Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

In support of the steadfast Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip and in support of their brave and honorable resistance, the Islamic Resistance carried out a number of operations against the positions and deployment of the Israeli enemy army on the Lebanese-Palestinian border on Friday 1/26/2024, according to the following:

- Eastern sector:

1- At 8:10, a gathering of Israeli enemy soldiers in the vicinity of Hunin Castle was targeted with appropriate weapons.
2- At 1:00 p.m., the Maale Golan Barracks was targeted with Falaq 1 missiles, causing direct hits.
3- At 16:10, the gatherings and deployment of enemy soldiers in the Maale Golan Barracks and its surroundings were targeted with a large barrage of Katyusha rockets.
4- At 23:05, targeting the position and deployment of Israeli enemy soldiers near Metulla with missile weapons, causing direct casualties.

- Western sector:

1- At 21:00, a gathering of Israeli enemy soldiers in the vicinity of the Birkat Risha site was targeted with appropriate weapons and it was directly hit.
2- At 21:00, a sniper force in the Islamic Resistance targeted the newly created spy security services mounted on the Zarait barracks.
3- At 21:55, the Zarit Barracks was targeted by a Burkan missile and was hit directly.
4- At 22:00, a gathering of Israeli enemy soldiers on Cobra Hill was targeted with two Burkan missiles and was directly hit.
5- At 22:40, one of the buildings in the Avivim settlement was targeted with appropriate weapons and it was directly hit.
The ICJ ruling should be presented to the security council for action. If the security council fails then Khansaheebs proposal should be implemented:-

"We, as global citizens, have witnessed with horror and despair as some members of the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) have supported or even actively engaged in acts of genocide. The power of veto, held by a select few nations within this council, has been used not as a tool for justice but as an umbrella to protect their interests and inflame conflicts. This undemocratic practice undermines global peace and security.

The UNSC's failure to prevent or thwart genocides is a stark betrayal of the values that our civilised world holds dear. The heart-wrenching scenes from genocides around the globe are etched into our collective memory - bloodshed, cruelty and barbarity that could have been stopped in their early stages if not for the UNSC's ineffectiveness.

This personal trauma shared by many worldwide is further exacerbated by witnessing how these so-called superpowers are either supporting or actively engaged in such atrocities themselves. This has brought disrepute upon the entire United Nations organisation and turmoil around the globe, It is time for change. It is time for us to demand that no nation within the UN should hold veto power which undermines democracy and threatens global peace. It is time we call upon the United Nations General Assembly to vote on disbanding this ineffective Security Council.

You are all urged to demand a more democratic and effective system within our international community - one that truly upholds peace and prevents atrocities rather than enabling them".
It's not within their jurisdiction as they said.
They didn’t have a problem on calling for a ceasefire on Russia-Ukraine so it is evidently within their jurisdiction. This is not just about Israel but also the accomplices that have provided material support for genocide.
The ICJ ruling should be presented to the security council for action. If the security council fails then Khansaheebs proposal should be implemented:-

"We, as global citizens, have witnessed with horror and despair as some members of the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) have supported or even actively engaged in acts of genocide. The power of veto, held by a select few nations within this council, has been used not as a tool for justice but as an umbrella to protect their interests and inflame conflicts. This undemocratic practice undermines global peace and security.

The UNSC's failure to prevent or thwart genocides is a stark betrayal of the values that our civilised world holds dear. The heart-wrenching scenes from genocides around the globe are etched into our collective memory - bloodshed, cruelty and barbarity that could have been stopped in their early stages if not for the UNSC's ineffectiveness.

This personal trauma shared by many worldwide is further exacerbated by witnessing how these so-called superpowers are either supporting or actively engaged in such atrocities themselves. This has brought disrepute upon the entire United Nations organisation and turmoil around the globe, It is time for change. It is time for us to demand that no nation within the UN should hold veto power which undermines democracy and threatens global peace. It is time we call upon the United Nations General Assembly to vote on disbanding this ineffective Security Council.

You are all urged to demand a more democratic and effective system within our international community - one that truly upholds peace and prevents atrocities rather than enabling them".
The UN is a impotent organisation. It follows the dictats of the permanent members and in this case the USA 🇺🇸 UK 🇬🇧 and France 🇫🇷 will veto any action by the Security Council.
How did it let the Palestinians live in peace???

We take you out from your home and let you live in peace on the street!.. you'll do nothing about it!?

They already have their own home, nobody will take them out from their home if not because of war that triggered by Hamas attack and supported by themself.

They can't excuse not to have peace if they keep irrationally demanding Israel to dismiss and surrender Israel territory to them because of their ideology/idealism or their own concept of land ownership.

Can you show me evidence October 7 operation wasn't caused by the oppression and occupation of Palestine from Zionist fascists? You act like October 7 is when Israel decided to start killing Palestinians and not for the last 75+ years.

LOL. You claim so then you are the one who need to show evidence.

But since you ask me, the evidence is clear => OSLO accord. Palestine already have their territory based on OSLO accord, while according to this accord the WB zone C is under Israel authority, so the development of settlement in zone C can't be claimed take over Palestinian land.
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