendid job at scoring own goals.
You should just stick to celebrating with single liners....on a Pakistani forum . 😆
Love how the French can tap up the Indians for cash and to subsidise French industry
Love how the Chinese can tap up the Pakistanis for land, ports and sovereignty and to subsidize Chinese industry
Love how the Chinese can tap up the Pakistanis for land, ports and sovereignty and to subsidize Chinese industry

China-Pak relationship is on a different level to the French-India one.

Want to stay on topic and figure out why, despite tens of billions in spending on French kit India has had no meangingful ToT?

Even after Scorpene purchase no tech was transferred to let India build its own Subs!?
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Action screams louder than birds 😁

Congrats, since you understand that phrase you wont be overestimating Bangladesh's calibre.

Congrats, since you understand that phrase you wont be overestimating Bangladesh's calibre.

What has this thread got to do with BD?
114 Rafales...

That is hardly a catch in reality. Those are fighters that the IAF desperately needs. It's a different matter that the Modi Govt. seems to just be content with kicking the MRFA ball down the road as long as it can.
with m53 India could produce a lot of light fighters

Sadly the Snecma M53 is too old now without having been upgraded suitably by Snecma, since they were focusing on the M-88 instead.
Love how the French can tap up the Indians for cash and to subsidise French industry

Yes and what's wrong with it? The French are selling their high-tech products, and it's purely a business transaction. France has advanced technology, and India need these high-tech products and has the money to purchase it. The French understand that they can easily command a premium price, and they're doing so. Fortunately for us, this trend is unlikely to change in the future. By the time India acquires fourth-generation technology from France, France will likely be on the sixth generation, making the fourth generation obsolete. India will then need to pursue fifth and sixth-generation technology, and France will earn substantial revenue from India again, allowing them to invest in seventh-generation technology. The cycle will continue.

What Indian won't want to accept is the timeline in which they lag behind. Progress can only be made after acceptance. So luckily we have Indians as adversaries, otherwise with that much money anyone else can easily establish both qualitative and quantitative superiority like what China is against India.
Yes and what's wrong with it? The French are selling their high-tech products, and it's purely a business transaction. France has advanced technology, and India need these high-tech products and has the money to purchase it. The French understand that they can easily command a premium price, and they're doing so. Fortunately for us, this trend is unlikely to change in the future. By the time India acquires fourth-generation technology from France, France will likely be on the sixth generation, making the fourth generation obsolete. India will then need to pursue fifth and sixth-generation technology, and France will earn substantial revenue from India again, allowing them to invest in seventh-generation technology. The cycle will continue.

What Indian won't want to accept is the timeline in which they lag behind. Progress can only be made after acceptance. So luckily we have Indians as adversaries, otherwise with that much money anyone else can easily establish both qualitative and quantitative superiority like what China is against India.

True, it is just when Spain and Brazil negotiate for Subs they got some good ToT, Spain with S80 (IN even evaluated) and Brazil with basically a nuke powered Scorpene. They negotiated well....

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