Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

You can’t justify the murder of 30,000 innocent Palestinians. I wish to respect your beliefs but your non acceptance of ethnic cleansing being taking place as we speak - makes it difficult. What do you call displacing 90% Palestinians?

Which case are you referring?

This thread as I have told you on numerous occasions isn’t about Egypt attacking anyone. Stick to the actual topic.
You didn’t answer me or is it because you can’t answer?
Last week when the IDF killed a man carrying a white flag trying to get to his family - the people waiting for humanitarian aide like bread and water were shot in the back - are these war crimes and is this genocide? Or is the IDF justified in these actions?
Now instead of going round in circles and trying to duck the question - try answering the question

I don't want to talk about Egypt but this guy repeating and insist me to discuss about it.

In general it is wrong, but we need to see in more details the cause and the reason why IDF shot the man.
It is you.

Yes, but since you disrespected the resolution and denied it by keep attacking then there was no reason for Israel to 100% obey, was it?
Things has changed since you refuse resolution 181 and started aggressions, and then it developed to Oslo accord.

Settlement doesn't violate OSLO accord, but violate UN resolution 2334.

Violations by the Palestinian Authority include:
  1. Security Cooperation and Violence: One of the critical components of the Oslo Accords was the requirement for the Palestinian Authority to prevent acts of terrorism and violence against Israel and to cooperate with Israeli security services. There have been periods when Israel has accused the PA of not adequately controlling or preventing acts of violence by Palestinian individuals or groups. In some cases, factions within the PA or associated with it have been implicated in such acts.
  2. Incitement: Israel has frequently accused the PA of inciting violence against Israel, whether through official media channels, educational materials, or statements by officials. The Oslo Accords include provisions about preventing incitement and fostering an environment conducive to peace.
  3. Unilateral Actions: The Oslo Accords envisioned a negotiated path towards a final status agreement on key issues like borders, the status of Jerusalem, settlements, and refugees. Israel has accused the PA of attempting to bypass negotiations by seeking international recognition of statehood unilaterally. For example, the PA's efforts to gain recognition at the United Nations and join international bodies have been seen by Israel as a violation of the principle that the final status should be resolved through direct negotiations.

Nope. Sorry.
The moment you decided to build your state on our land, you were the aggressor and colonizer. This was started from you because you came not to live with the Palestinians but to colonize our land. So you admit they do violate the UN? OSLO didn’t tell you to keep building illegal settlements and oppressing the Palestinians. You used the 2 state solution as an excuse to buy more time to steal more land. Your intention was never a 2 state solution.

Did you forget you assassinated Yitzhak Rabin when he signed OSLO?

Didn’t Nentanyahu brag about he stopped a two state solution?

Under internationally law Palestinians have the right to return to their land. You have no right to deny them this right. You deny them this right because you know there would be no Jewish state without the expulsion and killing of Palestinians from their homes.
Over 700,000 kicked out and over 500 villages destroyed. Palestinians have every right to resist you colonizers
Which case are you referring?

I don't want to talk about Egypt but this guy repeating and insist me to discuss about it.

In general it is wrong, but we need to see in more details the cause and the reason why IDF shot the man.
I wasn’t even speaking with you. You brought up 1967. I merely replied to you that we did not attack, you attacked. You are the one always diverting the topic at hand. I merely just respond to your lies. I’m done with this topic because you just like to divert as usual to what is happening in Gaza now.
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I don't want to talk about Egypt but this guy repeating and insist me to discuss about it.

In general it is wrong, but we need to see in more details the cause and the reason why IDF shot the man.
I just took time and see it was you that brought up Egypt.

As regards to the man being shot - He was being interviewed by ITN about trying to get water to his family and being reunited with his sisters and mother. 5 minutes later - shot in the back carrying a white flag. What details do you need?
Look the whole area - there is literally dozens of reports everyday - with video evidence - this is genocide and war crimes - whether its 6 months or a year - this will be proven in a court of law. We both know that. Netanyahu will by then have resign and in the ever changing constitution of Israel - he will be immune from prosecution.... and then the sweeping under the carpet will take place.....
And Israel's "Iron Dome" missile stocks are greatly depleted!

Yes. I am sure quietly but quickly the American factories are trying to replenish the Iron Domes for Israel.
Out of 9 launched from northern Gaza yesterday to Tel Aviv and central Israel, 3 hit the ground. I saw an Israeli twist that those three were allowed to land because they were not danger. However, one picture showed a car hit in some urban area (Tel Aviv). Even if no one was hurt, such strikes have huge psychological impact and add to crippling the Israeli economy. Europe would look even more appealing--even the frigid Russia where many of these Chosen Ones came from!

إنا لله وإنا إليه راجعون
لا حول ولا قوة الا بالله العلي العظيم

حَسْبُنَا اللّٰہُ وَنِعْمَ الْوَکِیْلُ
حَسْبُنَا اللّٰہُ وَنِعْمَ الْوَکِیْلُ
حَسْبُنَا اللّٰہُ وَنِعْمَ الْوَکِیْلُ
You just stuck with one issue regarding preemptive strike 1967 that I have clarified many times, but failed to respond the other issues and arguments.
Kid, again... Gaza-Israel conflict!
it is abundantly clear that he isn't even versed in regions history and picks and chooses talking point where he can gaslight his way through false narrative.
In this case he isn't even aware of very basics. An Israeli or relevant party would...
The Suez crisis started in 1956 the pretext of 1967... both preemptive measures in accordance with building Israeli preeminence in the region. If he asks open him another thread so first he goes gets versed in what he is writing.
Second, thread banned for continuing to derail on blatant lies devoid of context where he runs with his argument.

إنا لله وإنا إليه راجعون
لا حول ولا قوة الا بالله العلي العظيم

حَسْبُنَا اللّٰہُ وَنِعْمَ الْوَکِیْلُ
حَسْبُنَا اللّٰہُ وَنِعْمَ الْوَکِیْلُ
حَسْبُنَا اللّٰہُ وَنِعْمَ الْوَکِیْلُ

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