‘India is Broken: A People Betrayed' author estimates India needs 200 million jobs

India is NEVER going to have enough jobs

These clowns keep comparing themselves to China or USA,, but the world simply isn't going to move their manufacturing units or other business to India in mass, with so many world options

China had a moment in time and it seized that moment

That moment has passed and India is just another option, so indians bang on about some success without stating that they have hundreds of millions of job seekers who will go without

Combine that with caste, religion, communalism etc and it's a disaster waiting to happen

India has a decent influx of educated workforce. The problem is jobs. This educated influx will venture out into the world and India will lose the articulation needed for home grown growth. Already happening.
Letting India think they are on the way to being a superpower should not be corrected
The reality will not match the expectations

We have seen with the recent elections the pie is not for everyone, it can't be

Ultimately India India is plugged into the western cogs just to have a role, not be a leader

What world class products do you associate with India, any software?

Automation will further destroy hopes and the very best will come to the west

So nothing to say about the content? Not happy with the analysis? Logic kicks in - blame the author and the liberals. Dismiss it and go off tangent so we dont have to talk about it?
The entire analysis is so full of shit that its not even worth mentioning. 1948, Japan was completely destroyed. Two cities nuked. So any comparison with Indian exports back then is purely stupid. Also post war Japan received massive amount of investment from USA for a country of size of Japan. The entire article is just massive misrepresentation.

Letting India think they are on the way to being a superpower should not be corrected
The reality will not match the expectations

We have seen with the recent elections the pie is not for everyone, it can't be

Ultimately India India is plugged into the western cogs just to have a role, not be a leader

What world class products do you associate with India, any software?

Automation will further destroy hopes and the very best will come to the west

India’s GDP set to double to $7 trillion, third largest in the world by FY30-31: S&P

India is NEVER going to have enough jobs

These clowns keep comparing themselves to China or USA,, but the world simply isn't going to move their manufacturing units or other business to India in mass, with so many world options

China had a moment in time and it seized that moment

That moment has passed and India is just another option, so indians bang on about some success without stating that they have hundreds of millions of job seekers who will go without

Combine that with caste, religion, communalism etc and it's a disaster waiting to happen
China's jobless rates for the 16 to 24 age group, excluding students, rose to to 18.8 per cent in August.
Youth unemployment is a global problem, but in China the rate - 21.3% - is particularly alarming
Still more poverty than Africa?

Let's just stick to the topic


What's the average income😂

GDP growth means more per capita income

Above all it allows Government to collect more resources and spend on welfare programmes
Which reduce poverty and Improve standard of living
Fair enough. Let's talk about it.

First of all what is the source of this claim? Also 2020-2021 was the height of COVID lockdown. I doubt anyone dared going out to get unemployment data.

Go through latest data below.

View attachment 65486View attachment 65487

World Bank data
View attachment 65488
So, in short it seems to be decreasing. We may not have to worry much.
This. This is why all these professor type folks are never reliable. Especially if one is named as "Ashoka Mody". Social science is mostly a joke these days. Unlike hard science, it is never tested against reality. So all the opinions are taken as gospel truths. Here is a blast from his past, his stupid sass and idiotic arse!

He in 1987 recommended India to invest in low-level electronic component manufacturing and focus on hardware system design while software should not be an area of focus because, in his own words,

Finally, the simplest and the lowest value added activity involves writing instructions for the computer to perform certain application. This activity is generally thought of as the 'software' sector and probably constitutes between a half and two-thirds of the Indian 'design-intensive' sector. Included in the sector are venerables such as Tata Burroughs and Tata Consultancy Services, which together account for more than half of India's $ 20 million software exports.
This was laughable even back in 80s. Visionaries like Bill Gates and entire silicon valley had realized the potential of software and entire industry was growing phenomenally. It is funny for this chap, back then a World Bank employee and a graduate of Princeton in Economic with a background in electronics would think that. Something Tatas of India foresaw and he missed! He though software as "the lowest value add". HA!

There is a famous line in "Fire in the valley" when Bill Gates is negotiating a deal with Altair computers in 1980 or so. "Your Computer is marvellous! But it needs our software to function. Otherwise it just sits there and blinks". LOL! Software was and even today is the highest value add in computation. Its the most expensive product out there.

The software sector has been the focus of policy rhetoric It has been 'projected' by theDepartment of Electronics (DOE) that Indian software exports could be around $250 million by 1990, a more than 10-fold increase in less than 5 years. While the current low base is certainly an advantage for achieving high growth rates, the DOE targets are unlikely to be realised for a number of reasons:

It is noteworthy, India software exports grew to 131 million dollars by the end of 1990 and 219 in 1992. Admittedly lower than 250 million that DoE but certainly nowhere near the kind of dismissal that he was basing his recommendation on. Software indeed outgrew ALL other forms of export in electronics from India.

(3) Finally, the exports of the Tata firms(and some other smaller players) have been based on the need to upgrade and modify existing software. This market is created by the progress in computer hardware. There is some indication that the market is unlikely to grow and may even dwindle as hardware designers have been made increasingly condous of maintaining compatibility with existing software.

This is laughable beyond measure. This is an article from 1987. Lets see some numbers..


Even back in 1987, it should have been clear to ANYONE with a single working neuron that software was an area of high growth (30-50% per year). And then this moron suggests that "There is some indication that the market is unlikely to grow and may even dwindle". What the ACTUAL ****! Was he stupid or demented? Its one of the few areas which became a billion dollar export from almost 0 in just 15-16 years!

And Mr Ashok Mody's recommendation was and I quote!

The emphasis should be on the production of components: passive components and simple semiconductor devices, such as small scale (and possibly some large scale) integrated circuits. The export of black and white and colour TVs could be a possibility if the component base is improved and scales of production are increased. In the design intensive sector, the emphasis should be on hardware and systems design; while the software sector should be promoted, less hopes should be placed on it.

Yup! This is what this idiot had recommended as a economic "genious". Now we have seen the reality as this is history. So excuse me if I do not give ANY credence to this idiot's opinion.
GDP growth means more per capita income

Above all it allows Government to collect more resources and spend on welfare programmes
Which reduce poverty and Improve standard of living
So what's the answer?

How much gdp per capita

How many in poverty

How many dalits not being treated like dalits

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