Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

One thing I have to say and even a bit admire: Israelis mourning and burying their dead and that too soon after the deaths, sorts of reminds me of the Muslim way: Bury quickly, mourn, grieve, cry around the relatively simpler graves and do with a lot less pomp and fakery than the delayed burials and all the pomp around when the US Servicemen die.
Zionist racists aside, Jews in general appear closer to Muslims. As for Christians--especially the Baptists in America--the less said the better.
A lot to be admired about Judaism - after all the similarities are there to be seen of the 2 faiths.
I lived in Belgium for a while and there was plenty Jewish - we could eat kosher - we mixed and lovely people.
It’s the Zionists that have hijacked the faith.
A report in the Lebanese newspaper Al-Akhbar: Egypt rejected Israeli proposals for a long-term humanitarian truce, in exchange for the exile of Hamas leaders through the Rafah crossing. They said in Cairo, “These proposals are impossible to implement and are a waste of time. Negotiations must be based on reasonable demands.”

Your post is good and I kind of was not addressing that Antonius guy--I mostly skip past his messages--it was a broad message, mostly to Americans/Westerners about how their own well being is under threat because the Israelis have hijacked the American political system and my message contained a warning that Americans would only wake up when their compromised political system will start to hurt Americans' bottom lines but by then it might be too late; similar warning was given by the 400+ US Officials after this conflict began.

Europeans, such as @BHAN85 knows well, are also going to be affected, if not already affected by the mass waves of refugees from the wars in the Middle East. Already, if the Red Sea gets totally choked, there are consequences for Europe, on top of the American Neo Cons war against Ukraine.

The Israeli Lobby, working with the Christian Evangelists and the Neo Cons / MI Complex poses the greatest danger to humanity with the possible exception of Climate Change.

"Extremist" an appropriated term by zionists, applied selectively and parroted endlessly against the victims of zionism... just like anti sementi, holocaust etc... to hush even a conversation around their actions.

Wants to build a zion on blood and bones of Palestinians! That is the definition of the Extremist!

People get carried over all the time by the rising tide of propaganda onslaught. And the victim gets further dehumanized, Isolated and banished!

It is a path, a conduit to full scale ethnic cleansing and erasing all traces of a nation and replacement in front of everyone... handicapped by an onslaught of selective application of laws, control of narrative, actively otherizing and dehumanizing them... joining in and complying with the powers that be and inserting themselves in positive theology, popular discourse and civilizational affinity in fact continuation... jumping ship with the changing tides.

The chameleon that never got caught... see musk as a deer in the headlights... owned first and than appropriated in the narrative to give it cover and reconcile.

All of these just need an opening and zionist know their bases ... which is why talking points must be nitty-gritty... isolated and confined.

Because, once it is history no one will be able to reconcile or bring its victims back nor undo what is done.
I seriously wonder what are they afraid of?? Israel will attack aid trucks which are led into Gaza without their permission but Egypt can tell Israelis that an act like this would be considered an act of war and can start moving it's forces into Sinai, if not getting their fighter Jets up to shoot down some Israelis F16s or F15s.

The starvation has reached catastrophic levels imagine not having a proper meal for 110 days.

What if Hamas says that if Israel will not let aid in, then they will kill one hostage each Friday as their people are now dying of starvation. Would this trick work??

Egypt decided to become a "cuck' nation by signing up to the peace agreement with the occupied entity in Palestine.

I do not want to make a judgement on whether they were right or wrong but they literally totally gave away their foreign policy to the Zionists in return for getting the Sinai back and 2 billion US dollars of aid a year from the US.

Most of this aid is in the form of downgraded weapons and US gives them both downgraded F-16s and Abrams tanks. The F-16s do not even have any version of the AMRAAM missile and so no match for the planes from the Zionists.

If Egypt wants to be able to take on the Zionists then it needs to get the best export model planes from the Chinese - J-10Cs now and J-35s in a few years.

PS - The Rafale that France sold them did not get the Meteor missile in order to retain the Zionist military edge.

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