Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

US has the power to enforce an end to the occupation and sanction Israel. But choose to do the exact opposite: provide bombs and aircrafts, billions of dollar in millitary aid. To not talk about selecting Israel American dual citizen zionists and even former IDF servicemen into the highest US Government positions. Even selecting vile zionists as US Special Envoy for Palestine.

And this list is only the beginning. Is it allowed in the state you reside to boycott or critize Israel? If you want a public sector job.

USA has to be shown how it is in its national interests to pursue a different policy. Thus far the Arabs have failed to do so. The failure of politicians lies not with USA here.
The more i think about it, it seems to me this entire zionist project is a western christian clandestine operation to get rid of jews from Europe.

It dosent make sense for such a small gruop of people to go to a foreign land and terrorize the locals, and think they will get away with it.

Israel doing only one big millitary mistake and the entire country can be run over in matter of days.

That is partly the reason.

The Zionists managed to convince and bribe the British during and after WW2 that supporting them in stealing Palestine would be in their and also western interests. Without massive Jewish immigration between WW1 and WW2 then the settler state would have remained a non-starter.

Not only could Europe get rid of their "Jewish problem" but there is this now this cancer in the heart of the ME to ensure that no truly powerful Arab state can rise to challege Western economic and strategic interests after WW2.

Yes the Zionists do have massive influence in the US and some other western countries like the UK but these states also think that the preservation of the Zionist enitty is still somehow in their interests.
Jews and zionists are separate thing.
There are large non-zionist and even anti-zionist jews in Europe and America.

Zionists are well organized and use false propaganda to rally western jews. Many American jews who support Israel dosent even know how horrible Israeli occupation policies are. They are told fairy tale stories by pro-Israeli zionist groups in various forms. Beginning from youth age. Never told about the brutal Aparheid Palestinians undergo for decades.

US was not made by jews although jews are a significant contributor to its economy today. Jews werent that influiental in America until perhaps end of WW1, and became dominant political force after WW2.
you accept it or not but modern america is standing on hardwork of jews and you have not even seen the whole support of america for jews yet basically you have not seen anything yet. The moment israel will feel threatend and its existence will be at stake the whole world will certainly realise why america dosent have free healthcare.
Just like how the whole world is behind gaza for its support. American jews will also rise to protect their brothers in israel if the need arises. So world should do something for gaza rather then shouting against america for its support for israel.
USA has to be shown how it is in its national interests to pursue a different policy. Thus far the Arabs have failed to do so. The failure of politicians lies not with USA here.

It US national interest to ethnically cleanse Palestine?
US attacked Yemen boats in Hodaideh. 10 reported loss.

US reports second attack on Maersk ship as the cause.

US will stay back and fire.
A group of Muslims will be foot soldiers for US including Jordan.

Maersk stopped shipping through Mandab again, concerned of Yemen avenge.
you accept it or not but modern america is standing on hardwork of jews and you have not even seen the whole support of america for jews yet basically you have not seen anything yet. The moment israel will feel threatend and its existence will be at stake the whole world will certainly realise why america dosent have free healthcare.
Just like how the whole world is behind gaza for its support. American jews will also rise to protect their brothers in israel if the need arises. So world should do something for gaza rather then shouting against america for its support for israel.

The US share of Global GDP has shrunk with every decade since the decade after end of WW2. US middle class in decline since the 70s. Government debt tens of trillions of dollars. Declining life expectancy(!).

All started since zionist took control.
Was Hamas’s assault an American idea?
Hamas vile attack was horrendous. They played into Netanyahus hands. 3 years ago he said publicly that it was in Israel’s interest to allow Hamas to grow and be financed because they didn’t want a 2 state solution which is the same goal as Netanyahus party.
Hamas did exactly what they were allowed to do. Now the common man of Palestine is suffering from genocide and war crimes. Just played into their apartheid hands.
Yemen is due to give annocuemnt in the coming hours

i think they might declare all out War after Zionists attacks their boats

all US bases in the region should be annihilated by Yemen, Iraq, Iraq and Syria

US will destroy itself for the Zionists so let them face their fate

US is owned by Zionists and Zoinists want this war so lets let them have it

Zionists have attacked speed boats for no reason this is provocation
The US share of Global GDP has shrunk with every decade since the decade after end of WW2. US middle class in decline since the 70s. Government debt tens of trillions of dollars. Declining life expectancy(!).

All started since zionist took control.
All started since they started uncontrolled migration. Slowly they are realising their mistake but its too late now. Their economy will definitely slow down but one thing history teaches us is america knows how to come back.
Still the future lies in asia with china and india.
He was correct.

It's okay. I believe crows are white. It doesn't change reality. I have no problem with what you choose to think. Please feel free to carry on as you wish.
USA is doing nothing of the sort.
I wrote why it seems it is.

Can write it again if you want to.
- Bombs
-Security Council veto (only country to do so) a ceasefire
- Declearing Hamas Terrorist
- Declearing Israeli actions in Gaza «right to self defence», neglecting the root causes of Palestinian resistance.
- Not sancitioning Israel for building 500 000 new settlements in occupied territories since the Oslo agreement.
- Not sanctioning the right wing terrorists like Ben Gvir
- Enabling Israeli occupation of Palestine
- Not sanctioning Israel for illegal settements
-US companies providing aid to Israel
-Allowing Israeli servicemen to become highest ranking government postion in the US
- Allowing zionist to arrange money donation events for IDF (a Settler colonial terrorist Army)

-Forcing American government workers in half of US states to sign a document where they must confess not to criticise or boycott Israel.

and the list goes on and on…..
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Hamas vile attack was horrendous.

which attack? Hamas only targets military bases and the video of the Merkava firing into houses is confirmed by Israeli officer as is many other attacks in which the IDF hit its own people

Hamas attacked only military targets and the civilians killed was done by IDF

no proof has been provided by Israel which shows Hamas killing civilians

All started since they started uncontrolled migration. Slowly they are realising their mistake but its too late now. Their economy will definitely slow down but one thing history teaches us is america knows how to come back.
Still the future lies in asia with china and india.

Europeans flooded America en masse after its independece, without any controlmechanism in place like its is today.

Contrary to your postulate American immigration policies were far far more liberal before WW2.

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