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Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024


Elite Member
Dec 14, 2008
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Cenk Uygur

Sponsored · Paid for by Cenk for America

I’m proud to announce that we just released our first commercial of my presidential campaign -- and it’s going to turn some heads.
The ad is called “Ceasefire,” and it highlights the ENORMOUS amount of cash we send to Israel every year unconditionally.
We already give Israel $4 billion a year. Now we’re giving them another $14 billion -- all to fund an endless, immoral war that isn’t solving a damn thing.
Check out my new ad. And if you like it, please consider donating $14 (or $14 billion if you’ve got it) or more to help me buy more airtime so we can spread our message far and wide.

Seems like Israel is a US money laundering scam. US tax payer money is sent to Israel and a large fraction is sent back to line the pockets of the corrupt politicians in Senate and Congress who have not an ounce of feelings for the Palestinian men and children.


Elite Member
May 28, 2012
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>> That is my point - no one has been able to hit any of thse installations yet, Israel is considered low risk as yet to date, no one has hit anything important. Israel has hit lots of things that have hurt Lebanon and Hezbollah ...

How many Hezbollah leaders, and hamas leaders have been killed by Israel ? Name one Israeli politican tht has been killed in return by Hamas or Hezbollah ???

I have seen the recent hezbollah rocket hits into Israel in response to Israeli strikes - they have at most killed a few random ants at best... their military value is limited to non-existent.. they have not a large US Ammon storage dump, or even a more juicy target like Intel manufacturing factories or anything else. All Hezbollah have is what i have indicated, ie large fire crackers.

The only thing that hezbollah have which is of value is close range ATGMs .. 4-5kms is close range .............. that is the only thing they have that can be consider a PGM !!!!!!!!!!

Also Hezbollah abiity to replenish itself is limited - even Iran denies it is supplying/helping - so Iran is forced to do it "under the table" and therefore bandwidth of those supply lines is small.

If Hezbollah start something now - they will have a good firework show for a few weeks, they will not destroy anything that will hurt Israel, and they will be back to asking for a ceasefire while Israel flattens all of down-town Beirut .... it is pointless right now ...

Hezbollah is a minor paramilitary outfit with a force of 20-100k individuals at best, Israel can mobilise 10x that if required, they did 5x that for Gaza. Hezbollah can "resist" and adopt guerilla tactics from an IDF invasion, but they are not an offensive force, they cannot launch offensive missions into Israel. Also they cannot draw on the support of countries as they are a non-state actor. The fact they are a "large" for a paramilitary guerilla force is not the point. Hezbollah cannot draw on state to state assistance as it is a non-state guerilla force which some countries have labelled as a terror outfit...

Lets not try and over-inflate the offensive strike capabilities of Hezbollah - it has nothing of value that can target anything that will cause serious actual damage to Israel. When it comes down to it, they shout loudly but in fact carry small sticks...

Both Hamas and Hezbollah have done incredibly well considering the obstacles, a true testament to tenacity and faith

But people can't misunderstand the reality that these groups remain irregular forces with limitations including budgets, the ability to resupply etc

Israel is a monstrous state and people but they are funded and supported, supplied directly by the U.S and Europeans
So let's say Israel takes a big hit, loses 10,000 soldiers,, so what

the U.S and Europe will support and supply them the same way they have done to Ukraine
the difference is Russia has gone into full war mode and it's a former or current superpower/world power backed by Iran, NK etc
so the western order is getting fcuked but Russia itself has taken a lot of pain but it has the commitment and military to win

Hamas and Hezbollah doesn't, if the region got together then Israel would be screwed, a tiny state, nowhere to run, limited airfields that could be taken out and a military not capable of fighting on all fronts

the difference is the surroundings Arab states are coward's and without their support everyone else can't supply the necessary equipment or has much more limitations

The Arabs of the 60's had the guts but lacked the equipment, training and capabilities

The Arabs of today have the equipment, training, money and population even if they have a number of questionable purchases like Egypts F-16s without BVRs but they are shameless gutless states without a shred of courage or self confidence

the people may be different but the leaders are animals


Jan 16, 2024
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Don't worry , Hitler's troops thought they were invincible and celebrated cheap victories but they and their gang of Nazi sympathisers were defeated by the good people of the world.

Khansaheeb, watch the documentary in the Europa thread I've tagged you in.


Elite Member
Dec 14, 2008
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So if Egypt controls the Rafah crossing why did they allow Israelis there and what is stopping the Egyptians from sending food and water across? If Israelis are controlling Rafah then why did Egypt allow them to help Israel with their genocide ? Why isn't Egypt breaking the siege to stop the genocide , the mass starvation of the Palestinian people? Perhaps South Africa and other Muslim countries should take Egypt to the ICJ for facilitating genocide? Doesn't Egypt believe it has a duty to act when it has a genocide happening next door?

Who controls the Rafah crossing and why is it so important to Gaza?​

By Stephen Farrell
November 1, 20237:49 AM PDTUpdated 4 months ago

That means the only likely route

Why Gaza's Rafah border crossing matters
Nov 1 (Reuters) - The Egyptian-controlled Rafah crossing is Gaza's main lifeline to the outside world that is not run by Israel.
It is on Gaza's southern border with Egypt, and has become the focal point of efforts to deliver humanitarian aid, and allow out injured people and foreign passport holders.
Israel imposed a "total siege" on the Palestinian enclave following the deadly attack by Hamas militants on Oct. 7 that killed more than 1,400 Israelis.
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Reuters Graphics

Reuters Graphics


With Israel's border crossings closed, Rafah is the only way that Gazans can leave the 360 sq km coastal strip.
The first group of injured evacuees left through Rafah on Nov. 1, Egyptian media and a source at the border told Reuters. They were followed by the first foreign passport holders, two sources at the border said.
Qatar mediated an agreement between Egypt, Israel and Hamas, in coordination with the United States, to allow limited evacuations.
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Although Israel does not directly control the Rafah crossing, it monitors all activity in southern Gaza from Kerem Shalom military base, and other surveillance.


Israel controls all sea and air access to Gaza and most of its land borders.
It tightened its existing restrictions into a total blockade after on Oct. 7, leaving Rafah as the only entry point for humanitarian aid.


In the first days of the war, Egypt said Rafah was open but inoperable due to Israeli bombardment in Gaza. After wrangling over conditions for delivering aid stranded on the Egyptian side, the first humanitarian convoy crossed into Gaza on Oct. 21.
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The number of aid trucks going through Rafah averages 14 daily, U.N. aid officials say, far fewer than the 100 they estimate are needed to meet basic needs.
In normal times more than 400 trucks go into Gaza daily - through various routes - to supply 2.3 million people.
Desperation for essentials like bread drove Gazans to break into U.N. warehouses on Oct. 29 to seize flour and other items.


Aid officials say Rafah's principal role in the past was as a civilian crossing and that it was not equipped for a large-scale aid operation.

Palestinians with dual citizenship walk at the Rafah border crossing with Egypt, in the hope of getting permission to leave Gaza

[1/2]Palestinians with dual citizenship walk at the Rafah border crossing with Egypt, in the hope of getting permission to leave Gaza, amid the ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestinian Islamist group Hamas, in Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip, November 1, 2023. REUTERS/Arafat Barbakh Purchase Licensing Rights, opens new tab

Egyptian officials say Israeli inspection procedures "significantly delay the arrival of aid".
Aid trucks drive through the Egyptian border gate at Rafah before heading more than 40km (25 miles) to the Egyptian-Israeli crossing of Al-Awja/Nitzana for inspection, as agreed in negotiations with Israel. Trucks return to Egypt empty, with the aid reloaded onto separate trucks for delivery into Gaza.
Israel refuses to allow fuel into Gaza, saying it could be used by the Hamas militant group for their military goals.
During past conflicts aid was mainly delivered from Israel, and the U.N. aid operation for Palestinians has been run through Israel since the 1950s.
The United Nations has pushed for Israel to open its Kerem Shalom crossing, near where Israel, Gaza and Egypt meet.


The Qatar-mediated deal allows for limited evacuations of foreign passport holders. A list was agreed between Israel and Egypt, a Western official said.
Egyptian sources said on Nov. 1 that 500 foreign passport holders were expected to pass through Rafah in the coming days.
Line chart with data from UN Office for Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs showed the share of commodity and food imports to Gaza passing through the Rafah border with Egypt.

Line chart with data from UN Office for Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs showed the share of commodity and food imports to Gaza passing through the Rafah border with Egypt.


Egypt is the only Arab state to share a border with Gaza and it fears the destabilising effect of an exodus of Palestinians. Egypt and Jordan have both warned against Palestinians being forced off their land.
Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi is also wary of Hamas, an Islamist armed group created by the Muslim Brotherhood.
Since Hamas took control in Gaza in 2007, Egypt has helped enforce a blockade of the enclave.
During a previous blockage in 2008 Hamas blasted holes in Egypt's border fortifications. That allowed tens of thousands of Palestinians to cross into Sinai, and prompted Egypt to build a stone and cement wall.
Egypt is also wary of insecurity in northeastern Sinai, where it faced an Islamist insurgency that has now largely been suppressed.
Egypt has mediated between Israel and Palestinian factions during past conflicts. But in those situations it also locked down the border, allowing aid in and medical evacuees out but preventing any large-scale movement of people.


Around 1.6 million Palestinians in Gaza are refugees, according to the U.N., two thirds of its population.
Many are determined not to repeat the mass displacement of the 1948 war surrounding Israel's founding, when some 700,000 Palestinians fled or were driven from their homes, and have been denied return.
They mourn it as the "Nakba", or "catastrophe". Israel contests the assertion that it drove Palestinians out, saying it was attacked by five Arab states.

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Elite Member
Dec 14, 2008
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Both Hamas and Hezbollah have done incredibly well considering the obstacles, a true testament to tenacity and faith

But people can't misunderstand the reality that these groups remain irregular forces with limitations including budgets, the ability to resupply etc

Israel is a monstrous state and people but they are funded and supported, supplied directly by the U.S and Europeans
So let's say Israel takes a big hit, loses 10,000 soldiers,, so what

the U.S and Europe will support and supply them the same way they have done to Ukraine
the difference is Russia has gone into full war mode and it's a former or current superpower/world power backed by Iran, NK etc
so the western order is getting fcuked but Russia itself has taken a lot of pain but it has the commitment and military to win

Hamas and Hezbollah doesn't, if the region got together then Israel would be screwed, a tiny state, nowhere to run, limited airfields that could be taken out and a military not capable of fighting on all fronts

the difference is the surroundings Arab states are coward's and without their support everyone else can't supply the necessary equipment or has much more limitations

The Arabs of the 60's had the guts but lacked the equipment, training and capabilities

The Arabs of today have the equipment, training, money and population even if they have a number of questionable purchases like Egypts F-16s without BVRs but they are shameless gutless states without a shred of courage or self confidence

the people may be different but the leaders are animals
No one is asking the Arabs to fight, they are a weak and cowardly lot, but they should facilitate those who want to stop and end the Genocide.

The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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UK, Qatar, Oman, Pakistan, Malaysia Speak At ICJ Hearing On Israel’s Occupation Of Palestinian Lands​


The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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No one is asking the Arabs to fight, they are a weak and cowardly lot, but they should facilitate those who want to stop and end the Genocide.
You are insulting Arabs who have shown courage and strength throughout history of thousands of years.. That is too much arrogance and ignorance on your part..You should understand that they are not suicidal..

Maybe according to your mentality Pakistan as a Muslim Nation who has the nukes.. should be fighting against the US in the middle east..!?


Elite Member
Dec 14, 2008
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You are insulting Arabs who have shown courage and strength throughout history of thousands of years.. That is too much arrogance and ignorance on your part..You should understand that they are not suicidal..

Maybe according to your mentality Pakistan as a Muslim Nation who has the nukes.. should be fighting against the US in the middle east..!?
Isn't that the definition of honor: No fear, no arrogance , no ignorance just action in the name of Allah? Isn't that what Islam preaches when there is rampant injustice? Only action is needed when a genocide is in full swing, that is what history has showed us and only cowards sit and watch.

The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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The Brazilian President insists on accusing #Israel of committing “genocide” in #Gaza


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