Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Yes being cooked inside a tank is horrible. I saw a video of Merkava hit and three of them being set alight and crying in pain. Terrible way to go out.
The bottom line is the Israelis will soon start to run out of able men to fight. These are their reserves making up the numbers. The death toll is high but the injury count far higher, which means soldiers out of action. It's a small population.

I doubt Israel on its own would be able to continue for long term because of economy crisis, and soldiers moral start dropping due to losses and exhaustion, a lot of them are reservist and they start complaining because they need to get back to their job to provide resource to their family. Unfortunately it’s the American tax payers dollars are keeping this war carrying on!!!!
Yes being cooked inside a tank is horrible. I saw a video of Merkava hit and three of them being set alight and crying in pain. Terrible way to go out.
The bottom line is the Israelis will soon start to run out of able men to fight. These are their reserves making up the numbers. The death toll is high but the injury count far higher, which means soldiers out of action. It's a small population.

If they start running short I wonder if other nations will offer to fill in the man power gap? Like what's happened in Ukraine.
Israel now has no choice. They were backed into a corner and couldn't retreat. Stopping the war now would be a victory for Hamas and anti-Semitic forces around the world, it would make Hamas and Iran believe that Israel has lost and in the future they will carry out thousands more attacks on Israel.

Your Israeli side has already lost. Define victory. Israel claims that Hamas needs to be eradicated. What does that exactly mean? All we can see are innocent women and children being pulled from rubble. Hamas is fighting in empty buildings and tunnels. IDF is taking a beating going door to door fighting a guerilla war. Most Hamas leadership isn't even in Palestine. Define victory for me. I am very curious to know when Israel thinks it has won and decides it is time to stop massacring innocent people.
Your point is correct.

In this battle, the biggest winners are the leaders of Hamas, Iran and Russia

The biggest losers are Israel and the people of the Gaza Strip.

Israeli definition of victory is surreal and impossible. Fact is that there is no victory for Israel. Israel is throwing tons of dumb bombs on civilian buildings. Hoping it would kill some Hamas soldier. It won't because the only ones that are getting killed are ordinary Palestinians.

Israel is losing the war. Both fighting Hamas and also the narrative war. You can't win in a guerrilla war. Hamas fighters are scattered all over the place out of plain sight. They are in tunnels, buildings etc.

As for the narrative, people aren't stupid. They are not going to buy Israeli narrative after seeing thousands of babies, mothers and children being pulled from rubble. Netanyahu has damaged Israel irreparably. This is not defending Israel. Israel will never be viewed as a normal state that seeks peace. It is viewed as a bully that massacres innocent people.
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Half of them are scared to burn down a Israeli embassy in their country, while the other half are frauds scared to fire one rocket barrage at Haifa.
Apparently these two things are comparable.
If they start running short I wonder if other nations will offer to fill in the man power gap? Like what's happened in Ukraine.
No is the answer there. Aside from the US every other nation has gone silent at the horrors they have inflicted. Who wants to be associated with collective punishment, mass starvation etc ?
Clearly what you claimed above was incorrect.

It is enough for everyone to know that the US supplies weaponry to Israel that is killing innocent civilians. Biden regime is the brainchild of Israeli massacre.
It is enough for everyone to know that the US supplies weaponry to Israel that is killing innocent civilians. Biden regime is the brainchild of Israeli massacre.
That may be so but making false claims definitely undermines one’s credibility and arguments.
Yes being cooked inside a tank is horrible. I saw a video of Merkava hit and three of them being set alight and crying in pain. Terrible way to go out.
The bottom line is the Israelis will soon start to run out of able men to fight. These are their reserves making up the numbers. The death toll is high but the injury count far higher, which means soldiers out of action. It's a small population.

The more i think about it, it seems to me this entire zionist project is a western christian clandestine operation to get rid of jews from Europe.

It dosent make sense for such a small gruop of people to go to a foreign land and terrorize the locals, and think they will get away with it.

Israel doing only one big millitary mistake and the entire country can be run over in matter of days.

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