Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

The more i think about it, it seems to me this entire zionist project is a western christian clandestine operation to get rid of jews from Europe.

It dosent make sense for such a small gruop of people to go to a foreign land and terrorize the locals, and think they will get away with it.

Israel doing only one big millitary mistake and the entire country can be run over in matter of days.

At the time Europe wanted less hassle. Too many to rehabilitate, the economies were a wreak and there was a Zionist movement in place, so they gave them the go ahead.
Nethanyu and mosaad has built a two months long mission for palestine. The war will atleast continue for 2 months with innocent citizens being pushed to the sea in gaza from where they will be pushed into egypt or they will come to europe as refugees in boats provided by egypt.
West bank palestine population will be pushed into jordan as it was pushed some decades ago.
World needs to act fast against israel as time is running fast and military action is needed against israel to stop genocide.
Israel now has no choice. They were backed into a corner and couldn't retreat. Stopping the war now would be a victory for Hamas and anti-Semitic forces around the world, it would make Hamas and Iran believe that Israel has lost and in the future they will carry out thousands more attacks on Israel.

No one asked Zionist to start its settler colonial ethnic cleasing in Palestine after end of WW2.

If you are a real Vietnamese, let someone from 10 000 km away one day show up on your doorstep and start evicting you and your neighborhood by gunpoint.

Actually, why you fought the Americans and Chinese? Should have let them colonize your country and pushed you out in the South China Sea… or what?
So it was not an American idea.
No, you are trying to be funny simpleton with serious matter.
DalIt explaIned you above chronology in shortest possible form.
USA inherited the problem created by others.

US has the power to enforce an end to the occupation and sanction Israel. But choose to do the exact opposite: provide bombs and aircrafts, billions of dollar in millitary aid. To not talk about selecting Israel American dual citizen zionists and even former IDF servicemen into the highest US Government positions. Even selecting vile zionists as US Special Envoy for Palestine.

And this list is only the beginning. Is it allowed in the state you reside to boycott or critize Israel? If you want a public sector job.
Israel now has no choice. They were backed into a corner and couldn't retreat. Stopping the war now would be a victory for Hamas and anti-Semitic forces around the world, it would make Hamas and Iran believe that Israel has lost and in the future they will carry out thousands more attacks on Israel.

I beg to differ , The whole world is seeing the TRUTH about the illegal occupation. There is no turning back. The world is now knowing what Palestinians have been going through for 75+ years.
US has the power to enforce a end to the occupation and sanction Israel. But choose to do the exact opposite: provide bombs and aircrafts, billions of dollar in millitary aid. To not talk about selecting Israel American dual citizen zionists and even former IDF servicemen into the highest US Government positions. Even selecting vile zionists as US Special Envoy for Palestine.

And this list is only the beginning. Is it allowed in the state you reside to boycott or critize Israel? If you want a public sector job.
Usa has largest jew population.
Jews are the largest contributor for usa economy.
Jews have helped america to finish ww2 against hitler.
Jews have done the most inventions in history of the mankind while calling america their homeland.
ANd lastly american deep state american intelligence everything is made and controlled by jews.
Obama was very strict against israel told them straightaway to stop building settlers in west bank and even gave them a warning to pull back from west bank it is all covered in an interview. But what happened obama made to go silent and israel carried on as always and obama couldnt do a jack shit.
America USA is made by jews it will only support israel no matter how much the world CRIES.
Usa has largest jew population.
Jews are the largest contributor for usa economy.
Jews have helped america to finish ww2 against hitler.
Jews have done the most inventions in history of the mankind while calling america their homeland.
ANd lastly american deep state american intelligence everything is made and controlled by jews.
Obama was very strict against israel told them straightaway to stop building settlers in west bank and even gave them a warning to pull back from west bank it is all covered in an interview. But what happened obama made to go silent and israel carried on as always and obama couldnt do a jack shit.
America USA is made by jews it will only support israel no matter how much the world CRIES.

Jews and zionists are separate thing.
There are large non-zionist and even anti-zionist jews in Europe and America.

Zionists are well organized and use false propaganda to rally western jews. Many American jews who support Israel dosent even know how horrible Israeli occupation policies are. They are told fairy tale stories by pro-Israeli zionist groups in various forms. Beginning from youth age. Never told about the brutal Aparheid Palestinians undergo for decades.

US was not made by jews although jews are a significant contributor to its economy today. Jews werent that influiental in America until perhaps end of WW1, and became dominant political force after WW2.
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US attacked Yemen boats in Hodaideh. 10 reported loss.

US reports second attack on Maersk ship as the cause.

US will stay back and fire.
A group of Muslims will be foot soldiers for US including Jordan in Yemen front.

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No, you are trying to be funny simpleton with serious matter.
DalIt explaIned you above chronology in shortest possible form.
But incorrect chronologically. Being dishonest does not help the argument at all.

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