Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Militias engaged in wars such as Gaza, Lebanon lead to too much deaths of innocent civilians, a genocide.

Optimistic solution: The best option for the Arabs is to unite politically, economically and militarily, form a close partnership with Russia, China, Africa, ASEAN then enter Gaza and West Bank, secure the Palestinian population and land, this will lead to stalemate for decades but atleast innocents will not die. They can impose sanctions on Israel which will cost Usa billions extra every year, this great project will become a liability. They dont need to attack anyone.

The problem is Israel is 10 steps ahead, the biggest betrayal to Palestinians is by their own Arab nations who have close diplomatic, economic relations with Israel, they are dreaming of recognising Israel, Israel also will not allow the Arab nations to unite, their agents will always find something for the Arabs to fight over, which makes them weaker and divided.
Everyone says there are two options one is two state solution, the other is including Palestinian in Israel letting them vote. But as Chomsky points out Israel has already chosen the third option that is no land for Palestinians , no rights for them.
It has been working to drive them away for past 75 years.
One day we shall liberate it but it will be by force and the last day of nation is Israel insha'Allah.
Good post but don't think that the Arabs cannot unite against the Zionists ever. It is just that since the creation of the Zionist entity the balance of power in the world has favoured the Zionists.

Remember the Arab people are overwhelmingly pro-Palestinian and anti-Zionist and would like that settler state gone from their region.

Their leaders only survive due to the current balance of power and once that changes then they either adapt to the new reality or get swept away.
That's why Americans support these regimes because it helps them control middle East. If there ever comes a democracy American hold on middle East will end
Good post but don't think that the Arabs cannot unite against the Zionists ever. It is just that since the creation of the Zionist entity the balance of power in the world has favoured the Zionists.
Remember the Arab people are overwhelmingly pro-Palestinian and anti-Zionist and would like that settler state gone from their region.
Their leaders only survive due to the current balance of power and once that changes then they either adapt to the new reality or get swept away.

Good post, especially noted the point about the formation of Israel around the time when America became a Superpower.
Also, any idea of the Arab unity is too far fetched into the foreseeable future. It is happening, slowly but I believe there is race against time as far as the Israel-Palestinian conflict is concerned. Not only the Settlements are growing rapidly but Israel, taking advantage of the current conflict, will try its hard to expel Palestinians enough that they wouldn't pose a military or demographic threat.
Arabs are deliberately bribed or threatened to cut them off from supporting Palestinians. It is not a coincidence that Egypt and Jordan are at peace with Israel and I think the same would be the fate of Lebanon and Syria had it not been Iran's backing for those two countries.

The Palestinian mujahideen were shelling IsraHelli airbases. Could it be that those rockets damaged some of the existing inventory of the apartheid state's air force?

Or it is possible they want to wage war on Lebanon after Hezbollah refused to go beyond the Litani river.

Egypt also rebuffed their demands to control the Philadelphia axis.

Whatever the case, the child killers are desperate.
Good post but don't think that the Arabs cannot unite against the Zionists ever. It is just that since the creation of the Zionist entity the balance of power in the world has favoured the Zionists.

Remember the Arab people are overwhelmingly pro-Palestinian and anti-Zionist and would like that settler state gone from their region.

Their leaders only survive due to the current balance of power and once that changes then they either adapt to the new reality or get swept away.
Then Palestinian state is long gone. Gaza was part of Egypt and WestBank part of Jordan, they should never have given up their claim on it until Palestinian state was established. For the militias to liberate Palestine could take centuries, or until the balance of power changes towards Arabs.
Everyone says there are two options one is two state solution, the other is including Palestinian in Israel letting them vote. But as Chomsky points out Israel has already chosen the third option that is no land for Palestinians , no rights for them.
It has been working to drive them away for past 75 years.
One day we shall liberate it but it will be by force and the last day of nation is Israel insha'Allah.
From what I read, Israel creation is sign of judgement day, israel will continue to stay and become super power, their aim is to be the ruling power of the world so dajaal can come to rule the world from Jerusalem, to sit on his throne, from then onwards it will be its downfall. Currently Israel is showing its power, noone in the one dares to challenge its cruelty, Usa/Britain are under the thumbs of Israel.

🔹 *Breaking Israeli media :*
*We count frightening numbers of wounded every day, at a rate of 60 new cases, the vast majority of whom are reserve soldiers*
🔹 *Urgent Israeli Member of Knesset :*
*There are no more bombs in the world to buy for use in the war on Gaza*
🔹*Smotrich is a minister in the enemy entity :*
*Qatar is a state that supports terrorism and is a partner of Hamas and is largely responsible for the October 7 attacks ..*
Why Nigeria?
because Nigeria is a willing and committed US proxy, so US "tells "Nigeria what to do. Did you notice Nigeria hasnt yet shown serious interest in joining BRICS? Why? same reason Nigeria is "supporting " Israel now - US instructions that the Nigerian lackey is happy to follow, in the wish and dream of "living and having access like the West does". I"m half Nigerian, i've studied the avg Nigerians' mindset. what a shame.

@Meengla your point on this saying that Nigeria has alot of Evangelical Christians who blindly support Israel, that is true and that adds to the weight that Nigeria puts behind its views of and relations with Israel. But if we remove the Evangelical Christian Nigerians from the equation, Nigeria would still very likely be an Israel "supporter"- it has to. lol.
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