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Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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Which "most intel agencies" are we talking about? Because according to the Gaza Health Ministry (which BTW has offices in the West Bank also and is gathering data there as well as it comes in from Gaza) lists the unfortunate death toll as of June 30, 2024, (3 days ago) in Gaza at approximately 37,877 Palestinians killed of which approximately 15,000 are children (women not included but adding the women & children they approximate the total to be around 70% - 72% of the total which is abhorrent) and approximately 86,969 injured.

Now there's probably unfortunately quite a few still buried under the disgusting amount of destroyed buildings and homes & rubble, but if you take those numbers without the injured/wounded since most of those are considered still alive, you have almost 40K dead and double that for missing and you're at 80,000.

That's still a disgusting number of innocent & helpless people killed but to claim it's double that at 160K is a bit outrageous TBH.

And if anything, despite the zionist always manipulating the numbers to suit their demonic needs, they even question the Gaza Health Ministry numbers which I would take over any intel out there no matter who it is. I think they got their heads up their asses TBH.

And couldn't care less about the accuracy of the zionist deaths either, the more the merrier as far as we're all concerned. Not busting your balls, Hungary, just an observation/questioning who these intel agencies are that are coming out with those crazy numbers and don't seem to give any credence to the numbers published by the Gaza Health Ministry.

I guarantee you there's a reason for that knowing how slimy setting up ambushy those demons are, but it didn't work for them.

If you look at that Merkakhara MK4 with all the goofball bells & whistles and why would it be just sitting there in the middle of all sorts of damaged buildings with tons of hideouts for brave Hamas soldiers to take easy shots at them? Pretty obvious thinking their trophy is going to protect them from any ATGM fired on it and they most definitely have their own lookout waiting for brave tracksuit Mujahideen to either fire at it with an RPG or run at it and get their location or wherever they're firing from.

Guess their brilliant plan failed miserably lol as the brave TSMs outsmarted them coming out in two, planting their Yassins then ran in two separate directions and not back to the same spot loool. Double Bs on that, Brilliant and Brave on another level. Zionist must've been pissing their pants sweating bullets and crying getting nothing out of that whole thing except a badly damaged hunk of crap and probably a couple dead or at least badly maimed, let's hope.

This reminds one of the Ismailia battle during the 1973 war where civilians from the city were jumping on top of the Israeli tanks and throwing grenades inside!

The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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Unfortunately, they make up 30% of the electorate, and 60% of Trump voters.

This is why I have been advocating that the resistance change tactics from attrition to all out war against the Zionists.

There is currently a US President in office most Americans think is too far gone for any of us to believe anymore, and Israel is splitting at the seams.

I see, maybe a 3-6 week window, right now, if the entire resistance go all in, they can win.

Once Trump gets in, it will be total annihilation of the resistance, and Americans will love it. Why? Watch, the propaganda on mainstream media will be in overdrive.

Now is the time for the Palestinians to realize their dreams. And all of us, in our own way, to at least throw a monkey wrench into the Zog machine.
Do not think that Israel, and more importantly the West and the Americans in particular, do not pay attention to the consequences of Israel emerging defeated from the war in Gaza..

The West and America, and thinking about them before the Jews themselves, because they are the owners of the Zionist project in that region. They will not easily give up on this entity that serves their interests, and the Zionist project formed the ruling ideology to support it, as well as the religious packaging that represents the driving fuel for the continuation and survival of the idea, even if they use all kinds of crimes.

But at the end we trust in God’s victory..



The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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Israel Broadcasting Corporation:

The situation of the Rafah Brigade in the Al-Qassam Brigades is better than what the IDF is trying to portray, and there are 3 out of 4 battalions still active and fighting.

The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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Document leaked from the Israeli Ministry of Intelligence in October 2023.

It indicates that the forced displacement of the population of Gharra to Egypt will achieve “positive and long-term strategic results.”

The advisory document outlines a three-stage process: establishing tent cities in Sinai, opening a humanitarian corridor, and building cities in North Sinai without return.


The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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A heroic stabbing operation in Galilee.

3 soldiers were injured, including one fatally

The perpetrator was martyred after he was shot by a Druze citizen after the perpetrator downed 3 soldiers sustaining critical and serious injuries.

The knife that was used in the stabbing attack in Karmiel


The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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Statement by the Qassam Brigades

Al-Qassam Brigades destroy enemy forces penetrating the Al-Shuja'iya neighborhood, east of Gaza City, with mortar shells.

Statement by Al-Quds Brigades

Al-Quds Brigades: We bombarded with regular and heavy mortar shells the Zionist enemy concentrations stationed at Al-Mantar Hill, east of the Shuja'iya neighborhood.

The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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Wall Street Journal:

Hamas dragged Israel into the Gaza quagmire and proved its ability to pull itself together and continue the war

The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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Statement by Al-Quds Brigades:

We targeted, with an RPG shell, a Zionist D9 military bulldozer at the “Halal Market” intersection in the city of Rafah, south of the Gaza Strip.

Statement by the forces of the martyr Omar Al-Qasim:

We targeted the enemy forces penetrating the vicinity of Hattin School, east of the Shuja'iya neighborhood, with 107 short-range missiles.


Elite Member
Jul 31, 2009
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Do not think that Israel, and more importantly the West and the Americans in particular, do not pay attention to the consequences of Israel emerging defeated from the war in Gaza..

The West and America, and thinking about them before the Jews themselves, because they are the owners of the Zionist project in that region. They will not easily give up on this entity that serves their interests, and the Zionist project formed the ruling ideology to support it, as well as the religious packaging that represents the driving fuel for the continuation and survival of the idea, even if they use all kinds of crimes.

Many people rightly say that Israel is the last of the [overt] Western colonial enterprises in the world.

However, Israel was not always as 'central' to the Western interests as it is now. The Brits resisted the formation of Israel to some extent despite the Balfour Declaration and the British soldiers were targeted and killed by the Zionists. The Americans were turning away Jewish refugees escaping Hitler. Anti-Semitism was widespread in Europe though Hitler/Germans are conveniently singled out. In the 1956 Suez Canal related war, Americans were not so much about helping Israel--on the contrary.

There have been many reasons and I believe in what John Mearsheimer said in 2006 in his 'The Israel Lobby' book: It is primarily the Israel Lobby in America now. John goes into great details about as to how Israel gained its primacy, especially after the 1967 War, through using its parasitic Lobby in America. It would be a long discussion if we go into that book. But what was concluded by him then and remains true: Israel no longer serves the American Strategic interests in the Middle East and on the contrary is now a liability to the American interests.

So, yes, a colonial enterprise for a long time but it is no longer the useful tool and is now, in fact, a liability. I tend to think there is paralysis in Washington when it comes to Israel. Officials are too resigned and are in some stagnation mode despite knowing the losing American interests in the Middle East. The consequences for any officials should they dare challenge Israel are almost always very harsh, so why bother? And history is going to judge Israel as the single most damaging entity which led to the expulsion of Americans from the MENA region, thus giving the advantage to China led block. It is already happening.


Elite Member
Aug 3, 2008
Massive anger in the Israeli media against British artist George Roger:
In an interview with Piers Morgan.
The Israelis told dirty lies about burned children and rape.

You cannot hear de the truth. That's why the Israeli are burning. Their lies are catching up to them.

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