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Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024


Elite Member
May 29, 2011
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I think the Israeli ski station and maybe other high mountain areas are also occupied territories--Golan Heights from Syria and maybe even parts of Lebanon.
These colonialists have an insatiable appetite to expand and create Lebensraum--they are from Europe and so a ski station is a must!

These are the occupied Syrian Golan Heights.

Remember the "rules based order" US broke these own rules, that it claims to uphold, by recognising Zionist annexation of the Syrian Golan Heights.

US has been a "rogue state" for pretty much the last 25 years.


Full Member
Dec 12, 2023
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The operations carried out by the Palestinian resistance groups on Friday, February 23, are as follows:

Al-Qassam Brigades’ operations:

  • Targeted a Merkava tank with Yassin-105 shells, southwest of the Al-Zaytoun neighborhood in Gaza.
  • Targeted a group of Israeli soldiers inside a house with an anti-personnel rocket, south of Al-Zaytoun neighborhood in Gaza, resulting in casualties.
Al-Quds Brigades’ operations:

  • Ambushed and destroyed two Merkava tanks in a well-planned ambush on Street 8 in Al-Zaytoun neighborhood in Gaza.
  • Shelled gatherings of Israeli forces and their vehicles with mortar shells east of the central Gaza Strip.
  • Shelled locations of Israeli forces and their vehicles around "Dawla and Street 8" south of Gaza with 60mm mortar shells.
  • Targeted two Israeli military vehicles with RPGs in the western axis of Khan Younis city.
  • Targeted a Merkava tank with RPGs in the central axis of Khan Younis city.
  • Engaged with an Israeli force inside a building, west of Khan Younis city, causing casualties.
  • Targeted a Merkava tank with a Tandem rocket in the Arabian Al-Kabira area east of Khan Younis city, resulting in casualties.
  • Targeted and detonated a Merkava tank with an explosive device in the Al-Amal neighborhood, west of Khan Younis city.
Al-Aqsa Brigades’ operations:

  • Targeted an Israeli military vehicle with RPGs in the axis south of the Al-Zaytoun neighborhood in Gaza.
  • Targeted an Israeli armored personnel carrier (APC) in the axis west of Khan Younis city.
  • Targeted a Merkava tank in the axis central of Khan Younis city.
  • Shelled gatherings of Israeli soldiers and their military vehicles with 60mm regular mortar shells in the axis of Al-Zaytoun neighborhood, southeast of Gaza City.
Mujahideen Brigades’ operations:

  • Targeted an Israeli force inside a building in the Al-Zaytoun neighborhood with a “Saeer” missile, causing casualties.
  • Engaged in fierce clashes with the Israeli army using appropriate weapons on the axes in Khan Younis city.
  • In a joint operation with Saraya Al-Quds, sniped several Israeli soldiers stationed atop their vehicles around Tayba Towers, south of the Japanese neighborhood, west of Khan Younis city.
  • Engaged in fierce clashes with Israeli soldiers and their vehicles on the axes in the Al-Zaytoun neighborhood in Gaza City.


Senior Member
May 27, 2018
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These are the occupied Syrian Golan Heights.

Remember the "rules based order" US broke these own rules, that it claims to uphold, by recognising Zionist annexation of the Syrian Golan Heights.

US has been a "rogue state" for pretty much the last 25 years.

Another one of the USA's shameful acts.

Ultimately, Syria has to work to recover it terrority. Difficult right now given the occupation of its lands by the Americans on several bases, and the proxy elements under their pay, eg Kurds.


The Legend
Sep 26, 2022
57 Sniper operations executed by Hamas against the Savage Orc soldiers
34 of them were carried out with the Hamas “Ghoul” rifle. (.50 Steyr HS)



Sep 19, 2010
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against the Savage Orc soldiers

Dehumanizing one side like this only makes them do the same to the other side. Just my opinion.

PDF needs to be better than this, but then again, only my opinion. @Waz @Mr X


Sep 14, 2006
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Dehumanizing one side like this only makes them do the same to the other side. Just my opinion.

PDF needs to be better than this, but then again, only my opinion. @Waz @Mr X

I thought ORC soldiers was quite a compliment, considering they face actual real armies. The IDF is a good few pegs below that.


Sep 19, 2010
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I thought ORC soldiers was quite a compliment, considering they face actual real armies. The IDF is a good few pegs below that.

Even more subhuman? Tsk. Tsk.

Seriously though, my point was intended to be serious. But as always, it is the management's choice how to establish whatever standards they wish for the forum.


Sep 14, 2006
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Even more subhuman? Tsk. Tsk.

Seriously though, my point was intended to be serious. But as always, it is the management's choice how to establish whatever standards they wish for the forum.

Nah humans don't tell an ambulance to go through and then hit with heavy cannon fire destroying it, killing both drivers then turning their cannons on the 6 year old child waiting in the car for rescue.
Anyway this bunch of ragtag child murderers, mass starvation inflictors, rapists, destroyers of holy places (no mosques stand in Gaza now) are not worthy in my opinion of being called a moral armed force.


Sep 19, 2010
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Nah humans don't tell an ambulance to go through and then hit with heavy cannon fire destroying it, killing both drivers then turning their cannons on the 6 year old child waiting in the car for rescue.
Anyway this bunch of ragtag child murderers, mass starvation inflictors, rapists, destroyers of holy places (no mosques stand in Gaza now) are not worthy in my opinion of being called a moral armed force.

Understood. Please ignore my bringing this up.

After all how Muhammad PBUH dealt with his enemies was a better example but your choices must be okay for the forum.

My apologies once again.


Sep 14, 2006
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Understood. Please ignore my bringing this up.

After all how Muhammad PBUH dealt with his enemies was a better example but your choices must be okay for the forum.

My apologies once again.

Right hadith saw the devastation of enemies like this. The annals of warfare back in those days had rules which if both sides stuck to there was no violation of pacts. However if women and children were slaughtered by the other side then pacts were broken.


The Legend
Sep 26, 2022
Dehumanizing one side like this only makes them do the same to the other side. Just my opinion.

PDF needs to be better than this, but then again, only my opinion. @Waz @Mr X
I refer to them as the "Savage Orcs" from Warhammer, a barbaric, primitive race of orcs and violent, without any respect for any life besides themselves, that kills everyone on their step and boasts about it, and take those they killed as a trophy

IDF have all the attributes from them besides having modern weapons, thus some people referring to them as thugs with shiny technology or Technological Orcs

They did it to refer to Russian soldiers, Iranians, they treat the whole region as "sandniggers" everywhere on the internet and insult racially anyone that opposes them, they referred Swedish people as "Snow n*ggers cucks", South africains as "n*gger cucks" and Arabs/muslims in general as "Camel f*ckers"

I have the right to refer to them as Savage Orcs, i could have found another name that would get me put on a list and banned from this forum, consider Savage Orcs as the least insulting word to designate them, they are killing machines, i say what they are, a leopard cannot change its spots

Again i refer to the IDF and their regime only and nothing else


The Legend
Sep 26, 2022
To tell people how far they are going, i got trapped last week by a method they use and i call everyone supporting Palestine to be very careful with this

Zionist fanatics are putting these posters: https://www.kidnappedfromisrael.com/languages in all Western countries and the USA, they put it on walls as a bait to then either come at you in numbers or record you removing them from walls to then dox you and film your face, directly accusing you of being an antisemite (when i saw them near where i live, i immediately took them off in public), 4 people then came to me with one of them filming and telling me that i am an antisemitic terrorist, i then backed off because i smelled they had knives or weapons and they were awaiting for me to respond to then post the video online and dox me via "StopAntisemitism" twitter account

If someone see these posters and wants to take them off, be very careful and look around if there isn't someone or a group filming or ready to come at people removing the posters

They are also putting them on Palestinian restaurants on purpose

A lot of people have been trapped to complete doxxing of their lives and losing their jobs, spoof called to pass as a pedophile etc, hopefully i didn't saw my video put on twitter (probably because nothing happened and i ignored them)

Remove them at night and just don't remove them if they are put in a place with a lot of movement and people, they are sneaky rats ready to do anything to be loyal to zionists

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