Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024


Elite Member
Dec 14, 2008
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These Zionists were flown into Israel from many European/Western capitals to kill babies and rape Palestinian women. They will also be allowed to return to their Western nations once they have finished their "good" deeds.
Indoctrinated like Hitler indoctrinated his people and got them to commit heinous crimes against humanity. But they will lose whatever the price that has to be paid.


Elite Member
Dec 14, 2008
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I'm going to make a few points (factual) then summarise (opinion). I've actually made my points clear for those who bother to reflect.

- Israeli officials have publicly announced that they will use unprecedented weapons.

What do you in your wisdom surmise they may be? Is it hysterical to theorise?

- Israel has demonstrated that it will only restrain itself if the opposing side has a credible deterrence.

I use the example of Irans retaliatory response. This was unprecedented for 2 reasons:

- Israel ensures deterrence by moving up the escalation ladder in a disproportionate fashion. They did NOT retaliate at all.

- Israel and the US have been wanting to attack Iran and in fact destroy its military capabilities completely. They have been sabre-rattling for >20 years. Iran attacked Israel FIRST.


- unprecedented weapons may denote WMD. This is a logical stance, not hysterical.

- it is logical that Lebanon must have a credible deterrence in order to avoid the destruction of its civilian infrastructure as we have seen in Gaza.

Nothing worse than an uncle Tom. Very disappointed with the American negros. Note how it's always a negro they send to veto a UN resolution.

Stay tuned this is coming soon: "Israel and the US have been wanting to attack Iran and in fact destroy its military capabilities completely. They have been sabre-rattling for >20 years."

Iran and the region would be stupid not to plan for all eventualities.


Sep 19, 2010
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- unprecedented weapons may denote WMD. This is a logical stance, not hysterical.

- it is logical that Lebanon must have a credible deterrence in order to avoid the destruction of its civilian infrastructure as we have seen in Gaza.

The only logical stance possible here is not to give Iran a pass on all its shenanigans in creating and inflaming the present conflict.

Israel's' use of the word "unprecedented" does not mean "nuclear", because that does not have US approval, nor is it likely to get it.

Iran would like to support the Hezbollah to create a second front for Israel, never mind the numerous casualties that it will cause, just like its instigation of October 7 has used the poor Palestinians as expendable pawn.

Such is the callous game of international geopolitics. No one is an angel in this game since time immemorial.
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Elite Member
May 29, 2011
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Given the proliferation of high quality ATGM including the fire-forget kind - i do think IDF will have some 'issues' with their armoured forces in the terrain.

These will be picked off with ease by Hezbollah infantry teams.

Zionists could be making the mistake of their terrorist existence in Palestine.


Elite Member
May 29, 2011
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Iran would like to support the Hezbollah to create a second front for Israel, never mind the numerous casualties that it will cause, just like its instigation of October 7 has used the poor Palestinians as expendable pawn.

Back this statement up with credible evidence or retract.

Circadian Rhythm

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May 5, 2024
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The only logical stance possible here is not to give Iran a pass on all its shenanigans in creating and inflaming the present conflict.

Israel's' use of the word "unprecedented" does not mean "nuclear", because that does not have US approval, nor is it likely to get it.

Iran would like to support the Hezbollah to create a second front for Israel, never mind the numerous casualties that it will cause, just like its instigation of October 7 has used the poor Palestinians as expendable pawn.

Such is the callous game if international geopolitics. o one is an angel in this game since time immemorial.

Israel is making use of the opportunity that has been created after October 7

The World community is now tired of this Region

Whatever has to happen , let it happen

After all the Noisy protests in US and Europe , now there is complete silence

Biden is Lame Duck till elections

New President will take over in January

So Nobody is going to stop Israel


Sep 19, 2010
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Israel is making use of the opportunity that has been created after October 7

The World community is now tired of this Region

Whatever has to happen , let it happen

After all the Noisy protests in US and Europe , now there is complete silence

Biden is Lame Duck till elections

New President will take over in January

So Nobody is going to stop Israel

Let us wait and see what happens after Netanyahu's visit, and the results of the US elections. Until then, sadly, the carnage is likely to continue.

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