Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Bolded parts. Oh my, your contradictions are just as amusing as your Non Sequiturs!

Along with your other Words of Wisdom in the old PDF where you stated something like 'Wars are always lost on the negotiating tables'.
Really VCheng!??
I remember a previous post on this thread where he self congratulated his approach on being data driven and concerned with the facts....

Not that I am trying to pile in on vcheng, or only single him out, but that stands out.
By now, almost ALL Americans agree that the Iraq War of 2003 was a strategic disaster. Almost all Americans except the likes of John Bolton, G.W. Bush and some dozens of Neo Cons. Heck, Hillary's loss to Obama in 2008 was partly because of her support for the 2003 (illegal) invasion of Iraq. That the war benefited Israel--for the short term--is beginning to be talked about. That it were many Israel Firsters who promoted that war was already talked about in 2003.

But if you listened to people like @VCheng in those days--and I don't what he really said in 2003 because I was not on PDF then-- then it wouldn't be hard to come to the conclusion that he'd say something like 'America is pursuing its own interests'.

Non Sequiturs and a big apologist for anything the NeoCons would do--I guess he is trying really hard to appear a 'Patriotic American'.
He should respond in this thread by the standard he holds others to in different threads.
He won't. Simple, once a criminal hypocrite, always a criminal hypocrite.

You need to tell those things to Indians of north America and watch their reaction. Lol
By now, almost ALL Americans agree that the Iraq War of 2003 was a strategic disaster. Almost all Americans except the likes of John Bolton, G.W. Bush and some dozens of Neo Cons. Heck, Hillary's loss to Obama in 2008 was partly because of her support for the 2003 (illegal) invasion of Iraq. That the war benefited Israel--for the short term--is beginning to be talked about. That it were many Israel Firsters who promoted that war was already talked about in 2003.

But if you listened to people like @VCheng in those days--and I don't what he really said in 2003 because I was not on PDF then-- then it wouldn't be hard to come to the conclusion that he'd say something like 'America is pursuing its own interests'.

Non Sequiturs and a big apologist for anything the NeoCons would do--I guess he is trying really hard to appear a 'Patriotic American'.

I hear the trend is changing amongst younger Americans... Better be careful, might get accused of being on the wrong side soon if you support the old status quo too long! 🤣
No, it is not. It is basically hijacking of the American Middle East policies because AIPAC has the control of the Congress.
But then even if America is nuking the entire world you'd find an excuse for those actions. That's you VCheng with your Non Sequiturs as always in this thread and in the old PDF: Playing your cards close to your chest without saying a real damn thing. And I can guess your response this post 'I have a right to my opinion' blah blah.

It is exactly the tactic zionist use every time. Telling americans and the wider world to support Israel because (repeat after me):
- Only democracy in ME
- Israeli interests are US interests
- Protecting Israel is protecting America
- Civilizational war
-Religious war
- civilized vs Barbarian
- Holocaust means Israel must protecting itself.

Of course its all made up zionist propaganda peddled by zionist mainstream media. If you dissagree you get cancelled

BTW never ask WHY all of the zionist argument is an actual valid argument for ethnic cleansing and apartheid.
I hear the trend is changing amongst younger Americans... Better be careful, might get accused of being on the wrong side soon if you support the old status quo too long! 🤣

Watched an interview of a Palestinian diplomat recently. The lady said that if you ask the South Africans (the white ones, that is) now then they would say that 'We never supported the Apartheid then'.
She predicts the same will happen with these weak-kneed hypocrites in future who always try to be on the 'winning side' about the Israel-Palestinian conflict.
She made a prophetic statement and so true of the human nature. But some of us take stand for a side which is being wronged and may be the weakest party, even if all we have are our words in some obscure forum. But our conscience will remain clear and we will not have to say, like the South Africans now say: 'We never supported the Apartheid'.
Bolded parts. Oh my, your contradictions are just as amusing as your Non Sequiturs!

LOL. They are not contradictory. If they are beyond anyone's comprehension limits, then it is not my problem, Sir.
Watched an interview of a Palestinian diplomat recently. The lady said that if you ask the South Africans (the white ones, that is) now then they would say that 'We never supported the Apartheid then'.
She predicts the same will happen with these weak-kneed hypocrites in future who always try to be on the 'winning side' about the Israel-Palestinian conflict.
She made a prophetic statement and so true of the human nature. But some of us take stand for a side which is being wronged and may be the weakest party, even if all we have are our words in some obscure forum. But our conscience will remain clear and we will not have to say, like the South Africans now say: 'We never supported the Apartheid'.

The south Africans have been the most vocal and supportive in favour of the Palestinians and then some of the south Americans next, there are more principled stands in the non Muslim world you could argue.
The south Africans have been the most vocal and supportive in favour of the Palestinians and then some of the south Americans next, there are more principled stands in the non Muslim world you could argue.

Absolutely true!! And Israelis are calling the South African govt as 'communists'. Hahaha!
Those countries in Africa and Latin America have actually pursued foreign policy which may land them on the wrong side of America, with consequences for them.
There is still some humanity left in human beings!!
Absolutely true!! And Israelis are calling the South African govt as 'communists'. Hahaha!
Those countries in Africa and Latin America have actually pursued foreign policy which may land them on the wrong side of America, with consequences for them.
There is still some humanity left in human beings!!

The south Africans have not forgotten the support the Israelis gave apartheid South Africa.

This is something never really understood, why would the state of Israel support a white supremacist regime at the bottom of Africa, why bother?
LOL. They are not contradictory. If they are beyond anyone's comprehension limits, then it is not my problem, Sir.

Maybe you could comprehend a situation where palestinians were allowed to live their life and have their civil right, live side by side with palestinian christians and jews, as they did for centuries. And even integrating fleeing «Aliyah» jews into the Palestinian state in the same manner immigrants are expected to do in every other country on earth.

Maybe that Palestinian state i described could be a solid US ally like Israel presents itself to be, or even a better ally than Israel is today. For who knows, its not like Arabs cannot be steady allies, providing millitary bases, buy US millitary equipemnt for hundreds of billions of dollar, and foremost providing the American economy with cheap oil since WW1, critical for US economical machinery

Not only that, maybe even helping preserving American hegemony by assisting its national coffers through acceptance of US dollar as the only currency in exchange for oil. Helping America in every way to eliminate its main geopolical communist rival.

But i guess not. Zionist tells us only a brutal settler colonial regime can take care of US interest. So we must adhere i assume.

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