New-Chill Bangladesh Thread

My childhood was entirely in rural Bangladesh. I remember the days where there was only 1 or 2 lighbulbs in our home. Nobody had electic fans. That was reserved for only bank and thana offices. People had to use hand fans made of Tal-pata or Mostaq tree.

I can honestly say my childhood was like a beautiful dream. We were not superrich by any means. But still the wealthiest perhaps in our Bari by the grace of The Lord.

I remember everyone stood up for eachother. No one had fridges so evey item was bough fresh from the Haat (Bazaar) which typically was on tuesdays and thursdays.

Every morning we children woken up and went to read and learn The Quran 6am -7am. We came back and eat breakfast. I still remember my mother and aunties making roti in the morning sun in the kitchen house, while smoke was coming out from the burning stove.

We had no phones, no TV or other electrical gadgets, no fancy toys. We made out own toys from things we found in our sorroundings. Like creating small cars from palm leaf needles and mango leafs, wheels were made of round kadam flower.

We used to go fishing in the ponds that sorroubded us and the canals. Eat a lot fruit from trees in our garden or the forest. Mangoes, coconuts, guava, different type of citrus fruits that i still havent found outside of Bangladesh. Oh and make a lot of salads with vegetable, fruits and a lots and lots of chilies in it. So much we used to have tears running down our eyes from the chili.

When it was vacation from school i often used to go to mamar bari. My step-nani was always so kind with and they had a huuuge forest and pukur, we used play and swim all day long my choto-mama, me and my cousin who were all of same age.

Bangladesh, atleast rural bangladesh was kinda socialistic spirited. Everybody looked after eachother. But unfortunately there was also a lot proverty, even among my extended relatives.

When i compare my life today i Norway, with all its european modernity, and the life i grew up as child. Its almost like day and night difference. I feels like two different dimensions.

I feel luckly to had the opportunity to experience how life was before modernity took over, before the industrial capitalist world shaped my mind. Both worlds have its strengths and beauties, but also its darker sides.

Beautiful post. Although I didn't spend too much time in the village, but I often remember the fond memories of celebrating Eid in the village or as we call it "desh er Bari". Thankfully there are now a couple of decent quality YouTube channels focusing on Bangladeshi villages. Whenever I miss Bangladesh too much, I often end up watching those in YouTube.

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