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Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024


Elite Member
Mar 16, 2012
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These are second rated Christians. LOL It is funny how the US and Western Christian sources always cry persecution. Here Palestinian Christians are being massacred and these American/Western Christians aren't batting an eye lid. Not even a mention how the Zionists are massacring their Christian brothers. Mind you, proper authentic Christians from the Holy land.

Davey Crockett

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Dec 17, 2023
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These are second rated Christians. LOL It is funny how the US and Western Christian sources always cry persecution. Here Palestinian Christians are being massacred and these American/Western Christians aren't batting an eye lid. Not even a mention how the Zionists are massacring their Christian brothers. Mind you, proper authentic Christians from the Holy land.
That's because the Bible Thumpers haven't made it past the Book of Isiah when the Israelites occupied Palestine. Never occurred to them there are actually Christians living in Palestine today.

Christians in America are not a very bright bunch when it comes to current events in the Holy Land.
They think if the Jews exterminate the non Jews, and the area gathers up all of God's darlings to build a third temple, Jesus will return from heaven and rule over a 1,000 year paradise.

Amen. Pass the collection plate.

Davey Crockett

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Dec 17, 2023
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Crazy Bible thumpers indeed.
Unfortunately, they make up 30% of the electorate, and 60% of Trump voters.

This is why I have been advocating that the resistance change tactics from attrition to all out war against the Zionists.

There is currently a US President in office most Americans think is too far gone for any of us to believe anymore, and Israel is splitting at the seams.

I see, maybe a 3-6 week window, right now, if the entire resistance go all in, they can win.

Once Trump gets in, it will be total annihilation of the resistance, and Americans will love it. Why? Watch, the propaganda on mainstream media will be in overdrive.

Now is the time for the Palestinians to realize their dreams. And all of us, in our own way, to at least throw a monkey wrench into the Zog machine.


Elite Member
Dec 14, 2008
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This is the West Bank. Which signed the Oslo Accords with Israel. And handed over all its weapons. The Palestinian Authority also has security cooperation with the Israeli army and security forces. Israel rewards them by colonizing their land. Killing the possibility of Palestinian statehood:

Abbas is a treacherous fool who has fu(ked up the Palestinian people real good.

Davey Crockett

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Dec 17, 2023
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Abbas is a treacherous fool who has fu(ked up the Palestinian people real good.
I am at least thankful my fellow Americans still believe we have the right to bear arms.

The four boxes of liberty is a 19th-century American idea that proposes: "There are four boxes to be used in the defense of liberty: soap, ballot, jury, and cartridge. Please use in that order."

Personally, I think we reached the fourth box of liberty. But have to wait for my fellow Americans to figure it out. Until then, I have my soap box.

Meanwhile....know my rights.....all three of them.....


Davey Crockett

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Dec 17, 2023
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Just a BS story to fool the Christians, they will come with a BS excuse to explain why he didn't come later on.

Celsus. Roman philosopher (c. 2nd century, A.D.)--the first ancient author of a whole book attacking Christianity.

Just as the charlatans of the cults [of Cybele, Mithras, etc.] take advantage of a simpleton's lack of education to lead him around by the nose, so too with the Christian teachers: they do not want to give or to receive reasons for what they believe. Their favorite expressions are "Do not ask questions, just believe!" and: "Your faith will save you!" "The wisdom of the world," they say, "is evil"; "to be simple is to be good."

And how can one overlook the fact that Christian teachers are only happy with stupid pupils--indeed scout about for the slow-witted. . . . And to the scum that constitutes their assemblies, they say "Make sure none of you ever obtains knowledge, for too much learning is a dangerous thing; knowledge is a disease for the soul, and the soul that acquires knowledge will perish."

Let's assume for the present that he [Christ] foretold his resurrection. Are you ignorant of the multitudes who have invented similar tales to lead simple-minded hearers astray? It is said that Zamolxis, Pythagoras' servant, convinced the Scythians that he had risen from the dead, having hidden himself away in a cave for several years; and what about Pythagoras himself in Italy! ---or Rhampsinitus in Egypt. . . . What about Orpheus among the Odrysians, Protesilaus in Thessaly, and above all Herakles and Theseus?

It is equally silly of these Christians to suppose that when their God applies the fire (like a common cook!) all the rest of mankind will be thoroughly roasted, and that they alone will escape unscorched--not just those alive at the time, mind you, but (they say) those long since dead will rise up from the earth possessing the same bodies as they did before. I ask you: Is this not the hope of worms?

It is clear to me that the writings of the Christians are a lie, and that your fables have not been well enough constructed to conceal this monstrous fiction. I have even heard that some of your interpreters, as if they had just come out of a tavern, are onto the inconsistencies and, pen in hand, alter the original writings three, four, and several more times over in order to be able to deny the contradictions in the face of criticism.


Elite Member
Aug 26, 2010
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One of the main differences between Hezbollah and Hamas weapons is Hamas' lack of effective ATGMs and SAMs (even MANPADs).

Hamas has mass produced the Yasin-105 and they use it frequently with decent results, but it clearly lacks the destructive power of a large ATGM and has to be fired from very close proximity to have a chance of success. ATGMs like Dehlavieh and Almas can be fired from much further away (safer for the operator, and increases danger zone for Israeli APCs/tanks) and have much more powerful warheads (Almas even has a thermobaric warhead variant).

Additionally, Israel routinely uses helicopters to evacuate injured/killed soldiers. These are easy targets for MANPADs / basic SAMs. Unfortunately, Hamas is unable to capitalise on this. Hezbollah possesses the Iranian 358 SAM, which would be perfect to target Israeli helicopters in these scenarios.


Hamas is fighting on the ground in close combat

Hezbollah is fighting at range

So they need different weapons

And kornet is actually a pretty sophisticated weapon and beyond the scope of what Hamas needs

I do agree however those IDF helicopter
Cutting injured soldiers should be shot down with manpads that is what definitely Hamas needs


Elite Member
Aug 26, 2010
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If you saw the John Elmer video which I posted in my last message above, you would have noticed that Gazans made a 'strategic' decision many years ago to not go for Kornet because of the weight and because Yasin would be more easy to manufacture. Elmer said it would be recorded by 'history', implying a very clever move and as Aziqbal said above, using the unexploded Israeli ordnance, many Yasin could be made.

Total agree with that assessment by John Elmer

However I would add a manpad would be good for this IDF helicopters carrying injured soldiers

Davey Crockett

Full Member
Dec 17, 2023
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Total agree with that assessment by John Elmer

However I would add a manpad would be good for this IDF helicopters carrying injured soldiers
  1. Protection of the Wounded
    "Do not attack a wounded person"-thus said the Prophet. This means that the wounded soldiers who are not fit to fight, nor actually fighting, should not be attacked.

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