Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024


Elite Member
May 28, 2012
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Arabs scared!?

Do you know that a war between Arabs..500 million of them and the US+ NATO will be a catastrophe _with all its meaning_ to the whole world economy and well being.. you can't even imagine the scale!

Wise men when faced with 2 bad choices..will settle for the less harmful eventhough it might be painful but not as much as the worst choice..!

Why are you talking about war?????

You could state as a collective that the genocide in Palestine is monstrous and the Arab states are blocking all air flights to Israel.
Same with all economic links
Block all trade
Make a declaration to the world that it unacceptable what Israel is doing and multiple Arab states will sanction Israel and those countries that support them

The Muslim world would back you, you even had the option of OIC in doing so but Egypt, Saudi, UAE and Jordan blocked any resolution

none of those are acts of war but legitimate tools to show your anger at what is happening

the bottom line is, Arabs themselves have empowered Israel and the west to act like this because of fear, cowardice you name it

Arabs are multiple countries and hundreds of millions of people, the sheer risk of not being able to trade with so many countries and people would be enough for the WEST TO KEEP ISRAEL UNDER CONTROL
But they don't have to worry because regardless of how many Arabs they kill Arab countries are always eager to help them

You tell me how this makes any sense?

The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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Netanyahu: We will recover the hostages, eliminate Hamas, and achieve the war goals through a combination of military pressure and firm negotiations.


The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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Do you really think that man cares a thing about Middle East? Take a map and look where is Brazil.

Western leftists parties left the economic equality cause when USSR collapse, so they have to distract their people with any other thing to keep them far from ask economic equality.
What do you know about Brazil?

first google the Arab diaspora in Latin America.. then you can talk about of leftists or politics..

The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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Netanyahu: I will meet at the beginning of the week with the War Council to approve operational plans in #Rafah, including the evacuation of the civilian population from it.



Elite Member
May 28, 2012
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Unrest in Iran means police shooting to kill protestors.

Unrest in Israel means just a few people arrested.

Do you see the difference? It's not karma, it's different worlds.

Israel has killed tens of thousands in a few months

Iran has done nothing of the sort, frankly it's insulting to the worlds intelligence that the west tries to make an issue if this whilst it's own hands are soaked in blood

The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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Why are you talking about war?????

You could state as a collective that the genocide in Palestine is monstrous and the Arab states are blocking all air flights to Israel.
Same with all economic links
Block all trade
Make a declaration to the world that it unacceptable what Israel is doing and multiple Arab states will sanction Israel and those countries that support them

The Muslim world would back you, you even had the option of OIC in doing so but Egypt, Saudi, UAE and Jordan blocked any resolution

none of those are acts of war but legitimate tools to show your anger at what is happening

the bottom line is, Arabs themselves have empowered Israel and the west to act like this because of fear, cowardice you name it

Arabs are multiple countries and hundreds of millions of people, the sheer risk of not being able to trade with so many countries and people would be enough for the WEST TO KEEP ISRAEL UNDER CONTROL
But they don't have to worry because regardless of how many Arabs they kill Arab countries are always eager to help them

You tell me how this makes any sense?
There are many fact that you may not be aware of.. like the fact that Israel backed HAMAS in its conception to split the Palestinians further ..The Arabs wanted just one Palestinian government to make it easier to negotiate with Israel..

Now you seem to have missed the Arabs' absolute refusal of the Israeli actions in Gaza and their proposal at the UN last week..just to end up vetoed against -again- by the US..
So it is not the Arabs..its the whole UN that is weak in confronting the US..even politically..


Elite Member
May 28, 2012
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There are many fact that you may not be aware of.. like the fact that Israel backed HAMAS in its conception to split the Palestinians further ..The Arabs wanted just one Palestinian make it easier to negotiate with Israel..

Now you seem to have to have missed the Arabs proposal at the UN last week..jut to end up vetoed again by the US..Si it is not the Arabs..its the whole UN that is weak in confronting the US..even politically..

Maybe Israel did, but Hamas turned into the resistance
The Palestinian authority is pathetic, they gave up weapons and are still occupied and subjugated and humiliated, what use are they?

Ok the Arabs sent a proposal, the U.S vetoed

No what next?

Have you sanctioned the U.S?
Or Israel?
Have you threatened sanctions against any state that supports Israel in genocide?
Have you blocked trade with Israel, air space for any flights to Israel?
Any road links to Israel?
Have you informed the west that the Arabs will end multi billion dollar weapons contracts unless the state of Palestine is unilaterally declared?

The reality is your behaviour has made Arab life very cheap and it's pitiful

The most impotent and shameful are the Egyptians who are shocking cowards
they control a border with Palestine yet don't have the courage of an ant

Nasser or Sadat would be spinning in their graves,
morsi and the brotherhood would of have atleast shown the world that Egyptians are something, at the moment it's just 🤮


The Legend
Sep 26, 2022
Unrest in Iran means police shooting to kill protestors.

Unrest in Israel means just a few people arrested.

Do you see the difference? It's not karma, it's different worlds.
We're still waiting since 2 years nearly for not even an once of evidence showing police shoot on "protestors".

The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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Maybe Israel did, but Hamas turned into the resistance
The Palestinian authority is pathetic, they gave up weapons and are still occupied and subjugated and humiliated, what use are they?

Ok the Arabs sent a proposal, the U.S vetoed

No what next?

Have you sanctioned the U.S?
Or Israel?
Have you threatened sanctions against any state that supports Israel in genocide?
Have you blocked trade with Israel, air space for any flights to Israel?
Any road links to Israel?
Have you informed the west that the Arabs will end multi billion dollar weapons contracts unless the state of Palestine is unilaterally declared?

The reality is your behaviour has made Arab life very cheap and it's pitiful

The most impotent and shameful are the Egyptians who are shocking cowards
they control a border with Palestine yet don't have the courage of an ant

Nasser or Sadat would be spinning in their graves,
morsi and the brotherhood would of have atleast shown the world that Egyptians are something, at the moment it's just 🤮
Your ignorance of the middle east sounds funny!

In this era..if you don't know it's the US who sanctions others not the other way around..only China can sanction back economically and even that is on a small scale..

Arabs can boycott American and EU products..they will hurt..but they will be hurt back.. So it is not in their interests..They are being pragmatic about that..


The Legend
Sep 26, 2022
What people still struggle to understand that Israel projects itself on Iran for decades and eats CNN and US radio propaganda with pleasure, show us your evidence about people and "peaceful protester" getting shot at and the very famous US propaganda of rapes without any evidence but anonymous sources and massive color revolution attempt bullcrap

Meanwhile all their claim about Iran is mostly Israel projecting itself on Iran

>Iran steal children organ = Israel steal Palestinian organs

>Iran poisons schoolgirl = Israel force the use of contraceptives to minorities, use white phosphorus on civilians

>Iran executes 15000 protesters = Israel kills 15000 people in weeks

>Iran torture prisoners = Israel chop limbs of Palestinian prisoners

>Iran is a "gender apartheid" = Israel is an apartheid state

>Iran is building WMDs = Israel has and uses WMDs on people (gas) and threats to use them on its neighbors

>Iran is hiding a genocide = Israel doing a genocide

>Iran mistreats minorities = Israel treats minorities as "animal subhumans" they themselves claim

>Iran military is a joke = Israel military is a genocidal joke that can't even put tanks on trailers and shoot themselves up, shoot rockets on birds and rely on carpet bombing to claim victory

>Iran mistreats women = Israel kills women and children

>Iran is Persian supremacist over minorities = Zionists controls Israel and mistreat minorities

>Iran thinks it is bordered by enemies that wants to mess with them = Israel thinks it is bordered by enemies that wants to genocide them (like nazi germany)

>Iran wants to go to war with its neighbors = Israel goes to war with its neighbors and funds renowned terrorists

>Shah Cheragh shooting has been done by Iran itself = Israel blows up hospitals and kill its own people

>Iran kills its own people = Israel kills its own people with choppers

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