Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Israeli's are openly saying that will commit genocide and forcibly expel Palestinians. Carrying out the plan phase by phase. While others bury their head in the sands and offer prayers or meaningless condemnations. Or claim Gaza can handle this on its own and compare it to regional powers and superpowers. To excuse their inaction and make it look better on them.

Gaza is not a country. It's a tiny isolated and impoverished occupied territory. The inaction of anyone who is able to do something will never be forgiven. Time for action is now.
Sorry my friend the Muslim world sold its deen long time ago, otherwise it would be a brutal Jihad. Palestinains are on their own and they know it, that's why the Palestinians are fighting like lions, their moto is better dead then enslaved to Israel, may allah give them victory.
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Sorry my friend the Muslim world sold its deen long time ago, otherwise it would be a brutal Jihad. Palestinains are on their own and they knwo it, that's why the Palestinians are fighting like lions, their moto is better dead then enslaved, may allah give them victory.
It doesn't matter. Anybody who has capability has to step up irregardless if they're good Muslims or not. A lot more can be done. It's intentional to not do anything and encourage the enemy as well out of hatred towards Hamas or Islam or God. If non-Muslims are doing much more, there is no excuse for Muslims.

Otherwise there will be a very severe punishment of God.

I can go to Egypt and try to force aid into Gaza but problem is absolutely nobody would join me. I'll take the risk if thousands of others are too. Risk is not what worries me. It's that half of them if not more don't obey instructions and may be agents or undercover police. Or deviant people.

It has to be made sure that the genocidal level of destruction and attempt at displacing Palestinians stops. They're trying to kill or expel everyone in Gaza. It's their stated aim and goal. And it matches with their operational strategy.
It doesn't matter. Anybody who has capability has to step up irregardless if they're good Muslims or not. A lot more can be done. It's intentional to not do anything and encourage the enemy as well out of hatred towards Hamas or Islam or God. If non-Muslims are doing much more, there is no excuse for Muslims.

Otherwise there will be a very severe punishment of God.

I can go to Egypt and try to force aid into Gaza but problem is absolutely nobody would join me. I'll take the risk if thousands of others are too. Risk is not what worries me. It's that half of them if not more don't obey instructions and may be agents or undercover police. Or deviant people.

It has to be made sure that the genocidal level of destruction and attempt at displacing Palestinians stops. They're trying to kill or expel everyone in Gaza. It's their stated aim and goal. And it matches with their operational strategy.
Fear is man's greatest weakness.
There is a big difference.

Some of them work for Israel and US in the day and intercept Yemeni missiles and open trade routes for Israel.

Then come back home and retweet about atrocities of Israel and complain that fraud Hizbullat and Hassan Nasbullah is not doing enough.

That person includes you. You work for US and tweet for Gaza.

Hassan Nasbullah is less fraud than you.

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I reported this trade route before you did. Yes, frauds is good way to describe Iran and Hezbollah. And sellouts/traitors is good way to describe Arab governments. You can absolutely criticize both. And I will continue to do so. Your propaganda for Iran isn't taken seriously by almost anyone. It's propagated by the same pro-Iran extremists that are ideologically driven and on Iranian regime payroll. Same way Arab defense forum is almost all intelligence/public relations agents of Arab governments.

Your types are the enemy of the people. We aren't afraid of you and very used to your ways.
On topic : God will pubish the Jew Zionists (multiple times lower than rats & pigs) and their supporter (USA, Azerbaijan, Turkey and Arabs) like nations of Aad and Thamaud in soon future by Khorasanis and Yamanis

It is Sunnah of Allah

If in 2024 civil war occurs in the US Zionists will get destroyed and traitor Muslim countries can not help them anymore.

Falcon aka hazzy997 the crazy Shia Muslim hater wahhabi need to get banned permanently
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Went to a fundraiser yesterday where the likes of Jeremy Corbyn was a guest speaker last night - the venue was bursting. What surprised me was the fact there was such a mixed and diverse audience.
My 9 year stood in front of a massive list of names - those that have lost their lives. There was a Palestinian doctor - his name - Ahmed Sabra - turned round to me and said “Brother I know you think the list is huge but it’s only 6,500 names. It should be over 30,000 now.
This is a real live genocide taking place right under the nose of humanity

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