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Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024


Senior Member
Jan 5, 2015
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Israel has killed tens of thousands in a few months

Iran has done nothing of the sort, frankly it's insulting to the worlds intelligence that the west tries to make an issue if this whilst it's own hands are soaked in blood
Israel police doesnt kill protestors when there is unrest.
Iran police kill protestors when there is unrest.

It's just a fact.


Senior Member
Jan 5, 2015
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What do you know about Brazil?

first google the Arab diaspora in Latin America.. then you can talk about of leftists or politics..

I know distance from Brazil to Middle East.

I know how liars are Western leftist parties.

Arab diaspora in Brazil is just a minority.

It's common Brazilian leftist people who support Palestinian cause, that gives votes, that's all.

It happens here too, and you will see more local leftists than Arab immigrants supporting the cause.

The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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I know distance from Brazil to Middle East.

I know how liars are Western leftist parties.

Arab diaspora in Brazil is just a minority.

It's common Brazilian leftist people who support Palestinian cause, that gives votes, that's all.
If you really follow the news..the whole Brazilian government and other parties are backing up the president's announcements..


Senior Member
Jan 5, 2015
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If you really follow the news..the whole Brazilian government and other parties are backing up the president's announcements..
I didnt say the opposite. I just say: the president dont give a fck about Middle East, and he says that only to gain votes from leftist nutjobs who know nothing about ME and they are distracted from another leftist causes like economic equality.

The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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I didnt say the opposite. I just say: the president dont give a fck about Middle East, and he says that only to gain votes from leftist nutjobs who know nothing about ME and they are distracted from another leftist causes like economic equality.
Well that might be some internal politics.. but saying that Brazil doesn't give a cent about the ME.. that seems like some ignorance of current facts.. try to find out about the economic and military deals between Brazil, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt and Morocco..to name a few.. they are huge deals..


Senior Member
Jan 5, 2015
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Well that might be some internal politics.. but saying that Brazil doesn't give a cent about the ME.. that seems like some ignorance of current facts.. try to find out about the economic and military deals between Brazil, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt and Morocco..to name a few.. they are huge deals..

I'm Spaniard and I'm tired of see leftist dumbshit politicians using Palestinian cause to gain votes among Spanish people who know nothing about it but propaganda.

Brazil is the same thing, it's even worst, because it's even more far away.

And it's unrelated to Arab diaspora or economic things.

It's just speech to common leftist nutjob.

The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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I'm Spaniard and I'm tired of see leftist dumbshit politicians using Palestinian cause to gain votes among Spanish people who know nothing about it but propaganda.

Brazil is the same thing, it's even worst, because it's even more far away.

And it's unrelated to Arab diaspora or economic things.

It's just speech to common leftist nutjob.
Biden is doing the same to gain votes..most of the time he is with Israel to gain Jewish votes..and from time to time he is for a two state solution to gain Arab American votes..


Elite Member
Dec 14, 2008
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Allah forbids suicide.. the whole Islam is about wisdom in existence..

You might be targeting a tree while missing the whole forest! a.k.a the US, NATO & CO..

Worst has happened in the same area during the crusades.. and finally..when the right time came..the Arabs and Muslims defeated the invaders and liberated Al.Qods..
War is not suicide and the Westerners are not suicidal either. Islam does not see death on the battlefield as suicide. Anyone can die a miserable death at home or death for a worthwhile cause on the battlefield.


Elite Member
Dec 14, 2008
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So the Arab masterful plan is wait and let them mass slaughter the Palestinians

Even prior to this current conflict PALESTINIANS were gradually being attacked, killed and humiliated and their homes stolen

It is one thing to say Arabs don't want to fight because they are scared of the U.S, NATO and Europe

but completely another to say that whilst Palestine is under brutal attack you will reward the U.S, Europeans with multiple billion weapons orders and trade, whilst doing very little yourselves considered how much finance is available and to top it all off try to play nice with Israel

last year hundreds of PALESTINIANS were killed even before Oct 7th, why don't the Arabs take a stand and politically demand that the Arab world will not tolerate this injustice and place sanctions on countries who support Israeli apartheid

even now it took south Africa, Brazil and others to make the big moves whilst Arabs did nothing

calling Arabs cowards is not nice , but it's difficult to describe the actions of Egypt or Jordan, Saudi, UAE in any other way
Well said brother.


Elite Member
Dec 14, 2008
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What's wrong with Egypt and Jordan, what is their reason to fail to fulfull their Islamic humanitarian mandate ?
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Elite Member
Dec 14, 2008
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Do you really think that man cares a thing about Middle East? Take a map and look where is Brazil.

Western leftists parties left the economic equality cause when USSR collapse, so they have to distract their people with any other thing to keep them far from ask economic equality.
Take a look where Germany, Italy, Madrid and Egypt is but British Indian army still fought there. Fight for humanity is not limited by distance.

War Lord

Senior Member
Aug 27, 2013
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But I dont want to talk about history.

I want to talk about solution for the conflict, and about cease fire and sympathy for the civilian suffering.

Cant you see that?

Solution is the removal of the State of Israel as stated by King Faisal of Saudi Arabia, for which he was killed too.

And this solution would be the better option for Israelis too because Hamas or any Palestinian resistance org has no stomach for mass genocide like Israelis.

Especially if they were given in charge of Israel. Look at Afghanistan, just in a few years the Taliban (so called stone age monkeys) have turned around the country.

Both Israelis and Palestinians would do better under Islamic Palestinian rule.

If you disagree with the above sentence than you're nothing more than a closet Indo-Zionist and a Israeli supporter. I will still call you one seeing as you have shown enough support for Israel on this thread already. :mad:

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