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Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024


Full Member
Dec 27, 2023
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Dehumanizing one side like this only makes them do the same to the other side. Just my opinion.

PDF needs to be better than this, but then again, only my opinion. @Waz @Mr X
IDF is the one dehumanizing themselves.

How many videos of them taking joy in bombing homes, schools, etc?
How many videos of themselves destroying foods?
How many videos of them destroying children’s toys?
How many videos of them taking pictures with women’s under garments after they killed or destroyed their homes?
How many videos of them celebrating the suffering of civilians?

You can’t dehumanize someone who has already dehumanized themselves.


Elite Member
Jul 31, 2009
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These are the occupied Syrian Golan Heights.
Remember the "rules based order" US broke these own rules, that it claims to uphold, by recognising Zionist annexation of the Syrian Golan Heights.
US has been a "rogue state" for pretty much the last 25 years.

The Israeli thieves steal land. Create facts on the ground. When resisted, they kill everyone. There is a bragging article on JPOST today boasting about how the Settlements in 'Judea and Samaria' [West Bank] can't be removed because they are so many colonies with so many people. If ever a thief would brag about his theft out in the open then there is the article.

As for the Americans... the term 'ZOG' well applies to them: Zionist Occupied Government. They are powerless but that doesn't remove their culpability in being partners in crime. But Biden is actually a Zionist and in a just world he would be tried for his culpability.

PS. Off topic: Met a Bangladeshi student in a restaurant last night. He said his father fought for Pakistan against India in 1971 and was imprisoned and only released from the Indian prison in 1974. I didn't want to discuss that topic with him and merely said 'it was a bad era but both countries are now friends'. Decent fellow. I thought of you being from BD! Just an FYI!


Elite Member
Dec 14, 2008
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The Israeli thieves steal land. Create facts on the ground. When resisted, they kill everyone. There is a bragging article on JPOST today boasting about how the Settlements in 'Judea and Samaria' [West Bank] can't be removed because they are so many colonies with so many people. If ever a thief would brag about his theft out in the open then there is the article.

As for the Americans... the term 'ZOG' well applies to them: Zionist Occupied Government. They are powerless but that doesn't remove their culpability in being partners in crime. But Biden is actually a Zionist and in a just world he would be tried for his culpability.

PS. Off topic: Met a Bangladeshi student in a restaurant last night. He said his father fought for Pakistan against India in 1971 and was imprisoned and only released from the Indian prison in 1974. I didn't want to discuss that topic with him and merely said 'it was a bad era but both countries are now friends'. Decent fellow. I thought of you being from BD! Just an FYI!
Most thieves have honor, Israelis are genociders the worst of humanity, please don't insult thieves.


Elite Member
Dec 14, 2008
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The world's worst nightmare: the rise of the ZOGs. The world is reacting in the same when Hitler came to power, cowering at his mighty army and shaking under his rhetoric. May Allah help the Palestinians.



Elite Member
Dec 14, 2008
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Full Member
Dec 27, 2023
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Saudi traitors are shameful for not even allowing someone to raise a Palestinian flag. They are not only cowards but rather kill other Muslims in Yemen than go against Israel.



Full Member
Dec 27, 2023
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This is the “Rabbi” who couldn’t debate Norman Finkelstein but resorted to attacking him the whole time.

Never seen religious leaders before sell sex toys with their daughter. Something is very wrong with these people not even including their genocidal minds.



Elite Member
Mar 16, 2012
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This is the “Rabbi” who couldn’t debate Norman Finkelstein but resorted to attacking him the whole time.

Never seen religious leaders before sell sex toys with their daughter. Something is very wrong with these people not even including their genocidal minds.

Make love and war. These despicable Zionist rodents are conflicted.

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