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Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Persian Gulf

Feb 19, 2023
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Saudi state media propagates official Zionist narratives, focus on spreading US and Israeli statements over Resistance statements



Full Member
Jul 14, 2019
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Sadly that's true and it will happen likely. There is no other reason "dajjal" will stand on the gates of Makkah with zonists as his followers..... Until things will get reverse and elimination of these evil will start.
This is I have been saying for over a week. Israel is playing for all the marbles and will not stop until they accomplish Greater Israel.

View attachment 52456


Elite Member
Aug 3, 2008

Can you please get your demonic Kazars children to behave and tell them to go back to Europe? .... You cannot take over Palestinian land and destroy their food...


Elite Member
May 29, 2011
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Some 'coping mechanisms' are already being used to claim the total victory in Gaza. But Israelis know well that even if one rocket could be fired from Gaza then the impact would be like 50 rockets--in an Israeli columnist's own words.
And with all the ordnance dropped on Gaza, even if only 5% is unexploded, the Gazans have a lot of explosives to keep hurting Israel by harvesting the explosives; this is what John Ulmer at the Electronic Intifada recently said. And he is the best resource on the tactical knowledge of the Gaza conflict.

The entity maybe is now the largest military supplier to Hamas and the rest of the resistance in Gaza.

Hundreds of Zionist terrorists will soon meet their deaths using ordance they dropped to try to kill Gazans!


Elite Member
Apr 13, 2013
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Israel has initiated another massive escalation in Gaza. Netanyahu seeks to make Gaza unlivable and keep its residents running from one shelter to another. Israel has called on all residents of Khan Yunis to leave or be murdered. After calling on residents in central Gaza to go there to avoid being murdered in central Gaza. US continues to support Israel's genocide in Gaza. Which aims in the longer term to ethnically cleanse the population of Gaza.

Despite claiming they're entering a 'third phase', they're attacking Gaza with same intensity as on day 1. Massacring hundreds of Palestinians each day. And targeting the health system and civilian infrastructure in it.



Elite Member
May 29, 2011
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The world has already turned against this monstrous entity as genocide cannot be tolerated in the 21st centiury and the brazen celebration of it.

Article from a rag of the Zionist entity:

"Only humans, dogs, and cats': 'That Jewish Family' kicked out of restaurant in Vietnam"

“Get out of my shop. Out! Don’t sit there. My shop doesn’t accept people from your country,” the shop owner tells the Namdars."​



Elite Member
Apr 13, 2013
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These are still just threats. Netanyahu won't initiate anything before his visit to the US in late July. And it's unclear what is Israel's actual demand for a 'deal'. They may simply just request Hezbollah unilaterally cease any fire. Then it's Hezbollah choice from there if they want to keep being involved until there is official cease-fire in Gaza or not.

Assuming Israel doesn't make a ludicrous demand of demanding Hezbollah move out of Lebanese south entirely.



Elite Member
Sep 29, 2019
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The world has already turned against this monstrous entity as genocide cannot be tolerated in the 21st centiury and the brazen celebration of it.

Article from a rag of the Zionist entity:

"Only humans, dogs, and cats': 'That Jewish Family' kicked out of restaurant in Vietnam"​

“Get out of my shop. Out! Don’t sit there. My shop doesn’t accept people from your country,” the shop owner tells the Namdars."​

The shop owner didn't want to be Israeled.


when a person tells you that your property is theirs (when it obviously isn’t), and demands you just give this property to them, and if you refuse, they take it by force and the law will somehow be on the their (israeling) side.


Elite Member
Apr 13, 2013
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Israeli terrorist army is threatening to destroy another hospital, in its quest to destroy the health system in Gaza. With the long term to ethnically cleanse the population. It starts by destroying the health and civilian infrastructure.


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