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Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024


Elite Member
Dec 14, 2008
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Channel 13 Hebrew:

Sources in the Israeli negotiating team: From our side, an agreement can be reached, but everything depends on Netanyahu, and Hamas’ response includes a very major breakthrough.

We have before us a realistic deal. It is true that its terms are not easy, but not to the point of obstructing it.

- Negotiations of the exchange deal will be held in Doha.

- After the cabinet session, there will be further consultations between Netanyahu and the TFAW team
Jews can't be trusted the war must continue until Israel is DeNazified.

Persian Gulf

Feb 19, 2023
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Sadly not the case. Labour's share of the vote has not materially increased since the last election. It's mostly that the Tory vote has crumbled away and gone to the Lib Dems and Reform. Normal after the Tories have been in power for 14 years. It always goes in cycles.


Elite Member
Jul 31, 2009
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Jews can't be trusted the war must continue until Israel is DeNazified.

Israelis are taken aback by the endurance and lethality of the Resistance on several fronts--even in the hapless Gaza. The Israelis would get as many of their hostages as possible, regroup, rearm and then go for the kill in Gaza, West Bank, Lebanon and even against Egypt and Syria.
You can count on that!
It would be foolish for the Resistance to stop this conflict now after so much death and destruction; they would be only postponing the inevitable and the inevitable will be more destructive to the Resistance.


Elite Member
May 29, 2011
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Israelis are taken aback by the endurance and lethality of the Resistance on several fronts--even in the hapless Gaza. The Israelis would get as many of their hostages as possible, regroup, rearm and then go for the kill in Gaza, West Bank, Lebanon and even against Egypt and Syria.
You can count on that!
It would be foolish for the Resistance to stop this conflict now after so much death and destruction; they would be only postponing the inevitable and the inevitable will be more destructive to the Resistance.

Hezbollah is fully aware and is bleeding the entity in the north while they are still bogged down in Gaza.

It's attacks are intensifying as they know the Zionist terrorists cannot really respond too heavily as they are suffering heavy losses and loss of moral in Gaza.

It looks like the dumb Zionist terrorist leaders have fallen into a hole and cannot dig themselves out of it anymore without backing down and losing face from their own stated goals.

The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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50 trucks is not even 10% of what is needed for 1 day

and how exactly can they cross Jordan to Gaza? they must go through Israel first.
All Arabs send aid by air and land..Iran too sent some aid and many others....it is the accumulation of those 10%s that make the difference..

The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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Leader of the French left 🇫🇷 Mathilde Banault: We promise to recognize the state of #Palestine 🇵🇸 which has become a symbol of all the oppressed



Elite Member
Jul 31, 2009
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It looks like the dumb Zionist terrorist leaders have fallen into a hole and cannot dig themselves out of it anymore without backing down and losing face from their own stated goals.

That's exactly what Hassan Nasrallah had said shortly after Oct. 2023 conflict began: That Israel has set itself 'unachievable' goals by totally destroying the Gazan resistance.

But, to repeat myself: If this conflict ends without Israel coming to some 'honorable peace' on permanent basis then the region is only going to postpone the next conflict which will be even more destructive to the region. For sure, Israel is going to regroup and replenish--with the American help--and next time will cause even more death and destruction. It is in the Israeli nature to expand, subjugate, occupy and if necessary, ruthless kill. Idiots are writing their own obituary due to their paranoia and stupidity. They have been living in peace with Jordan and Egypt for decades and would be accepted by the Islamic world if they mend their ways. But they forget their own Scriptures: "Pride comes before the fall".

The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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PRESS RELEASE: #Spain filed in the #ICJ Registry a declaration of intervention in the case concerning Application of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide in the Gaza Strip (#SouthAfrica v. #Israel) https://bit.ly/3VPq1E6


Elite Member
May 29, 2011
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That's exactly what Hassan Nasrallah had said shortly after Oct. 2023 conflict began: That Israel has set itself 'unachievable' goals by totally destroying the Gazan resistance.

But, to repeat myself: If this conflict ends without Israel coming to some 'honorable peace' on permanent basis then the region is only going to postpone the next conflict which will be even more destructive to the region. For sure, Israel is going to regroup and replenish--with the American help--and next time will cause even more death and destruction. It is in the Israeli nature to expand, subjugate, occupy and if necessary, ruthless kill. Idiots are writing their own obituary due to their paranoia and stupidity. They have been living in peace with Jordan and Egypt for decades and would be accepted by the Islamic world if they mend their ways. But they forget their own Scriptures: "Pride comes before the fall".

It is too late to "mend their ways" now after committing genocide.

As @hussain0216 says they need to leave the ME and go back to their countries of origin.

I doubt the Palestinians now would accept any Jew apart from pre WW1(Ottoman and before) ones and maybe 10-15% of others that have proved that they are rational and normal human beings.

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