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Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024


Elite Member
Apr 13, 2013
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Godspeed to Hamas. Burn these baby killer terrorists.

Gaza is the worst place for Israel to try occupying. It is not a baby killer friendly place and the resistance vastly outnumbers the security collaboration traitors that assist in murdering their own people.



Elite Member
May 29, 2011
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1 IDF terrorist liquidated and another "seriously wounded" in stabbing attack

An off-duty IDF terrorist was killed in this morning's stabbing attack at a mall in the northern city of Karmiel, the military announces.

The slain terrorist is named as Sgt. Aleksandr Iakiminskyi, 19, a truck driver in the 188th Armored Brigade's 71st Battalion, from Nahariya.

Another terrorist soldier of the 71st Battalion was seriously wounded in the attack.

Just look at the name.

Most probably a settler of Russian origin.

Should never have been "working" as a terrorist on a foreign land and should have been living in his native lands of Eastern Europe.


Elite Member
Mar 16, 2012
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Just look at the name.

Most probably a settler of Russian origin.

Should never have been "working" as a terrorist on a foreign land and should have been living in his native lands of Eastern Europe.

Aleksandr Lakiminskyi isn't Jewish.


Jun 23, 2011
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Gaza has gave its all to help us achieve freedom from Jewish supremacy, by the will of God. Now we have to let Gaza rest. Rest is on us. We have to destroy the Jewish terrorist radical regime. And avenge the Gaza holocaust. Not Gaza or it's men. Muslims and Arabs need to prepare for this day and be in a war mood for the rest of the decade.

Do not reconcile with Israel or radical Jewish extremists. Disassociate from them entirely. Do not welcome them or allow them in our nations. They must be treated as Nazis from now on.

Let's get the Gaza genocide recognized internationally. And begin lawsuits against media outlets and other terrorists that incited genocide and helped facilitate it. This is the very minimum we can do. We must open a Gaza genocide museum in the US. And protect it with armed security in case Jewish terrorists try to bomb it or burn it down.

In today’s day no army in the world can ever come close to this barbaric behaviour. They are getting away with genocide….

The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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BREAKING: Yesterday, the Presbyterian Church (USA) voted to divest from Israel bonds and denounce Christian Zionism, citing human rights abuses against Palestinians.

“Addressing Israel’s prolonged occupation of Palestinian territory is especially urgent today, as it is directly connected to the devastating war in Gaza and ongoing violence in the West Bank. This resolution would prevent our church from profiting from these occupations.”


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