Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

The south Africans have not forgotten the support the Israelis gave apartheid South Africa.
This is something never really understood, why would the state of Israel support a white supremacist regime at the bottom of Africa, why bother?

It is an 'inconvenient truth' how far and for how long the Apartheid South Africa was tolerated by the champions of Human Rights, and supported until it became inevitable that a change was coming.

The change in SA came because it was not only long overdue but also African Americans--who form a strong lobby in America--were behind the removal of the Apartheid. The change in Palestine-Israel is not coming up soon enough because there is a strong lobby in America who is resisting the change.
Maybe you could comprehend a situation where palestinians were allowed to live their life and have their civil right, live side by side with palestinian christians and jews, as they did for centuries. And even integrating fleeing «Aliyah» jews into the Palestinian state in the same manner immigrants are expected to do in every other country on earth.

Maybe that Palestinian state i described could be a solid US ally like Israel presents itself to be, or even a better ally than Israel is today. For who knows, its not like Arabs cannot be steady allies, providing millitary bases, buy US millitary equipemnt for hundreds of billions of dollar, and foremost providing the American economy with cheap oil since WW1, critical for US economical machinery

Not only that, maybe even helping preserving American hegemony by assisting its national coffers through acceptance of US dollar as the only currency in exchange for oil. Helping America in every way to eliminate its main geopolical communist rival.

But i guess not. Zionist tells us only a brutal settler colonial regime can take care of US interest. So we must adhere i assume.

Those are all noble and desirable goals, to be sure. The trick is to work to actually realize them in reality, not merely as thoughts.
Maybe that Palestinian state i described could be a solid US ally like Israel presents itself to be, or even a better ally than Israel is today. For who knows, its not like Arabs cannot be steady allies, providing millitary bases, buy US millitary equipemnt for hundreds of billions of dollar, and foremost providing the American economy with cheap oil since WW1, critical for US economical machinery
Not only that, maybe even helping preserving American hegemony by assisting its national coffers through acceptance of US dollar as the only currency in exchange for oil. Helping America in every way to eliminate its main geopolical communist rival.

Brilliant points!
The 400 US Officials who wrote the (mostly) anonymous letter to the Biden regime after this conflict began tried to say what you are saying--American policy, being hijacked by AIPAC--is going to hurt America's interests. The Chinese are gaining ground even in the Middle East and yet the Americans are still stuck in the Cold War era strategic needs of the leeching entity in the Middle East which controls America through its lobbies.

But, hey, "Every country pursues its own national interests", right? ;)

PS. I get a distinct feeling that Chinese and the Russians are very glad to let the Gaza-Israel conflict go on for as long as possible.
Khamenei is servant of US and Israel.
Then why do they bomb his staff and Assad staff?

Why don’t they bomb king of Jordan and MBS?
They bombed Saddam and his staff and literally killed Saddam. Is Saddam anti-US heroes, yes or no?
Haaretz headline barely a couple of hours ago said '13 Israeli soldiers injured on Saturday alone'. 7 were serious injuries. 6 moderate injuries'. Add to that, 2 soldiers killed on Saturday.
The headline was quickly removed and I can't find it on Haaretz or elsewhere on the Israeli media.
Pretty big loss to IDF for just one day!
Zio sponsors and protectors gb and usa, will announce this evening "coalliton" of those two countries and some european slave about starting large scale operation against Yemen.
It means that red sea will become proper war zone, lets hope that Ansar Allah will provide them war welcome and that they have already have prepared retaliation for this upcoming aggression.
Arab streets should also burn as westerners roam and kill per wish around middle east just to protect their genocidal child.
Hamas is the Taliban/Mujahideen of Israel. Now the chickens have come home to roost. Remember that Hamas was once created and supported by Netanyahu to undermine the Palestinian authorities. Israel cannot possibly shed crocodile tears.
None of this is true. Hamas did not commit anything 'vile'. The Gaza strip was under a brutal siege for almost two decades. The Palestinians broke out of it by targeting the IDF southern command. Israeli's were always this vile and violent and genocidal. You don't become genocidal over night. Even as a reaction to something terrible (which Hamas did not do anything terrible). It's a internal trait that's been there for decades. Israeli society is very fanatics and radical.

You people don't understand that and when met with uncomfortable situation you come up with theories to cope. It's time for everyone to accept Israeli society is extremely apartheid and fanatical. Israeli left is more like center-right in UK-US understanding.
Brilliant points!
The 400 US Officials who wrote the (mostly) anonymous letter to the Biden regime after this conflict began tried to say what you are saying--American policy, being hijacked by AIPAC--is going to hurt America's interests. The Chinese are gaining ground even in the Middle East and yet the Americans are still stuck in the Cold War era strategic needs of the leeching entity in the Middle East which controls America through its lobbies.

But, hey, "Every country pursues its own national interests", right? ;)

PS. I get a distinct feeling that Chinese and the Russians are very glad to let the Gaza-Israel conflict go on for as long as possible.
Russia and China absolutely gain from this conflict. Wether the US likes it or not, soft power and goodwill actually matters.

The way i se it, USA has been hijacked by extremist zionist ideologues. The very same ideologues are also ardent nepotists and crony-capitalists. Which helps to explain deterioration of American middle class and decline of US manouvering space in international relations.
Zio sponsors and protectors gb and usa, will announce this evening "coalliton" of those two countries and some european slave about starting large scale operation against Yemen.
It means that red sea will become proper war zone, lets hope that Ansar Allah will provide them war welcome and that they have already have prepared retaliation for this upcoming aggression.
Arab streets should also burn as westerners roam and kill per wish around middle east just to protect their genocidal child.
Ansar-Allah isn't well equipped enough for that challenge if rumors of operation is true. I don't believe they will do offensive attacks on Yemen but shoot down Houthi missiles in the Red Sea which is unfortunately working because US has much much more resources to work with.
None of this is true. Hamas did not commit anything 'vile'. The Gaza strip was under a brutal siege for almost two decades. The Palestinians broke out of it by targeting the IDF southern command. Israeli's were always this vile and violent and genocidal. You don't become genocidal over night. Even as a reaction to something terrible (which Hamas did not do anything terrible). It's a internal trait that's been there for decades. Israeli society is very fanatics and radical.

You people don't understand that and when met with uncomfortable situation you come up with theories to cope. It's time for everyone to accept Israeli society is extremely apartheid and fanatical. Israeli left is more like center-right in UK-US understanding.

The Israeli society should rightfully be compared with US southern states society during the Jim Crow era. An extremely fanatical white population with brutal segregational laws and tactics against afro americans. Where white christians could roam around and kill black people with impunity, often with state police support.
The way i se it, USA has been hijacked by extremist zionist ideologues. The very same ideologues are also ardent nepotists and crony-capitalists. Which helps to explain deterioration of American middle class and decline of US manouvering space in international relations.

There is a very unholy alliance between the Military Industrial Complex, the Christian Zionists, and the political class. While the Christian Zionists provide electoral support to candidates who support Israel, the MIC gains from the perpetual war around the world--and nothing more guaranteed than in the Middle East / MENA region. Some of the money ends up with AIPAC--which uses the money to fund those politicians during the American Primaries elections, who'd support the unending wars. Add to all this, the MSMs who are definitely part of this big money making enterprise.

We are talking about tens of billions of $$ which change hands. It is a vicious cycle. Huge, huge incentives to keep on the current policies. Almost a hopeless situation while tens of millions of Americans don't even have their basics met.

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