Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

I can't definitively tell you whether the image you sent is the result of carpet bombing or not. Here's why:
  1. Limited context: The image alone doesn't provide enough context to determine the cause of the destruction. Knowing the location, date, and source of the image would be helpful in understanding the context.
  2. Multiple causes of destruction: Various events can cause large-scale destruction, including airstrikes, artillery fire, building demolitions, and natural disasters. Without additional information, it's impossible to pinpoint the exact cause in this case.
  3. Carpet bombing definition: Carpet bombing refers to an aerial bombing tactic that involves dropping a large number of bombs over a wide area to destroy as much as possible. While the image shows significant destruction, it's difficult to assess whether it meets the criteria of a carpet bombing based solely on the visual information.
Instead of relying solely on the image, I recommend seeking information from credible sources to understand the context and cause of the destruction depicted. Here are some suggestions:
  • News reports: Reputable news organizations often report on military conflicts and provide details about the types of weapons used and the targets struck.
  • Human rights organizations: These organizations often document human rights violations and may have information about specific incidents of destruction.
  • Expert analysis: Military analysts and other experts can provide insights into the tactics used in military conflicts and the likely causes of specific types of destruction.
By consulting these sources, you can gain a more informed understanding of the situation and avoid drawing conclusions based on limited information.
I see someone using chat gpt 🧐
I’ve heard reports of Indians going onto the frontline and being killed.
It’s an incredible situation. Some Indians are genuinely more Israeli than the Jewish themselves.the thought of assisting beautiful women In Tel Aviv is just too much for them. To be able to kill Muslims is an infatuated dream.
I’ve been seeing their delight on line when they hear of kids slaughtered in hospitals - it’s next level.
Thinking by going to Gaza and laying their lives down for an illegally occupied state is indeed next level full support.

A useful idiot!

They don't even know what's in store for them from either side... always allowing emotions over common sense.

Used as a tissue and discarded.
At least they cannot complain that they were compelled
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Just the beginning of the shaping operation that will slowly start building a narrative... one that will pit Palestine, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Yemen and finally Iran in an axis where either politicians themselves or an event propels the region in a war.

If this turns into a regional conflict sucking more countries in, Israel will commit more war crimes and massacres. I wonder will the muslim masses in neighbouring and surrounding countries still watch and do nothing while the fighting expands and engulfs the region. I dont think people will just sit, there will be consequences.
Abu Ubaida’s speech was a speech threatening the occupation with escalation from the axis and a call to the entire nation to rise up and put pressure on the occupation.

Of course, he mentioned many points, but personally, this is what concerns me from the speech, and I do not think that the axis will escalate or that the sleeping nation will move.

If this turns into a regional conflict sucking more countries in, Israel will commit more war crimes and massacres. I wonder will the muslim masses in neighbouring and surrounding countries still watch and do nothing while the fighting expands and engulfs the region. I dont think people will just sit, there will be consequences.

It is all about the paycheck and trained "yes men" either institutional or corporate. It keeps the pain doused and heads bowed.
It is at the end of the day... for all of them about their perch and its preservation.
No one will purposefully rock the boat.
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If Pakistan army doesn't want to fight they should at least facilitate volunteers to fight for peace.

Pakistan army or Pakistan army remote controlled by US? Both believe on opposite things and are not the same.
I’ve heard reports of Indians going onto the frontline and being killed.
It’s an incredible situation. Some Indians are genuinely more Israeli than the Jewish themselves.the thought of assisting beautiful women In Tel Aviv is just too much for them. To be able to kill Muslims is an infatuated dream.
I’ve been seeing their delight on line when they hear of kids slaughtered in hospitals - it’s next level.
Thinking by going to Gaza and laying their lives down for an illegally occupied state is indeed next level full support.

It is a very good thing we have nukes.
Pakistan army or Pakistan army remote controlled by US? Both believe on opposite things and are not the same.
Please provide source that Pakistani army is controlled by the US. Or kindly stop slandering.
Hamas took civilians hostages, are you going to deny that too?


It's easy, if someone attack innocent civilians, it's terrorism.
Well Israel has been attacking, arresting and detailing thousands of Palestinians over the years, so by your comment, Israel HAS BEEN committing terrorism, and if we go by the "eye for an eye" rule, Palestinians did the same exact thing to Israelis that the Israeli govt did to Palestians on a larger and worse scael, so THEY are at least equal, so why try to defend Israel?You do not have a valid position or right to do so, simple!
Hamas had the opportunity to attack only military targets,
and they did attack military targets mostly.
but they decided to attack civilians too.
because that is unfortunately the only reliable way Palestinian resistance fighters can and will free Palestinian citizens that Israel illegally and terroristically detained and keep jailed till today- including children and women (and some were for just flying the Palestinian flag? one girl was jailed for this)- pls stop defending or explaining away terrorism by the Zionist Hitler govt.
It's not collateral damage like Israeli war actions. It's a deliberate will to attack civilians, that is terrorism.
ok the civilians can get compensated and hamas fighters who shot civilians should be punished and sanctioned- but will ISrael also free all the civilians its detaining and jailing ilegally? if your answer is no, im done with chatting with you and you are trolling.
Saudi-UAE plans to abandon Palestinians exposed

Some of the points he raises:
- Saudis now talk about accepting things that 'make life easier for Palestinians' in exchange for recognising Israel, not about a Palestinian state
- European diplomats were shocked that Saudi diplomats do not raise Gaza in conversations, and the European diplomats have to raise Gaza instead
- Saudi Arabia is putting pressure on Jordan to transfer custodianship of Al Asqa masjid to Saudi Arabia and UAE
- Kufiyas and any sign of pro-Palestine solidarity banned at hajj / in public events in Saudi Arabia

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