Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Scott Horton has encyclopedic knowledge about not only the Middle East conflicts but also about the war machine in Washington and has deep historic knowledge, at par with that of Ray McGovern about the historic knowledge.
This Tweet should be very interesting to people who keep an eye on the demographics of Israel/Palestine.

The moment Syria attacks Israel, those groups will attack Syria and Hizbullah and Iran from north.
Source ? What do you mean Hezbollah and Iran? Syria has no border with Iran.

Russia is deployed in Syria and protecting the Syrian regime. Not that I care for the opposition. But I agree with their point.
They have a pact to collaborate in Syria.
Guess who is in those groups?
The same Jordanian who never works for Gaza apart from tweets.
Lol, so now I'm Jordanian ?
The main suppliers of ISIS in Syria.
Fifty percent majority Palestinians in Gaza joined ISIS but not Gaza.
What? Source?
Blinken has sent multiple messages to Iran about Yemen attacks.

Blinken wants Iran to ask Yemen to stop or switch off Yemeni missile electronics/guidance.
this was off topic but I think a bit relevant to Tucker's slowly growing anti-Israel narrative.
The real far right, which sorta crept out big league during the time leading into Trump 2016, came out under cover of the so called 'alt-right'. I used to trawl those forums just as an observer.. everyone got hate slung on them.. beginning with black Americans, then Latinos (spl poor ones), lot of islamophobia and anti Hindu/Indian stuff too

but the ones who most drew the ire of that crowd was the Jews, and by default, Israel.. all this fueled by their undying love for german man.

These were some Pk Americans at the old place around who were also sorta enamored by the crazies in Trump's base because there was all this anti Jew thing.

Some of what they used to talk were common sense points, nothing about gas chambers or that sort of talk.

AOC, Omar and that group of women new politicians have long been critics of Israel and have copped some blowback for it too.

Hmm.. things seem to be coming to a bit of a head across the spectrum in the US when it comes to their 'phull sapport' of Israel.

Interesting times, these.

This is US source in Farsi:

They have published very little in English

It is not Iranian .
Radiofarda is US

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