Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

she praised Hamas after he was released

Zionists told her to say this

I mean how fake can those lips get I guess no more lip filler in Israel

her story is as fake as her lips
'I went through a holocaust,' she said. 'Everyone over there is a terrorist.'

What was this little angel's fault?

I don't know what's worse, such BS statements or the newspapers who print them.
Europeans flooded America en masse after its independece, without any controlmechanism in place like its is today.

Contrary to your postulate American immigration policies were far far more liberal before WW2.
Lol do you seriously believe european settlers can be counted same as the type of settlers america is getting these days god man so hilarious.
America is definitely in a downfall but it was made superpower in the first place mainly due to intellect and hardwork of jews and other europeans and no matter what anyone says we all will see how america will do anything to protect israel.
Just right now they have bombed the shit out of yemeni rebels killed 14 of them. See they are helping israel and wont stop.
Hamas vile attack was horrendous. They played into Netanyahus hands. 3 years ago he said publicly that it was in Israel’s interest to allow Hamas to grow and be financed because they didn’t want a 2 state solution which is the same goal as Netanyahus party.
Hamas did exactly what they were allowed to do. Now the common man of Palestine is suffering from genocide and war crimes. Just played into their apartheid hands.

Hamas is the Taliban/Mujahideen of Israel. Now the chickens have come home to roost. Remember that Hamas was once created and supported by Netanyahu to undermine the Palestinian authorities. Israel cannot possibly shed crocodile tears.

UK foreign minister: Iran shares responsibility to prevent Houthi attacks in Red Sea​

She dosent look believable should have done a better job in recuriting the hostage. Anybody can call this propganda.
USA is doing nothing of the sort.

Persistent supply of weapons, unwavering international support, biased media coverage...all key enablers of what we see.

You can tell us in simple words I hope what that equates to.
Lol do you seriously believe european settlers can be counted same as the type of settlers america is getting these days god man so hilarious.
America is definitely in a downfall but it was made superpower in the first place mainly due to intellect and hardwork of jews and other europeans and no matter what anyone says we all will see how america will do anything to protect israel.
Just right now they have bombed the shit out of yemeni rebels killed 14 of them. See they are helping israel and wont stop.

As if any of this will make Israel secure LOL
Hamas vile attack was horrendous. They played into Netanyahus hands. 3 years ago he said publicly that it was in Israel’s interest to allow Hamas to grow and be financed because they didn’t want a 2 state solution which is the same goal as Netanyahus party.
Hamas did exactly what they were allowed to do. Now the common man of Palestine is suffering from genocide and war crimes. Just played into their apartheid hands.

There were some units of Hamas that went rouge. Otherwise, Hamas conducted themselves within the rules of military engagement. Difficult to have control over independent units of an asymmetric insurgent group.
I doubt Israel on its own would be able to continue for long term because of economy crisis, and soldiers moral start dropping due to losses and exhaustion, a lot of them are reservist and they start complaining because they need to get back to their job to provide resource to their family. Unfortunately it’s the American tax payers dollars are keeping this war carrying on!!!!

It is never good to underestimate a military but somehow the Israeli Reservists remind me of the US National Guards in 'First Blood'.

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Persistent supply of weapons, unwavering international support, biased media coverage...all key enablers of what we see.

You can tell us in simple words I hope what that equates to.

But EVERY country is doing all of that. How is USA any different than any of the other parties involved?
I guess you do not follow the news much?

And what about the arms others are supplying to the combatants in the region? Why not mention those too? I guess you want to follow only one side of the news that you prefer.

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