Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

On both sides? What makes you tell us that Hamas has done what Israel has done to infants of Palestine?

No blood thirsty criminal in human history from Genghiz Khan to Nero comes close to Israel and USA.

Stop equalizing and leaving Hamas and Israeli savages in same category. All of your paid media campaign failed to whitewash Israeli crimes. Compared to them, you are just a random liar.

I know that death toll and suffering are vastly out of balance. But I am not equalizing that. I am only expressing my view that the carnage stops on both sides by both sides and for the sake of both sides. Please understand the difference.
I know that death toll and suffering are vastly out of balance. But I am not equalizing that. I am only expressing my view that the carnage stops on both sides by both sides and for the sake of both sides. Please understand the difference.

There is only carnage on one side now.

Apart from Zionist terrorists fighting in Gaza, no civilians on the Zionist side are dying as a result of Hamas resistance.

It is a false to say that the carnage must stop on both sides.
There is only carnage on one side now.

Apart from Zionist terrorists fighting in Gaza, no civilians on the Zionist side are dying as a result of Hamas resistance.

It is a false to say that the carnage must stop on both sides.

The carnage I refer to has gone on for decades. But you are right that it is on one side for the last several months. Unfortunately there will be a balance shift back and forth as always coming up. Just like the past.
The carnage I refer to has gone on for decades. But you are right that it is on one side for the last several months. Unfortunately there will be a balance shift back and forth as always coming up. Just like the past.
With who, the Gazans might disappear.
Everyone is impotent to the ground reality, are they not? So why flog a dead horse.

Look at the global marches, what did they achieve you could argue .

Unless you want to be wedded to the idea of impotence you need to explore avenues of resistance

The icj ruling was a legal process the whole world saw, it will now ensure that Israel is in the dock for a while and if Gaza does disappear from the news cycle the case is there.

It's your choice to describe that as only symbolic, results do not come into fruition over night and symbols give rise to endeavour.

these people fighting the case are putting in effort to fight in the way they can... with their brains and their spirit, I commend them.

You know damned well that the response from the world is inadequate. I have also been reading Muslim responses on social media. Allah is always burdened with helping the Palestinians. It just won't cut it. Let's call a spade a spade. The response has been awfully inadequate. Tens of thousands have already died and God knows how many more will follow.

Israel is literally massacring an entire people. The world is just talking and watching. That is essentially what it amounts to. I am not to going celebrate some pathetic ruling by the ICJ that won't have any meaningful impact. It is a fact. Israel won't stop even when the ICJ has handed out a watered down verdict.

The Western countries are now in the mood of punishing the Palestinians even more. All I see is concrete action from Israel and her supporters. The opposite side is just busy talking and mourning. Not good enough.
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All I see is concrete action from Israel and her supporters. The opposite side is just busy talking and mourning. Not good enough.

Ok. This is not a revelation, if you expected otherwise then...

I could say all I hear is endless lament, even on those who lift a finger, let's lament them too.

let's start from nowhere at all. Sounds like a winning strategy.
Ok. This is not a revelation, if you expected otherwise then...

I could say all I hear is endless lament, even on those who lift a finger, let's lament them too.

let's start from nowhere at all. Sounds like a winning strategy.

Palestinians are paying a massive price but the Zionist entity and their western supporters have been shown to be monstrous and hypocritical criminals.

This just united the "Global South" against them and strategically it is a defeat for them. They have lost that "Human Rights" card for good that they have played for many decades.
Palestinians are paying a massive price but the Zionist entity and their western supporters have been shown to be monstrous and hypocritical criminals.

This just united the "Global South" against them and strategically it is a defeat for them. They have lost that "Human Rights" card for good that they have played for many decades.

So this action in the icj is mobilising the global South in creating further cracks in a system that has allowed and enabled the subjugation of Palestinians, it's been not even a month.

Opinion polls in the West show the young are not pro Israeli, the old guard Zionists are worried.

But let's lament instead.

Israel Struggles to Destroy Hamas’s Gaza Tunnel Network​

As much as 80% of Hamas’s vast warren of tunnels under Gaza remains intact after weeks of Israeli efforts to destroy them, U.S. and Israeli officials said, hampering Israel’s central war aims

Now, what did Israel accomplish besides killing women and children? They haven’t destroyed the tunnels or “eradicated” Hamas.
They have hundreds maybe thousands of bunker busters, they seem to be using them to destroy civilian buildings mostly.

Iv said this before, to me this is a ethnic cleansing operation primarily, secondary is to kill hamas, third hostage rescuing.

The deliberate destruction of homes and hospitals, farms, cultural buildings, religious buildings, libraries points to making gaza unlivable.

These genocidal manics said from the start they will make Gaza a parking lott this is their aim.
So this action in the icj is mobilising the global South in creating further cracks in a system that has allowed and enabled the subjugation of Palestinians, it's been not even a month.

Opinion polls in the West show the young are not pro Israeli, the old guard Zionists are worried.

But let's lament instead.

It is easy to be despondent when you see such montrous crimes being committed by the Zionists with almost unanimous support of their western backers.

However, we need to realise that it is in fact weakness and insecurity that is driving them to these measures.

The "Global South" is rising rapidly and within just 10-15 years we will have an alternative economic and technological system, and as the old white racists die off in the west, the zionists will find it increasingly difficult to control and/or influence western countries as they have done so since WW2.

In my opinion, this genocide of Gazans has sealed the fate of the settlers in Palestine and there is no way that either the Palestinians or their neighbours will ever accept their presence in the region permanently anymore. Talk of two-state solution is dead now and there must be one state called Palestine with 90% with no family links to Palestine since before the British turned up in 2017 expelled.
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agreed these rockets by some estimate are close to 150,000 missiles

Tel Aviv will burn hot 15,000 casualties are expected in a single attack

Hezbollah already fired over 1,000 ATGM missiles

hope they have plenty in store for the incoming Merkavas

Hezbollah will make the Yasin 105 look like a toy
It’s the air and missile bases they need to target. Israel will use its Air Force and not tanks on the ground..
It is easy to be despondent when you see such montrous crimes being committed by the Zionists with almost unanimous support of their western backers.

However, we need to realise that it is in fact weakness and insecurity that is driving them to these measures.

The "Global South" is rising rapidly and within just 10-15 years we will have an alternative economic and technological system, and as the old white racists die off in the west, the zionists will find it increasingly difficult to control and/or influence western countries as they have done so since WW2.

In my opinion, this genocide of Gazans has sealed the fate of the settlers in Palestine and there is no way that either the Palestinians or their neighbours will ever accept their presence in the region permanently anymore. Talk of two-state solution is dead now and there must be one state called Palestine with 90% with no family links to Palestine since before the British turned out expelled.

A generation of young people on social media have seen everything we have seen and more, girls as well seeing the dead children, it's hit a deep nerve.

A question falls onto the Arab people if they will tolerate their leaders making nice with Israel, Israel can still have plausible visibility if Arab sentiment does not strongly go against them.

For all the talk the Turks and gulf states will try and do business with Israel.

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