Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Message (modified) from Alama Iqbal to the Palestinain people :-

Do not forget Allah fades the glitter of stars

And the sun to rise again from the dreaded dark

Because of you life-blood has started flowing through the dead arteries of the Middle East

The storm of the West has shown us the real Muslims again

The upheavals of war has brought you to your perfection again
You have been endowed again the God’s court with

The Palestinian valor, intellect and eloquence

Thanks to you , Slumber is no more in the holy lands

The Duas are being read louder and we are able to see the valor of Palestinian souls!

O God’ light the fire of longing in the Musalman’s heart

Let there be Muslim tears of Joy produced in the battle fields of Gaza

Thanks to you the book of the Muslim nation is being organized again

This Hashimite Branch is going to blossom again!

The beloved Palestinians have won the hearts of the world

The avalanche of calamity over the Palestinians is not to be bereaved

As the dawn is produced after destruction of myriads of stars!

Insight into the world is more difficult than the world’s sovereignty

Insight is produced only when the heart melts into blood!

The discerning person is produced in the garden with difficulty

Sing O Palestinians so that with your chorus

The falcon’s heart in the Arab’s frail body be produced

Concealed within your heart is the secret of life

Relate to the Muslim the traditions of pathos of life

You are the potent hand and the word of the Eternal God

Oh Imprudent one! Develop faith as you have been overcome with doubts

The Muslim’s destination is beyond the azure colored sky

You are the caravan the dust of whose trail are stars!

The house is ephemeral, the dweller is momentary, yours are the beginning and the End

You have the Final Message of God and it is eternal!

From the material world to the eternal world

You have the gift which the Holy Prophet gave!

The history of the Muslim nation reveals the secret

That you are the righteous of the nations of Arabia

You have taught us again the lesson of Truth , Justice and bravery

You are to be entrusted with the world’s leadership!
pathetic responses by US State Department on video showing Israel's controlled demolition/destruction of a university in Gaza

he also had no response to Netanyahu openly defying US policy by saying post-war plans will NOT include any vision for a Palestinian state
Palestinians return to parts of north Gaza after invading Zionist terrorists withdraw

You cannot defeat these people. Despite destroying virtually every building in north Gaza, including every hospital, every school, every shop, every bakery... They still return to the rubble as soon as they are able.

Let the fascist terrorists within the Zionist regime who dream of ethnically cleansing Gaza of Palestinians, as they ethnically cleansed large parts of occupied Palestine from 1947 onwards, receive this message and understand the Palestinians in Gaza will not leave no matter how many war crimes your terrorists commit in Gaza.
Palestinians return to parts of north Gaza after invading Zionist terrorists withdraw

You cannot defeat these people. Despite destroying virtually every building in north Gaza, including every hospital, every school, every shop, every bakery... They still return to the rubble as soon as they are able.

Let the fascist terrorists within the Zionist regime who dream of ethnically cleansing Gaza of Palestinians, as they ethnically cleansed large parts of occupied Palestine from 1947 onwards, receive this message and understand the Palestinians in Gaza will not leave no matter how many war crimes your terrorists commit in Gaza.

That is exactly what the Zionists and their supporters hate about the Palestinians. They just won't give up and surrender. Israel is the West's last (perhaps there will be more) colonization as they did with America, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, etc. By the ethnic cleaning and genocide of the indigenous native people. Those natives just died and gave up. These Palestinians just aren't.
When America shows she is afraid of Houtis , and very afraid of Zionist Nazis, is there any reason China should be afraid of America?

America only show bravely in trying to round up mob justice that America coined as coalition of cowards that faded away as soon as they know their blood be spilt before that of any Muricans as we seen in the Red Sea

America does not even know what pronoun America wanna use while America championing drag queens story telling for little kids and proud of America army of kids with 2 moms or 2 dads or 2 trans

Not all Chinese shipping is risking going through the Red Sea no matter what song your government is singing about all Chinese crews to make the Chinese people "feel good".

It's pretty clear from this pic the vast majority of cargo shipping are taking the long route.

That solid thick line of ships from South Africa to China is not US cargo ships..that's for sure. It's mostly Chinese shipping...notice the Red Sea is almost empty (and don't try and make weak excuses about it)...unless you suddenly think China has no cargo ships and is just a minor player in worldwide trade. :rolleyes:

Let me borrow your favorite animated gif to describe how your military is defending your shipping.

Supa-powa China!
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