Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

I wrote why it seems it is.

Can write it again if you want to.
- Bombs
-Security Council veto (only country to do so) a ceasefire
- Declearing Hamas Terrorist
- Declearing Israeli actions in Gaza «right to self defence», neglecting the root causes of Palestinian resistance.
- Not sancitioning Israel for building 500 000 new settlements in occupied territories since the Oslo agreement.
- Not sanctioning the right wing terrorists like Ben Gvir
- Enabling Israeli occupation of Palestine
- Not sanctioning Israel for illegal settements
-US companies providing aid to Israel
-Allowing Israeli servicemen to become highest ranking government postion in the US
- Allowing zionist to arrange money donation events for IDF (a Settler colonial terrorist Army)

-Forcing American government workers in half of US states to sign a document where they must confess not to criticise or boycott Israel.

and the list goes on and on…..

That list is only your gripes about US policies in the region. You are entitled to your opinion of course. But it does nothing to provide any meaningful input to influence the policy in a direction that you would prefer.
And what about the arms others are supplying to the combatants in the region? Why not mention those too? I guess you want to follow only one side of the news that you prefer.

when injustice becomes law then resistance becomes duty

resistance has two options number 1 is non-violent and number 2 is violent

first Intifada was mostly non-violent
second was mostly non-violent with throwing stones

and and JFK said when you make non-violent resistance impossible you make violent resistance inevitable
but it was made superpower in the first place mainly due to intellect and hardwork of jews and other europeans and no matter what anyone says we all will see how america will do anything to protect israel.

Normally I don't engage in history debate but you keep peddling this so...

Jews? Americans were turning away Jewish refugees during/before WW II and Americans were still a Superpower then. And, not into at least 1967 then Americans particularly cared for Jews. Europeans have built America, yes, of which Jews are a very small part. And even the so-called Jewish contribution to America has a large part to do with promoting fellow Jews--hidden in plain sight!! And they do so while dragging America into eventual strategic failures in the Middle East and they are able to do so ONLY because the AIPAC has basically bought the US Congress.
But EVERY country is doing all of that. How is USA any different than any of the other parties involved?

You went from saying the US does nothing to everyone does it.

The fact is that if the US did not replenish Israeli weapons Israel could not do what they are doing.

They have the ability to very simply refuse to provide material and political support.

Again I ask, given the level of support provided and the level of human and physical destruction we see what do you describe the US role in this? Passive observers?
You went from saying the US does nothing to everyone does it.

The fact is that if the US did not replenish Israeli weapons Israel could not do what they are doing.

They have the ability to very simply refuse to provide material and political support.

Again I ask, given the level of support provided and the level of human and physical destruction we see what do you describe the US role in this? Passive observers?

Because you went from blaming USA for different things than what the discussion started out with. Please follow the chain of posts first, then you will see why that evolved the way it did.
It's okay. I believe crows are white. It doesn't change reality. I have no problem with what you choose to think. Please feel free to carry on as you wish.
You too, carry on your duty as zionists citizen.
Because you went from blaming USA for different things than what the discussion started out with. Please follow the chain of posts first, then you will see why that evolved the way it did.
I didn't blame the usa for anything per se.

Can you just actually for the benefit of everyone describe how should us persistent and continued support for the attacks in Gaza be described?
SUMMARY of all resistance operations in Gaza on 30 December against IOF

Al-Qassam Brigades:

  • Destroyed a fully seated armored personnel carrier (APC) north of Al-Bureij camp with a Yassin-105.
  • Detonated an explosive device (Shouaz) targeting a Merkava tank, north of Al-Bureij camp.
  • (Partially) destroyed 15 Merkava tanks & 2 APCs in different combat zones in the Strip.
  • Engaged with a special IOF forces in the Sheikh Radwan neighborhood, in Gaza City, resulting in over 20 soldiers killed or injured.
  • Shelled israeli soldiers & their military vehicles, in Khan Yunis, with mortars.
  • Detonated an explosive device on a building where Zionist soldiers were fortified, causing casualties, in Khan Yunis.
  • Targeted a fortified IOF infantry force in a building, in Sheikh Ajleen, with a TBG.
  • Sniped a Zionist soldier in Sheikh Ajleen, using a heavy caliber M99 sniper rifle.
  • Shelled IOF soldiers & vehicles, east of Rafah, with heavy caliber mortars.
  • Targeted 2 military jeeps with explosive devices & engaged with the soldiers using machine guns, resulting in casualties in, Sheikh Ajleen area.
  • Shelled military concentrations, east of Khuza'a, with mortars.
  • Ambushed an infantry force inside a building in Tuffah & Al-Daraj neighborhoods, causing casualties.

Al-Quds Brigades:

  • (Partially) destroyed a personnel carrier (APC) & 2 Merkava tanks in Al-Tuffah and Al-Daraj axes in Gaza City.
  • Shelled military gatherings in Bani Suhaila area, east of Khan Yunis, with 60mm mortars.
  • Targeted a military vehicle with an explosive device, destroying it completely in Al-Bureij refugee camp.
  • Shelled military concentrations around Street 5 in Khan Yunis with 60mm mortars.
  • Shelled military formations, east of Rafah, with 60mm mortars.
  • Shelled military formations in Absan area, east of Khan Yunis, with 60mm mortars.
  • Shelled military concentrations, south of Deir Al-Balah, with 60mm mortars.

Abu Ali Mustafa Brigades:

  • Targeted military vehicles with RPGs, in the center of Khan Yunis.
  • Targeted a personnel carrier (APC), east of Al-Bureij camp, with a Tandem rockets.

Martyr Omar Al-Qassem forces:

  • Clashed in the central axis of Khan Younis, detonating an explosive device against the IOF forces, inflicting deaths and injuries.
  • Shelled with several mortars, a gathering of military vehicles, east of Khuza’a, hitting them directly.

Nasser Salah Al-Din Brigades:

  • Targeted a Merkava tank with a Tandem rocket in Khan Yunis, causing a direct hit.

Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades:

  • Targeted a military D9-bulldozer & a Merkava tank with Tandem and RPGs, in the axes of Khan Younis and Al-Tuffah.
  • Shelled IOF soldiers, east of Khuza'a, with 120mm caliber mortars.
Can you just actually for the benefit of everyone describe how should us persistent and continued support for the attacks in Gaza be described?

It can be clearly described as the relentless pursuit of US national interests as it perceives them.
It can be clearly described as the relentless pursuit of US national interests as it perceives them.

No, it is not. It is basically hijacking of the American Middle East policies because AIPAC has the control of the Congress.
But then even if America is nuking the entire world you'd find an excuse for those actions. That's you VCheng with your Non Sequiturs as always in this thread and in the old PDF: Playing your cards close to your chest without saying a real damn thing. And I can guess your response this post 'I have a right to my opinion' blah blah.
No, it is not. It is basically hijacking of the American Middle East policies because AIPAC has the control of the Congress.
But then even if America is nuking the entire world you'd find an excuse for those actions. That's you VCheng with your Non Sequiturs as always in this thread and in the old PDF: Playing your cards close to your chest without saying a real damn thing. And I can guess your response this post 'I have a right to my opinion' blah blah.

LOL. Your ire is at AIPAC's input to US policy. That is all. Well, there is nothing stopping the Arabs or anyone else from doing exactly that and influence US policies in their favor. That is how the process goes. Getting upset at me for clearly saying what one does not wish to comprehend is not my problem.
SUMMARY of all resistance operations in Gaza on 30 December against IOF

Al-Qassam Brigades:

  • Destroyed a fully seated armored personnel carrier (APC) north of Al-Bureij camp with a Yassin-105.
  • Detonated an explosive device (Shouaz) targeting a Merkava tank, north of Al-Bureij camp.
  • (Partially) destroyed 15 Merkava tanks & 2 APCs in different combat zones in the Strip.
  • Engaged with a special IOF forces in the Sheikh Radwan neighborhood, in Gaza City, resulting in over 20 soldiers killed or injured.
  • Shelled israeli soldiers & their military vehicles, in Khan Yunis, with mortars.
  • Detonated an explosive device on a building where Zionist soldiers were fortified, causing casualties, in Khan Yunis.
  • Targeted a fortified IOF infantry force in a building, in Sheikh Ajleen, with a TBG.
  • Sniped a Zionist soldier in Sheikh Ajleen, using a heavy caliber M99 sniper rifle.
  • Shelled IOF soldiers & vehicles, east of Rafah, with heavy caliber mortars.
  • Targeted 2 military jeeps with explosive devices & engaged with the soldiers using machine guns, resulting in casualties in, Sheikh Ajleen area.
  • Shelled military concentrations, east of Khuza'a, with mortars.
  • Ambushed an infantry force inside a building in Tuffah & Al-Daraj neighborhoods, causing casualties.

Al-Quds Brigades:

  • (Partially) destroyed a personnel carrier (APC) & 2 Merkava tanks in Al-Tuffah and Al-Daraj axes in Gaza City.
  • Shelled military gatherings in Bani Suhaila area, east of Khan Yunis, with 60mm mortars.
  • Targeted a military vehicle with an explosive device, destroying it completely in Al-Bureij refugee camp.
  • Shelled military concentrations around Street 5 in Khan Yunis with 60mm mortars.
  • Shelled military formations, east of Rafah, with 60mm mortars.
  • Shelled military formations in Absan area, east of Khan Yunis, with 60mm mortars.
  • Shelled military concentrations, south of Deir Al-Balah, with 60mm mortars.

Abu Ali Mustafa Brigades:

  • Targeted military vehicles with RPGs, in the center of Khan Yunis.
  • Targeted a personnel carrier (APC), east of Al-Bureij camp, with a Tandem rockets.

Martyr Omar Al-Qassem forces:

  • Clashed in the central axis of Khan Younis, detonating an explosive device against the IOF forces, inflicting deaths and injuries.
  • Shelled with several mortars, a gathering of military vehicles, east of Khuza’a, hitting them directly.

Nasser Salah Al-Din Brigades:

  • Targeted a Merkava tank with a Tandem rocket in Khan Yunis, causing a direct hit.

Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades:

  • Targeted a military D9-bulldozer & a Merkava tank with Tandem and RPGs, in the axes of Khan Younis and Al-Tuffah.
  • Shelled IOF soldiers, east of Khuza'a, with 120mm caliber mortars.
Allahu Akbar. This holy phrase once was abused by Takfiris to defame Islam, today Palestinians are returning it to its previous holy place. Great achievement by the hands of Palestinian resistance forces.

Let's remember
"هُوَ الَّذِی أَخْرَجَ الَّذِینَ کَفَرُوا مِنْ أَهْلِ الْکِتَابِ مِنْ دِیَارِهِمْ لِأَوَّلِ الْحَشْرِ ۚ مَا ظَنَنْتُمْ أَنْ یَخْرُجُوا ۖ وَظَنُّوا أَنَّهُمْ مَانِعَتُهُمْ حُصُونُهُمْ مِنَ اللَّهِ فَأَتَاهُمُ اللَّهُ مِنْ حَیْثُ لَمْ یَحْتَسِبُوا ۖ وَقَذَفَ فِی قُلُوبِهِمُ الرُّعْبَ ۚ یُخْرِبُونَ بُیُوتَهُمْ بِأَیْدِیهِمْ وَأَیْدِی الْمُؤْمِنِینَ فَاعْتَبِرُوا یَا أُولِی الْأَبْصَارِ"
"It is He who expelled the faithless belonging to the People of the Book (Jews of Medinah) from their homes at the outset of [their] en masse banishment. You did not think that they would go out, and they thought their fortresses would protect them from Allah. But Allah came at them from whence they did not suppose and He cast terror into their hearts. They demolish their houses with their own hands and the hands of the faithful. So take lesson, O you who have insight!"
LOL. Your ire is at AIPAC's input to US policy. That is all. Well, there is nothing stopping the Arabs or anyone else from doing exactly that and influence US policies in their favor. That is how the process goes. Getting upset at me for clearly saying what one does not wish to comprehend is not my problem.

Doesn't change the fact that AIPAC is not working for the American interests despite your repeated claims to the contrary.
It can be clearly described as the relentless pursuit of US national interests as it perceives them.

So what's your objection.
You are stating above that the US is pursuing its interests with its support.

This same support has led to everything you see, has made Gaza inhabitable, has kept the Gazans starved and away from aid.

Just like what Israeli officials have said they would do.

I had no idea that it's in usa interests to support the aspirations of the Israeli extreme right wing, in such circumstances.

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