Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024


Elite Member
Apr 13, 2013
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We're in the middle,we're not Western nor Eastern exactly,we're right in the middle. As for the outcome,don't count too much on a Muslim union,we might be having a world war soon the way things are going both in Ukraine and the Middle-East. At some point,Israel will think it is inevitable to attack Iran. And Russia might not leave Iran without help.
Israel can't and will never attack Iran. You keep giving these Jewish mafia terrorists too much credit. They're trying to get US forces and Arab forces deployed in Gaza to fight their war for them. They want to draw US in to get US in conflict with Palestinians to have US help them annex Palestinian territories.

That's what will start a world war. Any US or Arab forces on the ground in Gaza. And the continuation of the Gaza genocide. Netanyahu is trying to drag this conflict into the next year as Jewish lobby will begin attempts to force US into occupying Gaza for Israeli supremacist agenda, under Trump.


Persian Gulf

Feb 19, 2023
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Israel can't and will never attack Iran.
I would never underestimate their lunacy, with US backing (Trump) they can be very brave

back around 2010 they actually came close to attacking Iran three times, but decided against it at the last moment each time. back then Iran had no air defences and virtually no ballistic missiles. very different game now


Elite Member
Apr 13, 2013
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Netanyahu the terrorist and Jewish terrorists in general are going to trigger a world war. Israel is waiting for Trump election, thinking he will approve a attempt at ethnically cleansing Palestinians into Egypt. As if this war on Gaza hasn't been genocidal enough, there is a long term policy of ethnic cleansing in play here. Jewish facism and terrorism is going to derail the global economy and global security in the next few years.



Full Member
Dec 11, 2023

β€œYour goods have been returned to you.

”Al-Quds Brigades say they used an unexploded F-16 bomb to booby-trap a house that Israeli soldiers entered in Shujaiya.

The bomb was detonated and the entire force was annihilated


Palestinian fighters engaged Israeli forces in fierce battles in northern Gaza City’s Shujayea neighbourhood a day after tanks and troops rolled in and sent tens of thousands of terrified civilians fleeing.


Elite Member
Apr 13, 2013
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I would never underestimate their lunacy, with US backing (Trump) they can be very brave

back around 2010 they actually came close to attacking Iran three times, but decided against it at the last moment each time. back then Iran had no air defences and virtually no ballistic missiles. very different game now
US backing would mean US leads entire attack with Israel contributing 2% and then pretending to have done on its own. They lack the capability to attack Iran.

It's likely they want to wait for Kushner and other Israeli foreign agents to take office again and push the ethnic cleansing plan. By trying to intimidate everyone in the region. It will plunge world into a war. All because of a Jewish itch to wipe out Palestine from existence. Doing what they excuse others of doing.


Elite Member
Apr 13, 2013
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The Jewish terrorists are asking US for 2,000lb bombs not for Lebanon, but rather to continue pulverizing the Gaza Strip and massacring its residents. Here is footage of these genocidal attacks on eastern Gaza city today. Still Muslims and Arabs won't form a military coalition to confront this.



Elite Member
Apr 13, 2013
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The Jewish terrorists are committing the most awful genocide in history. Dropping the heaviest kind of bombs available in rural neighborhoods. To destroy, terrorize, murder and kill. Until they kill everyone and everything or terrorize everyone into fleeing. And it can only be done thanks to Jewish American terrorist community forcing America to keep resupplying Israel with the heaviest bombs, not to defend itself, but to execute it's Holocaust of Palestine.



Elite Member
May 28, 2012
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Blah blah blah blah blah blah

What does this rant have to do with my post about the disunity of the Muslim world?

You're saying this will happen means nothing. What if I say something else will happen? According to our prophecies for example?

Your post is confusing

Your talking about disunity in the Muslim world, and I gave you the example of the same people who are now part of the European union mass murdering each other by the MILLIONS only 75 years ago

Persian Gulf

Feb 19, 2023
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US backing would mean US leads entire attack with Israel contributing 2% and then pretending to have done on its own. They lack the capability to attack Iran.

It's likely they want to wait for Kushner and other Israeli foreign agents to take office again and push the ethnic cleansing plan. By trying to intimidate everyone in the region. It will plunge world into a war. All because of a Jewish itch to wipe out Palestine from existence. Doing what they excuse others of doing.
US backing means endless resupply of BMD missiles and offensive weapons, and diplomatic protection and activating its allies in region to act as air defence shield for Israel (like on April 14th)


Elite Member
May 28, 2012
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but look at what a militia like the Taliban did to NATO, or that the Houthis did to Saudi Arabia. or even the carnage that ISIS caused - you're underestimating the capacity o potent militias to damage and dismantle national militaries.

Taliban had Pakistan support, guidance, planning etc to take out multiple enemies

Even though Taliban can be a headache for us, that's a issue between Muslims


Elite Member
Apr 13, 2013
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US backing means endless resupply of BMD missiles and offensive weapons, and diplomatic protection and activating its allies in region to act as air defence shield for Israel (like on April 14th)
They have all of this right now to mercilessly slaughter civilians of Gaza and unleash their vile hatred and nature onto them, but they cannot do that to a big country like Iran. Even with Hezbollah they're still bluffing. They asked for US to deploy aircraft carriers along Lebanon's coast as they're using their entire endless supply on the open air prison, Gaza. Even with endless supply, they cannot fight Hezbollah simultaneously. If they fought actual countries, they'd get routed. What they have is political and financial power in the West. And massive terrorist tactics of murder, assassination, etc... like a very powerful mafia. As soon as people stop fearing them, is when that mafia gets taste of their medicine. And they will fold very fast under pressure. They're not a patient people that are able to persevere if they experience even 5% of what they do in their genocide.

Persian Gulf

Feb 19, 2023
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They have all of this right now to mercilessly slaughter civilians of Gaza and unleash their vile hatred and nature onto them, but they cannot do that to a big country like Iran. Even with Hezbollah they're still bluffing. They asked for US to deploy aircraft carriers along Lebanon's coast as they're using their entire endless supply on the open air prison, Gaza. Even with endless supply, they cannot fight Hezbollah simultaneously. If they fought actual countries, they'd get routed. What they have is political and financial power in the West. And massive terrorist tactics of murder, assassination, etc... like a very powerful mafia. As soon as people stop fearing them, is when that mafia gets taste of their medicine. And they will fold very fast under pressure. They're not a patient people that are able to persevere if they experience even 5% of what they do in their genocide.
fortunately they do not have enough bombs to do to Iran what they have done to Gaza but I am sure they will try their best to commit massacres in Iran

within a week Israel's BMD would be severely degraded and Israel can suffer a taste of its own medicine against a strong opponent for once

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