Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Hamas has rejected the ceasefire

Hamas did not reject ceasefire; they wanted ceasefire to be first implemented before any exchange of prisoners takes place. They want Israel Occupation Forces to withdraw from Gaza. And they want the siege to end.

Israel opposed all of those points but only offered a temporary pause of the conflict without commitment to end the conflict, the siege, & withdrawal from Gaza.
You just stuck with one issue regarding preemptive strike 1967 that I have clarified many times, but failed to respond the other issues and arguments.

Egypt was indeed aggressor, invade Israel since 1948. That justified Israel to take pre emptive strike when Egypt threat Israel with rhetorical remarks and military built up on borders.

You can't said preemptive strike was not justifiable when you justify all the attacks threatening a sovereign nation (Israel) and violating international laws.

You did not clarify anything but got caught on your lie so you backtrack and try to make a claim that it was “justifiable”. You said Egypt attacked nothing else was said about that.

Like I said, Palestinians have the right to resist against our colonizers who is still to this day building illegal settlements on our land while oppressing us for over 75 years.

First, UN never take any land. Second: palestine region must be 100% belong to Arab Palestinian is your own rule, not according to UN, world and justice. The world is not under your control hence you can't push your wish as law that has to be followed by every body.
I never said the world was under my control. You came not to live with the Palestinians but to steal our land and expel our people to make your “Jewish State”. Under international law we are allowed to go back to our land. You were the aggressor from the beginning when you decided you need to colonize my land to make your fascist state.
The one who don't clarify anything is the one who keeps denials and having lost arguments.
Egypt indeed attacked.

Palestinians have right to resist against whoever they consider as colonizers.
Israelis also have right to exterminate whoever they consider as terrorist.

But your insistence about your demand indicates that you thought the world should follow your rule/demand/expectation which is delusional.

The fact is the world doesn't follow your rule and doesn't care with your demand 100% Palestine territory. The world still want UN resolution 181 or Oslo accord.
This thread as I have told you on numerous occasions isn’t about Egypt attacking anyone. Stick to the actual topic.
You didn’t answer me or is it because you can’t answer?
Last week when the IDF killed a man carrying a white flag trying to get to his family - the people waiting for humanitarian aide like bread and water were shot in the back - are these war crimes and is this genocide? Or is the IDF justified in these actions?
Now instead of going round in circles and trying to duck the question - try answering the question
Even worse;

Israel has demonstrated to be worse than Hamas. At least Hamas doesn´t kill civilians slowly by hunger and without medicines.

Israel is doing methodically doing that. They started carpet bombing gaza (killing thousand of civilians) and after that, they are DEALING WITH HUMANITARIAN AID, deliberating banning the entrance of food and medicines to the Gaza Strip. United Nations have been during MONTHS warning about not providing with basic needs to civilians. After that, Israel started accusing UNRWA about being involved in 7 October´s attacks.

At least Hamas killed civilians fast. But Israel are doing it slowly and masterfully planned. They are killing the whole Gaza Strip´s population.
Hamas didn't drop 1 ton bombs on women and Children
The one who don't clarify anything is the one who keeps denials and having lost arguments.
Egypt indeed attacked.
The one that is in denial is the one that makes excuses for getting caught in a lie.

Palestinians have right to resist against whoever they consider as colonizers.
Israelis also have right to exterminate whoever they consider as terrorist.

But your insistence about your demand indicates that you thought the world should follow your rule/demand/expectation which is delusional.

The fact is the world doesn't follow your rule and doesn't care with your demand 100% Palestine territory. The world still want UN resolution 181 or Oslo accord.
Does Israel abide by the UN resolution 181? No, they are still oppressing the Palestinian and building illegal settlements. They also deny them the right to return which is their right under international law.

The PA gave up their guns , recognized, Israel, make security cooperations, etc yet you still never abided by anything and kept building illegal settlements.

Let me guess your excuse to this.
But khamas, Khamas, Khamas

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