Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Nope! Unless and until American foreign policy decisions contrary to America's own interests start to hurt the bottom line of average Americans, the Congressmen can get away with a lot--as has been in case of Israel.

You see: 400+ US officials wrote a letter to the Biden administration after this latest conflict began, warning Biden that his so blatant pro Israel policies are against American interests but that letter--along with the voices of many analysts--are not going anywhere. The reason being: If Biden or Congressmen or Senators won't do what AIPAC wants them to do then some other politicians would do AIPAC's bidding.

The US politicians, IMO, are fighting for their own survival first: What good is some voice of conscience when you get booted out of your electoral chances?? In fact, AIPAC is busily doing that right now, going after even the very few in the Democratic Progressive Squad; that's already having some impact on the Squad politicians as they have somehow muted their support for Palestinians.

You're rationalizing with an online equivalent of a kamikaze pilot. It is a one way trip each time... the load out is only set to dispense one-way!

He wants you to google the UN conventions ... but it wouldn't satiate his gripe... Israel singularly remains the preeminent reason for US use of its VETO powers... the top recipient of US foreign aid, arms and munitions... transfer of technology And diplomatic cover.
You think he is rational? Even if he says so?
You think if you show him as he demands application of law... that GAZA is an occupied territory and lawfully retains the right to retaliate, would suffice?

This kamikaze has been supporting zionist actions as a just punishment and Palestinians deserving recipients.
You think he accepts letter of the law?

Demanding sources from others so his majesty could discard them as unsubstantiated.
An excellent tactic of controlling narrative around you keep everyone catering to your every new provocation or jibe.

Being a hindu zionist is a thankless job... it could only be personal pain that he is taking pleasure in... needling needlessly to gratify that fire in the belly.
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You are a joke man, this is one of the most documented massacre in history. We are literally watching it live. Many videos of the atrocities committed have been shared here.

Many evidence of Israeli soldiers endorsing genocide and expulsion of the people of Gaza. Many evidence of Israeli parliament members doing the same.

Atrocities from killing over 12,000 children and over 26,000 people of which more than 2/3 is women and children. This is not including the thousands more under the rubble. From flattening whole neighborhoods to destroying everything that makes Gaza habitable like schools, hospitals, UN shelters, power plants, communication towers, water desalination plants , residential towers, etc

You are demolishing all the schools and hospitals in Gaza. Who does that? You destroy everything so they have nothing to go back to, this is so the people of Gaza will be forced to leave. With no schools, hospitals, mosques, homes to live in, etc you know that they will have nothing to go back too.

You are hampering aid to the people of Gaza to prolong the suffering. There is literally thousands of aid trucks not being allowed to deliver aid to the starving people. People are dying from starvation and disease .

What more do you want? Is that not enough?

If this is acceptable by you from Israel, I hope you and your family experience this “justice” and “humanity”.

Stop wasting time on this Hasbara troll brother. He gets paid to post garbage and trigger people.
You're rationalizing with an online equivalent of a kamikaze pilot. It is a one way trip each time... the load out is only set to dispense one-way!

He wants you to google the UN conventions ... but it wouldn't satiate his gripe... Israel singularly remains the preeminent reason for US use of its VETO powers... the top recipient of US foreign aid, arms and munitions... transfer of technology And diplomatic cover.
You think he is rational? Even if he says so?
You think if you show him as he demands application of law... that GAZA is an occupied territory and lawfully retains the right to retaliate, would suffice?

Your post is good and I kind of was not addressing that Antonius guy--I mostly skip past his messages--it was a broad message, mostly to Americans/Westerners about how their own well being is under threat because the Israelis have hijacked the American political system and my message contained a warning that Americans would only wake up when their compromised political system will start to hurt Americans' bottom lines but by then it might be too late; similar warning was given by the 400+ US Officials after this conflict began.

Europeans, such as @BHAN85 knows well, are also going to be affected, if not already affected by the mass waves of refugees from the wars in the Middle East. Already, if the Red Sea gets totally choked, there are consequences for Europe, on top of the American Neo Cons war against Ukraine.

The Israeli Lobby, working with the Christian Evangelists and the Neo Cons / MI Complex poses the greatest danger to humanity with the possible exception of Climate Change.
Being a hindu zionist is a thankless job... it could only be personal pain that he is taking pleasure in... needling needlessly to gratify that fire in the belly.

Here is the real reason we are seeing a surge in Hindu Zionists-


Israel is now their new daddy.
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I doubt it. Also, it's become abundantly clear that Israel is very clearly hiding its casualties.
Are they now?

Elkana Vizel is one of the IDF soldiers killed in Gaza last night. The Times of Israel reports that he was a squad commander, an elementary school teacher, and an alumnus of the Ramat Gan Hesder Yeshiva. He is survived by his wife Galit and their four children as well as his parents and seven siblings. He insisted on returning to reserve duty after being injured during Operation Protective Edge in 2014. At his wife’s request, he wrote a letter to his family in case of the worst. This is what he wrote:

If you are reading these words, something must have happened to me.
First, in the event that I have been taken captive, I demand that no deal for the release of a single terrorist be made for my release. Our resounding victory is more important than anything else, so please simply continue putting all of your effort into ensuring that our victory is as resounding as possible.
Perhaps I have been killed in battle. When a soldier is killed in battle, it’s sad. But I ask you to be happy. Don’t be sad when you bid farewell to me. Sing a lot, enter people’s hearts, hold one another’s hands and strengthen one another. We have so much to be proud of and be happy about. We are a generation of redemption! We are writing the most significant moments in the history of our nation and of the entire world. So I ask you to please be optimistic. Keep always choosing life – a life of love, hope, purity, and optimism.
Look those who are dear to you in the whites of their eyes and remind them that everything they experience in this life is worth it and they have a great deal to live for. Live! Don’t stop the power of life for even a single moment!
I was already wounded in Operation Protective Edge. I had the option of staying behind, but not for a moment do I regret my decision to go back into combat. On the contrary: it’s the best decision I ever made.
Are they now?

Elkana Vizel is one of the IDF soldiers killed in Gaza last night. The Times of Israel reports that he was a squad commander, an elementary school teacher, and an alumnus of the Ramat Gan Hesder Yeshiva. He is survived by his wife Galit and their four children as well as his parents and seven siblings. He insisted on returning to reserve duty after being injured during Operation Protective Edge in 2014. At his wife’s request, he wrote a letter to his family in case of the worst. This is what he wrote:

RIP and thoughts for family.
He choose to go - the 16 children that were murdered last night didn’t choose to be used as collateral damage. They too had families - they don’t have schools or hospitals as they have been blown up recently. They don’t have media to publicly announce the suffering and hurt the family are feeling. Do you want to share a prayer for them or are your prayers selective?
RIP and thoughts for family.
He choose to go - the 16 children that were murdered last night didn’t choose to be used as collateral damage. They too had families - they don’t have schools or hospitals as they have been blown up recently. They don’t have media to publicly announce the suffering and hurt the family are feeling. Do you want to share a prayer for them or are your prayers selective?
Hello, Musings. I'd respond to you more but there's clearly an issue with freedom of thought for Pakistanis, as previously posted. So I'll just point out that I was responding to the statement about Israel "hiding its casualties." The article is proof that Israel is not doing so - and links to a further article with more stories of Israeli soldiers - Jews and non-Jews - who were killed in Gaza.
Hello, Musings. I'd respond to you more but there's clearly an issue with freedom of thought for Pakistanis, as previously posted. So I'll just point out that I was responding to the statement about Israel "hiding its casualties." The article is proof that Israel is not doing so - and links to a further article with more stories of Israeli soldiers - Jews and non-Jews - who were killed in Gaza.
Hi Solomon - there is clearly an issue with Israeli information services. Don’t know who you have in charge of this job - is it someone who models himself on Goebells because clearly the information supplied has internationally been renowned to be inaccurate - to say there was 24 deaths on the IDF was a remarkable break from tradition as that’s an extraordinarily high and not keeping with how you guys normally release figures. Make me think it may be actually higher.
still no condolences of the innocent children killed yesterday sir? Is that a very hard thing for you to do?
I seriously wonder what are they afraid of?? Israel will attack aid trucks which are led into Gaza without their permission but Egypt can tell Israelis that an act like this would be considered an act of war and can start moving it's forces into Sinai, if not getting their fighter Jets up to shoot down some Israelis F16s or F15s.

The starvation has reached catastrophic levels imagine not having a proper meal for 110 days.

What if Hamas says that if Israel will not let aid in, then they will kill one hostage each Friday as their people are now dying of starvation. Would this trick work??
our nations are led by cowards. If Hamas does this, it will give them justification to commit more crimes. All they are looking for is reasons to blame Hamas so they can continue the slaughter of civilians.
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Hi Solomon - there is clearly an issue with Israeli information services. Don’t know who you have in charge -
I'm an American, not an Israeli. Do I need to change the flags or something?

OK, updated the info.
RIP and thoughts for family.

One thing I have to say and even a bit admire: Israelis mourning and burying their dead and that too soon after the deaths, sorts of reminds me of the Muslim way: Bury quickly, mourn, grieve, cry around the relatively simpler graves and do with a lot less pomp and fakery than the delayed burials and all the pomp around when the US Servicemen die.
Zionist racists aside, Jews in general appear closer to Muslims. As for Christians--especially the Baptists in America--the less said the better.
I'm an American, not an Israeli. Do I need to change the flags or something?

OK, updated the info.

you don’t need to put a flag up to show us who you are what you are and where you from.
3rd time of asking - still find it difficult to pay condolences for all the children massacred by the IDF? Is it a stumbling block for you? Is it so difficult??
The operations carried out by the Palestinian resistance groups on Tuesday, January 23, are as follows:

Al-Qassam Brigades’ operations:

  • Destroyed an Israeli military vehicle with a Yassin-105s in Khan Yunis city, southern Gaza.
  • Targeted 3 military D9-bulldozers with "Tandem" and Yassin-105s, west of Khan Yunis, southern Gaza.
  • Detonated a pre-rigged building targeting an Israeli infantry force, resulting in the killing of 3 Israeli soldiers and injuring others, west of Khan Yunis city, southern Gaza.
  • Targeted a Merkava tank with a Yassin-105, west of Khan Yunis city.
  • Shelled Israeli military gatherings, southwest of Gaza City, with heavy-caliber mortars.
  • Seized three Israeli military drones, including 2 Spike Firefly (“Maoz”) quadcopter drones, south of the Zaytoun neighborhood in Gaza City.
  • Executed a complex operation east of Al-Maghazi Camp after targeting a building housing the Israeli military's engineering force with an anti-personnel shell, causing the ammunition and engineering equipment it possessed to explode. At the same time, fighters destroyed a Merkava tank that was providing cover to the regime forces with a Yassin-105 rocket. They also detonated a minefield blowing up another Zionist battalion in the same location. This complex and well-coordinated operation resulted in 24 confirmed Israeli military fatalities and many more injuries.
Al-Quds Brigades’ operations:

  • Blew up a Merkava tank with “Thaqqib-barrel” high-explosives near Khan Yunis.
  • Launched a barrage of mortar shells at the positions of Israeli soldiers and vehicles in the western axis of Khan Yunis city.
  • Inflicted casualties among Israeli soldiers in Al-Bureij and Al-Maghazi camps in central Gaza.
  • Targeted a Merkava tank and a military D9-bulldozer with RPGs, east of Al-Maghazi. Shelled IOF forces, southeast of Al-Bureij Camp, with mortars and Badr-1 IRAM rockets.
  • Targeted Israeli snipers in a building in Al-Maghazi Camp with two guided 107-missiles.
Mujahideen Brigades’ operations:

  • Downed a SKY RACING - type 528 IOF drone in Beit Lahia, using appropriate weapons.
  • Targeted a group of Israeli soldiers and vehicles in the eastern Jabalia area with a Sa'ir missile, causing the death of at least 4 IOF soldiers.
Al-Aqsa Brigades’ operations:

  • Targeted a group of Israeli soldiers with shells, located behind vehicles near a house in the western axis of Khan Yunis, inflicting direct injuries and causing casualties.
  • Bombarded an Israeli tank depot with a barrage of regular 60mm mortars in the Khan Yunis axis.

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