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Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024


Elite Member
May 29, 2011
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A single rocket from Hamas, or hezbollah has not hit a single important building in the whole of Israel of any meaningful value. They have random firecrackers who actions add little military value other than causing terror.

If either organisations were for example, wholey and solely to focus on taking out the intel factories, and nothing other than that fact - then they may get lucky and actually hit something of value to Israel and something important in itself !!!!! That will force Intel to rethink, force other investors to rethink, but in all the flare ups, nothing has been hit ...

This is why there is no value in Hezbollah starting to anything with Israel now as they have no ability to hit anything of actual valuie. Only unguided random low-intensity firecrackers. The fact they have 200k random firecrackers, is irrelevant. They cannot do actual economic or military harm to Israel. Israel can and will flatten every single tower, flats, factories with clinical precision just like they have in Gaza but Hezbollah cannot take down a single high-rise flat building in Tel aviv or a single high value ammon dump, or something like an intel factory ...

Hamas no but Hezbollah for sure.

The fact these sites have not been hit yet does not make it on balance a riskier investment than elswhere. A factory is much larger target than an apartment block.

Intel cannot adequately explain away why they would not build the same factory elsewhere as the skills can be found in many other countries, without the risk of the factory getting hit by a rocket attack.

PS - I have no idea why you seem to be one of the few people who do not understand Hezbollah's massive rocket/missile capability they built up since 2006. The Zionists dare not bomb them like they did back in 2006 as Hezbollah can this time make the pain unbearable. Hezbollah has given them more reason than back in 2006.
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Elite Member
Aug 26, 2010
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A single rocket from Hamas, or hezbollah has not hit a single important building in the whole of Israel of any meaningful value. They have random firecrackers who actions add little military value other than causing terror.

If either organisations were for example, wholey and solely to focus on taking out the intel factories, and nothing other than that fact - then they may get lucky and actually hit something of value to Israel and something important in itself !!!!! That will force Intel to rethink, force other investors to rethink, but in all the flare ups, nothing has been hit ...

This is why there is no value in Hezbollah starting to anything with Israel now as they have no ability to hit anything of actual valuie. Only unguided random low-intensity firecrackers. The fact they have 200k random firecrackers, is irrelevant. They cannot do actual economic or military harm to Israel. Israel can and will flatten every single tower, flats, factories with clinical precision just like they have in Gaza but Hezbollah cannot take down a single high-rise flat building in Tel aviv or a single high value ammon dump, or something like an intel factory ...

no that is not correct

resistance doe not kill civilians and Level high rises

as for military sites look what Hezbollah can do now and this is deep in Israel

this war has accelerated Hezbollah technology by 10 years



Elite Member
Aug 26, 2010
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Saudi traitors are shameful for not even allowing someone to raise a Palestinian flag. They are not only cowards but rather kill other Muslims in Yemen than go against Israel.

I dont know brother even the Saudi flag is not allowed inside Haram

but I know what you mean


Sep 19, 2010
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Right hadith saw the devastation of enemies like this. The annals of warfare back in those days had rules which if both sides stuck to there was no violation of pacts. However if women and children were slaughtered by the other side then pacts were broken.

I refer to them as the "Savage Orcs" from Warhammer, a barbaric, primitive race of orcs and violent, without any respect for any life besides themselves, that kills everyone on their step and boasts about it, and take those they killed as a trophy

IDF have all the attributes from them besides having modern weapons, thus some people referring to them as thugs with shiny technology or Technological Orcs

They did it to refer to Russian soldiers, Iranians, they treat the whole region as "sandniggers" everywhere on the internet and insult racially anyone that opposes them, they referred Swedish people as "Snow n*ggers cucks", South africains as "n*gger cucks" and Arabs/muslims in general as "Camel f*ckers"

I have the right to refer to them as Savage Orcs, i could have found another name that would get me put on a list and banned from this forum, consider Savage Orcs as the least insulting word to designate them, they are killing machines, i say what they are, a leopard cannot change its spots

Again i refer to the IDF and their regime only and nothing else

IDF is the one dehumanizing themselves.

How many videos of them taking joy in bombing homes, schools, etc?
How many videos of themselves destroying foods?
How many videos of them destroying children’s toys?
How many videos of them taking pictures with women’s under garments after they killed or destroyed their homes?
How many videos of them celebrating the suffering of civilians?

You can’t dehumanize someone who has already dehumanized themselves.

My sincere apologies to all for expecting anything different.

Please carry on as you wish as I must respect the forum as it is according to management decisions.


Senior Member
May 27, 2018
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no that is not correct

resistance doe not kill civilians and Level high rises

as for military sites look what Hezbollah can do now and this is deep in Israel

this war has accelerated Hezbollah technology by 10 years

Short range ATGMS !!!! Not exactly intel factory busters are they ? Not exactly going to get to South Palestine to take out those intel factories with that are they ?


Senior Member
May 27, 2018
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Hamas no but Hezbollah for sure.

The fact these sites have not been hit yet does not make it on balance a riskier investment than elswhere. A factory is much larger target than an apartment block.

Intel cannot adequately explain away why they would not build the same factory elsewhere as the skills can be found in many other countries, without the risk of the factory getting hit by a rocket attack.

>> That is my point - no one has been able to hit any of thse installations yet, Israel is considered low risk as yet to date, no one has hit anything important. Israel has hit lots of things that have hurt Lebanon and Hezbollah ...

How many Hezbollah leaders, and hamas leaders have been killed by Israel ? Name one Israeli politican tht has been killed in return by Hamas or Hezbollah ???

PS - I have no idea why you seem to be one of the few people who do not understand Hezbollah's massive rocket/missile capability they built up since 2006. The Zionists dare not bomb them like they did back in 2006 as Hezbollah can this time make the pain unbearable. Hezbollah has given them more reason than back in 2006.

I have seen the recent hezbollah rocket hits into Israel in response to Israeli strikes - they have at most killed a few random ants at best... their military value is limited to non-existent.. they have not a large US Ammon storage dump, or even a more juicy target like Intel manufacturing factories or anything else. All Hezbollah have is what i have indicated, ie large fire crackers.

The only thing that hezbollah have which is of value is close range ATGMs .. 4-5kms is close range .............. that is the only thing they have that can be consider a PGM !!!!!!!!!!

Also Hezbollah abiity to replenish itself is limited - even Iran denies it is supplying/helping - so Iran is forced to do it "under the table" and therefore bandwidth of those supply lines is small.

If Hezbollah start something now - they will have a good firework show for a few weeks, they will not destroy anything that will hurt Israel, and they will be back to asking for a ceasefire while Israel flattens all of down-town Beirut .... it is pointless right now ...

Hezbollah is a minor paramilitary outfit with a force of 20-100k individuals at best, Israel can mobilise 10x that if required, they did 5x that for Gaza. Hezbollah can "resist" and adopt guerilla tactics from an IDF invasion, but they are not an offensive force, they cannot launch offensive missions into Israel. Also they cannot draw on the support of countries as they are a non-state actor. The fact they are a "large" for a paramilitary guerilla force is not the point. Hezbollah cannot draw on state to state assistance as it is a non-state guerilla force which some countries have labelled as a terror outfit...

Lets not try and over-inflate the offensive strike capabilities of Hezbollah - it has nothing of value that can target anything that will cause serious actual damage to Israel. When it comes down to it, they shout loudly but in fact carry small sticks...
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Elite Member
Dec 14, 2008
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Wow. The vast majority of the world truly hates these Zionist rodents.
Don't worry , Hitler's troops thought they were invincible and celebrated cheap victories but they and their gang of Nazi sympathisers were defeated by the good people of the world.


Elite Member
Dec 14, 2008
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Cenk Uygur

Sponsored · Paid for by Cenk for America

I’m proud to announce that we just released our first commercial of my presidential campaign -- and it’s going to turn some heads.
The ad is called “Ceasefire,” and it highlights the ENORMOUS amount of cash we send to Israel every year unconditionally.
We already give Israel $4 billion a year. Now we’re giving them another $14 billion -- all to fund an endless, immoral war that isn’t solving a damn thing.
Check out my new ad. And if you like it, please consider donating $14 (or $14 billion if you’ve got it) or more to help me buy more airtime so we can spread our message far and wide.


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