Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Those are all noble and desirable goals, to be sure. The trick is to work to actually realize them in reality, not merely as thoughts.

Then what stops successive US goverment from pursuing that? During the 90s US could have done it without any problem.

The big elephant in the room is the massive zionist lobby which controls US polictical landscape.
you are right jews may have small part back then but you cant deny their constant hardwork to put themselves in the place where they are now. They are easily in the control of the superpower and they themselves are no less powerfull we have seen in the history strength respect strength and israel and usa tag team cant be dealt with whole of arab world and all the naive people who think america will not support israel are living in a dream world.
If whole world muslims can support muslims in gaza.
I think worlds largest jewish population country USA will definitely support israel over arab world so we should stop this topi drama of usa stopping caring for israel in near future.

Stealing isn't hard work. The Zionists steal.
The Israeli society should rightfully be compared with US southern states society during the Jim Crow era. An extremely fanatical white population with brutal segregational laws and tactics against afro americans. Where white christians could roam around and kill black people with impunity, often with state police support.
I live in the American South. The 'Buckle of the Bible Belt'. All my friends/relatives are WASPs due to the nature of my residence. So my WASP neighbor was over for the usual Desi food a few weeks ago. I asked him in such words 'Why do I get the impression that Black people are so deferential toward me?' He said that's because in the South they were so much lynching that the Black population in the South has internalized that.
[I never feel threatened around Black / Mexicans].

Then what stops successive US goverment from pursuing that? During the 90s US could have done it without any problem.
The big elephant in the room is the massive zionist lobby which controls US polictical landscape.

The last American President who showed some spine against Israel was Bush Senior when he threatened to block some loan guarantees to Israel around 1990. Since then the Israel Lobby has taken over America almost totally.
It is never good to underestimate a military but somehow the Israeli Reservists remind me of the US National Guards in 'First Blood'.

The IDF appears incapable of defending Israel (stolen Palestine). And I’m not only one who’s been surprised by this. I’ve read few comments by Vets online saying same thing. They say it’s simply inconceivable that any “ professional “ Army would operate this way. They say it resemble a civilian police, not soldiers, IDF appears more focused on thuggery than actually accomplishing a military objective.
Stop misleading people. No one from Yemen can get anywhere near Gaza. They did a symbolic march inside of Yemen.

Stop misleading people. No one from Yemen can get anywhere near Gaza. They did a symbolic march inside of Yemen.

Article says:

“Recently, there has been a very big agreement from the Houthis of Yemen that now they can send other Houthi fighters to Gaza where there can be a big deal with Hamas, Hezbollah, Palestinian resistance, and Houthi against Israel.”

They are on their way.

Jordan is also leading supplier of ISIS. It is true.

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