Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

The preemptive strike was self defense in nature, considering Arab leagues' tendency to attack Israel in the past and the accumulation of military power in the borders.
Attacking someone is not self defense. There is no self defense in nature. You said Arabs attacked them now you say self defense by nature. Why do you keep changing your story when you get called out for your lies?

Background of preemptive strike:
  1. Mobilization of Arab Forces: In the weeks leading up to the war, Egypt, along with other Arab states like Syria and Jordan, mobilized and positioned their armed forces near Israel's borders. This was perceived in Israel as a clear sign of an impending attack.
  2. Political Rhetoric: The rhetoric from Arab leaders, including Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser, was often aggressively anti-Israel and was interpreted as signaling an intent to go to war. Nasser's statements, in particular, were viewed as a direct threat to Israel's existence.
  3. Blocking the Straits of Tiran: Egypt's blockade of the Straits of Tiran, a crucial maritime passage for Israeli shipping, was considered by Israel as a casus belli. This act was perceived not only as an economic threat but also as a strategic and military provocation.
Any country is allowed to have war games or anything of that nature on their own territory. Having a military buildup means nothing as long as they did not attack. Attacking Israel in the past? Egypt only attacked Israel in 1948 under pressure from the Nakba that Israel rolled out on the Palestinian people. Yes, that is not the same thing as you claim.

Egypt has every right to be anti anyone it wants especially one who kicked out 700,000 Palestinians and destroyed over 500 Palestinian villages. Egypt blocking the strait is within Egypts right because it is. EGYPTS TERRITORY. You have no say in another’s territory especially a colonizer. Even if internationally community ruled against Egypt, it does not give them the right to attack them. It was not an armed attack but as a result of your occupation of Palestine and the nakba you rolled out.

Side not:
You make the claim that it’s self defense to attack another country over their sovereign control of their territorial water?

Yet you are a hypocrite because not only is Israel laying siege on Gaza blocking anything from coming in and out. They close their airspace, control their movement, control the goods coming in, sea, and everything in between. You even restrict goods coming in and ban items like chocolate, wtf? It is also an occupying power. All of this yet Palestinians have no right to all these provactions on their own territory. The difference is you are actually controlling another people and their territory while Egypt is exercising their right on their own territory.

If Israel was justified to attack Egypt because of the control of it own territorial water. Hamas is 1 million times more justified to attack Israel for all the crimes and siege it lays on Palestinians in their own territory.

Hypocrite hypocrite hypocrite
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Hi guys, I have 3 questions.

Are there any major development going on or is it the same as usual Israel genociding them and ceasefire talks?

Are Palestinians showing defiance?

Are there changes in neighboring countries (escalations, borders reinforcement etc) or are they still idle as usual?

PDF is the only source I rely on for the Palestine situation but I can't keep up with this thread due to how heavily active it is.
Attacking someone is not self defense. There is no self defense in nature. You said Arabs attacked them now you say self defense by nature. Why do you keep changing your story when you get called out for your lies?

Any country is allowed to have war games or anything of that nature on their own territory
. Having a military buildup means nothing as long as they did not attack. Attacking Israel in the past? Egypt only attacked Israel in 1948 under pressure from the Nakba that Israel rolled out on the Palestinian people. Yes, that is not the same thing as you claim.

Egypt has every right to be anti anyone it wants especially one who kicked out 700,000 Palestinians and destroyed over 500 Palestinian villages. Egypt blocking the strait is within Egypts right because it is. EGYPTS TERRITORY. You have no say in another’s territory especially a colonizer. Even if internationally community ruled against Egypt, it does not give them the right to attack them. It was not an armed attack but as a result of your occupation of Palestine and the nakba you rolled out.

Side not:
You make the claim that it’s self defense to attack another country over their sovereign control of their territorial water?

LOL. Since when war games conducted without pre announcement ?
By your logic Russia should launch hundred of nuclear ICBM to west Atlantic without notification for reason of war game so that US will be off guard.

You need to announce plan to have war game if your intention is really war game. otherwise dont blame your neigbouring enemy if she feel threatened then conduct preemptive strike.

There was NO announcement of war game to Israel at that time when massive military built up around the border while the rhetoric from Arab leaders, including Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser, was often aggressively anti-Israel and was interpreted as signaling an intent to go to war. Nasser's statements, in particular, were viewed as a direct threat to Israel's existence. More over Egypt had blockaded of the Straits of Tiran at that time. Of course Israel couldn't ignore and consider it just simply a war exercise.

Yet you are a hypocrite because not only is Israel laying siege on Gaza blocking anything from coming in and out. They close their airspace, control their movement, control the goods coming in, sea, and everything in between. You even restrict goods coming in and ban items like chocolate, wtf? It is also an occupying power. All of this yet Palestinians have no right to all these provactions on their own territory. The difference is you are actually controlling another people and their territory while Egypt is exercising their right on their own territory.

If Israel was justified to attack Egypt because of the control of it own territorial water. Hamas is 1 million times more justified to attack Israel for all the crimes and siege it lays on Palestinians in their own territory.

Hypocrite hypocrite hypocrite

The hypocrite one is the one who blame a certain country (Israel) for having closed border with Gaza while not blaming another country (Egypt) for having done the same with Gaza, while Egypt doesn't experience security concern with the human trafic from Gaza as much as Israel.
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On both sides? What makes you tell us that Hamas has done what Israel has done to infants of Palestine?

No blood thirsty criminal in human history from Genghiz Khan to Nero comes close to Israel and USA.

Stop equalizing and leaving Hamas and Israeli savages in same category. All of your paid media campaign failed to whitewash Israeli crimes. Compared to them, you are just a random liar.

There is no comparison between the two sides. One, if it doesn't violently resist, is going to be either expelled or made subjugate for centuries.
And unfortunately this guy, who is a veritable mouthpiece of the Neo Cons, is brought back as a Moderator in this extremely sensitive thread!
The Philadelphia Corridor is to pay attention to. There were credible sources saying Egypt was offered a chunk of money--such as $20 billion and write off some loans--if Egypt were to take the Gazans and settle them in Sinai. But even Sisi knew it was a ploy because once the Gazans would attack from Sinai then Israel would attack the Sinai and try to occupy and annex. But now the P. Corridor is becoming a bone of contention because Israelis think that's where the supplies to Gazans are still coming.
Guerilla forces are more dangerous if they find supply routes.
The Philadelphia Corridor is to pay attention to. There were credible sources saying Egypt was offered a chunk of money--such as $20 billion and write off some loans--if Egypt were to take the Gazans and settle them in Sinai. But even Sisi knew it was a ploy because once the Gazans would attack from Sinai then Israel would attack the Sinai and try to occupy and annex. But now the P. Corridor is becoming a bone of contention because Israelis think that's where the supplies to Gazans are still coming.
Guerilla forces are more dangerous if they find supply routes.

I agree. I think that is the next hotspot too, but not because that is where the supplies are coming from. It is because Israel wants to destroy the infrastructure at the Rafah border and then push over the 700-800k refugees who were displaced from the north, to Rafah into Sinai. Israel has asked Egypt to remove all Egyptian forces from Egyptian soild, and move them further back so that it can do "its operations" ...

What Egypt does next will be interesting...

Israel's ability to wage war right now is exhausted/tired, Egypt is fresh. And, while the Egyptian Airforce is under a massive disadvantage by not having any form of effective BVR capability due to some odd procurement decisions when compared to Israel, right now - Israeli Army would struggle to take on Egypt. Egypt will get mauled by the Israeli Airforce if it dares to challenge in the air... But - the Israeli Army has been mauled in Gaza, their capbility is degraded and that will make Israeli wary for sure.

Whether Israel decides to take on Hezbollah before, or, after Egypt is also worth considering.
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I agree. I think that is the next hotspot too, but not because that is where the supplies are coming from. It is because Israel wants to destroy the infrastructure at the Rafah border and then push over the 700-800k refugees who were displaced from the north, to Rafah into Sinai. Israel has asked Egypt to remove all Egyptian forces from Egyptian soild, and move them further back so that it can do "its operations" ...

What Egypt does next will be interesting...

Israel's ability to wage war right now is exhausted/tired, Egypt is fresh. And, while the Egyptian Airforce is under a massive disadvantage by not having any form of effective BVR capability due to some odd procurement decisions when compared to Israel, right now - Israeli Army would struggle to take on Egypt. Egypt will get mauled by the Israeli Airforce if it dares to challenge in the air... But - the Israeli Army has been mauled in Gaza, their capbility is degraded and that will make Israeli wary for sure.

Egypt has 4 battalions of S-300 systems that are fairly modern.

They also have Patriot and IRIS-T systems.
Egypt has 4 battalions of S-300 systems that are fairly modern.

They also have Patriot and IRIS-T systems.

True - but how effective will S-300's be against F-35I's ? Patriots are threat for sure, but how much are they a threat to F-35I's ?
Press conference by the foreign ministers of Egypt and Saudi Arabia

* Use English subtitles

Palestinians condemn suspension of UNRWA funding by Western nations​

Australia, Germany, UK, US and others halt support after Israel accused UNRWA staff of involvement in Hamas’s October 7 attacks.

Which countries have cut funding to UNRWA, and why?​

The UN urges continued funding to UNRWA’s ‘lifesaving’ aid in Gaza, after several Western countries cut aid to the agency.
Canada too in the list.

These so called developed countries are complacent in letting Zionists kill Palestinians by bombing, and now wants to kill more by stopping funding to relief work. Not only that, they are also accusing UNRWA staff of being terrorists. Fear mongering tactic to prevent individual citizens to stop donating to Palestine.

If you are able, please continue to donate to UNRWA.
The operations carried out by the Palestinian resistance groups in Gaza on Saturday, January 27, are as follows:

Al-Qassam Brigades’ operations:

  • Targeted an Israeli military D9 bulldozer with a Yassin-105 rocket in the Al-Amal neighborhood, west of Khan Yunis city, in the southern Gaza Strip.
  • Targeted a Merkava tank with a Yassin-105 rocket in Khan Yunis city, southern Gaza Strip.
Al-Quds Brigades’ operations:

  • Engaged in clashes with Israeli forces and their army vehicles, using machine guns and anti-tank missiles, in the west and south of Khan Yunis city.
  • Shelled ‘Sderot’, ‘Nir Am,’ and other settlements in the Gaza envelope with a barrage of rockets.
  • Targeted a Merkava tank and two Israeli military vehicles with RPGs in the western axis of Khan Yunis city.
  • Shelled the Israeli military gatherings around the Abu Safiyah military site east of the Maghazi camp in the central Gaza Strip with a volley of mortars.
  • Shelled the supply line and Israeli military vehicles' movement with mortars, east of the Maghazi camp in the central Gaza Strip.
  • Fired of barrage of mortar shells at Israeli regime soldiers and their vehicles in the west and southwest of Khan Yunis City.
Al-Mujahideen Brigades’ operations:

  • Targeted the deployment and concentration of Israeli regime soldiers west of Beit Lahia with heavy-caliber mortars.
Martyr Omar Al-Qasim Forces’ operations:

  • Shelled Israeli forces infiltrating Khan Younis with mortars and 107mm rockets.
  • Clashed with Israeli forces in Baten Al-Samin and Al-Amal neighborhood, and fired an RPG at one of their military vehicles.
Al-Aqsa Brigades’ operations:

  • Engaged in clashes with Israeli forces west of Khan Younis city in the southern Gaza Strip.
  • Engaged in clashes with Israeli forces, using appropriate weapons, on the axis of the Al-Atatra area, north of Beit Lahia, in the northern Gaza Strip.
  • Clashed with Israeli forces on the axes east of Khan Younis in the southern Gaza Strip using appropriate weapons.
Al-Asifah Forces’ operations:

  • Shelled the gatherings of Israeli forces near the city of Khan Younis in southern Gaza with several short-range rockets and mortars.
I agree. I think that is the next hotspot too, but not because that is where the supplies are coming from. It is because Israel wants to destroy the infrastructure at the Rafah border and then push over the 700-800k refugees who were displaced from the north, to Rafah into Sinai. Israel has asked Egypt to remove all Egyptian forces from Egyptian soild, and move them further back so that it can do "its operations" ...

What Egypt does next will be interesting...

Israel's ability to wage war right now is exhausted/tired, Egypt is fresh. And, while the Egyptian Airforce is under a massive disadvantage by not having any form of effective BVR capability due to some odd procurement decisions when compared to Israel, right now - Israeli Army would struggle to take on Egypt. Egypt will get mauled by the Israeli Airforce if it dares to challenge in the air... But - the Israeli Army has been mauled in Gaza, their capbility is degraded and that will make Israeli wary for sure.

Whether Israel decides to take on Hezbollah before, or, after Egypt is also worth considering.

Remember nothing happens in isolation, if Israel and Egypt were to kick off, I cant see Jordan staying still or the GCC countries. You could see Muslim countries actually getting involved as it has regional consequences.

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