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Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024


Elite Member
May 29, 2011
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All those in that region who are rational should be accepted. In case of Israel, some MAJOR DeZionification would be needed; if DeNazification could be done then so can DeZionification. Those who would not give up their ugly, violent, supremacist ideology should either leave or be eliminated.

There simply is not enough land as the millions of Palestinians need to return to their homeland.
Palestine is small and half of it is desert.

Germans were native to their land but most of these lot are settlers and the Palestinians would have no interest in tolerating at least 80% of the current genocidal Jewish population staying in their land after they regain sovereignty.

The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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Palestinian Ministry of Health: 4 martyrs in the Israeli bombing of a house in Jenin


The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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The largest confiscation of Palestinian lands since the Oslo Accords.. #Netanyahu’s government agrees to seize about 13 square kilometers of land in the Jordan Valley



Elite Member
Jul 31, 2009
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The largest confiscation of Palestinian lands since the Oslo Accords.. #Netanyahu’s government agrees to seize about 13 square kilometers of land in the Jordan Valley

They can take the land. Build Settlements. Build schools, colleges, industry, vineyards, infrastructure... but land can be emptied of people, leaving to those who would follow them and the new people would get all the pre-built infrastructure in case of a catastrophic war. If northern Israel can be emptied of people, as happened recently, so can central Israel.

So the Israelis' thinking they can keep grabbing the land to result in a fate given to the Native Americans in North America is a wishful thinking: Different era, different geography, different demographics.

The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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Statement by Al-Quds Brigades

Al-Quds Brigades: We bombarded with mortar shells a position of Zionist enemy soldiers and vehicles in the “Netzarim” axis, south of Gaza City.

The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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Al-Quds Brigades - Jenin Battalion

🔻Our fighters confront the occupation forces on the fighting fronts and target military reinforcements with a barrage of bullets and explosive devices.

🔻Our jihad continues and our weapons are lawful in all arenas


Hassan Al-Somal

Elite Member
Jan 18, 2015
🔴 Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine:

In response to the statements of the Saudi Foreign Minister

The Popular Front rejects the deployment of any international forces in Gaza and emphasizes that the Palestinian people will decide the future of the Strip and its form of governance.

In response to the statements made by Saudi Foreign Minister Faisal bin Farhan, in which he expressed support for the deployment of an international force in the Gaza Strip by UN resolution to support what he called the Palestinian Authority, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine firmly rejects these statements.

The Front stresses that the Palestinian people are the only entity authorized to determine the future and form of governance in the Gaza Strip, considering any attempt to deploy international forces in Gaza, whether by UN resolution or not, as an attempt to impose guardianship or a new occupation of the Strip, which the Palestinian people will not accept under any circumstances.

The Front believes that Arab and international efforts should focus on the fundamental issues that concern the Palestinian people, such as stopping the ongoing zionist aggression on the Strip, the return of displaced persons, reconstruction, and breaking the unjust siege imposed on the Strip for years.

The Front affirms that the Palestinian people and their resistance will strongly confront any international arrangements or plans made behind the back of the Palestinian people, without their actual and effective participation, or any attempts to replace the occupation with international forces.

Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine
Central Media Department
4 July 2024



Apr 24, 2007
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The Gaza health ministry has said that more than 38,011 Palestinians have been killed and 87,445 have been injured in the Israeli military offensive in the besieged enclave since October 7, Reuters reports.

For the latest updates on the Gaza invasion, follow our live blog: https://www.dawn.com/live/gaza-invasion


Jul 1, 2024
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🔴 Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine:

In response to the statements of the Saudi Foreign Minister

The Popular Front rejects the deployment of any international forces in Gaza and emphasizes that the Palestinian people will decide the future of the Strip and its form of governance.

In response to the statements made by Saudi Foreign Minister Faisal bin Farhan, in which he expressed support for the deployment of an international force in the Gaza Strip by UN resolution to support what he called the Palestinian Authority, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine firmly rejects these statements.

The Front stresses that the Palestinian people are the only entity authorized to determine the future and form of governance in the Gaza Strip, considering any attempt to deploy international forces in Gaza, whether by UN resolution or not, as an attempt to impose guardianship or a new occupation of the Strip, which the Palestinian people will not accept under any circumstances.

The Front believes that Arab and international efforts should focus on the fundamental issues that concern the Palestinian people, such as stopping the ongoing zionist aggression on the Strip, the return of displaced persons, reconstruction, and breaking the unjust siege imposed on the Strip for years.

The Front affirms that the Palestinian people and their resistance will strongly confront any international arrangements or plans made behind the back of the Palestinian people, without their actual and effective participation, or any attempts to replace the occupation with international forces.

Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine
Central Media Department
4 July 2024

Unfortunately any UN led force will only be a Trojan horse for further disenfranchisement of Palestinians. As the Oslo-accords proved to be.

Persian Gulf

Feb 19, 2023
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The largest confiscation of Palestinian lands since the Oslo Accords.. #Netanyahu’s government agrees to seize about 13 square kilometers of land in the Jordan Valley
The two state solution has been dead for a long time.

The end result of this incremental annexation of the West Bank is an expanded Israel that controls 80-90% of the West Bank with the remaining 10% comprised of remaining Palestinian 'bantustans' (e.g. Hebron, Nablus, Jenin, Ramallah, Tulkarm with a total population of only c. 1 million) totally surrounded by Jewish settlements annexed into Israel.

When this happens, the options will be:
(A) Pressure on Israel to offer these remaining Palestinians Israeli citizenship
(B) Israel offers these remaining bantustans some form of autonomous power and they operate as secluded autonomous Palestinian enclaves with no connection between each other
(C) Israel completes the ethnic cleansing campaign by ramping up settler violence and making the lives of those remaining intolerable, so these areas can also be ethnically cleansed and displaced by Jewish settlers, to be annexed into Israel once the number of remaining Palestinians is tolerable for Israel to absorb into its Jewish supremacist state.

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