Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Israel might be bankrupted in a year if it starts a conflict in Lebanon: 500,000 residents have already left Israel, there is no tourism, the economy has dropped by 20% when annualized, it would need to pull 300,000-400,000 people from its workforce and foreign investment would dry up.

It looks like the gulfies will jump in

The question everyone might be worried about is with it's back to the wall, what might Israel do?
The jews will kill them too, Christians and Muslims are the same to them.
Yep Lebanese Christian do not realise they are Goyim and their Chrisitan brothers in west do not care about the mand will side with Israel
Why do Hezbollah publish these clips without bombing
them? They are just giving these rats time to pack up and leave that area.

Learn from Israel, they bomb first then release the clip.

We purport to know their thinking and strategy.

It looks like deny the enemy what they want

So Israel wants a war now, then do the opposite

The economic and political pressure gets relatively worse for Israel, not Hezbollah
Less than 400 deaths in the IAF, against 16000 int the Hamas ones....
Qassam brigades may tell all that they want, they have lost the war.

Soviet Union lost 15-20 million civilians + soldiers during WW2. Did they lose the war? Who wins/loses wars can be decided in many ways.

Hamas primary objective has been to derail the Saudi-Israeli peace deal and put the Palestine question at the forefront of global politics. They have succeeded in both of these initial goals.

A measured response from Israel post October would have resulted in a Hamas loss as it would give the Saudis leeway to proceed with the deal. However the ongoing genocide has more or less killed any prospect of a Gulf -Israeli alliance (unless an independent Palestine emerges at the end of it) and thereby Israel has played right into the Hamas goals.

There are reports after reports from Israel suggesting there is no clear goal for what it is trying to do in Gaza. What is certain is that an army that has no clear goal of what it is trying to achieve can never win a war.
Normalisation is off the table for a long time
There are reports after reports from Israel suggesting there is no clear goal for what it is trying to do in Gaza. What is certain is that an army that has no clear goal of what it is trying to achieve can never win a war.

Overall good post! You are right: While the body count in Gaza is an epic tragedy, they have more or less achieved their objectives of derailing the progress of the Abraham Accord to include Saudi Arabia, at least for now. And you are right: The Soviets also lost many, as did the Vietnamese as did the Afghans but they all eventually prevailed.
And Israel is aware of it. Especially, Netanyahu knows that short of his 'total victory', his own political future is dark and Israel's own viability would be a big question mark. It would be like a nuke on Israel if the educated, connected European-origin Jews lose faith in Israel's viability and leave en masse to Europe; they have the means to do so!

As to quoted part: Gone are the talks of the Sinai Tent City or the mass expulsion through the so called Gaza Peer. Both would be to Israel's liking but were not feasible due to the large, resistant population in Gaza, plus there is enough international pressure to prevent that--even from the seemingly collaborative Arab nations. I think what Netanyahu wants to achieve is to engineer a regional war to bring in the Americans and in the 'fog of war', destroy and expel Gazans into the Sinai.

It seems clear the UK has assisted Israel’s breaches of international law. Surely Labour can do better than deny it​

Full Legal Text here :

>> UK's actions in the Gaza genocide are thoroughly shameful.
Overall good post! You are right: While the body count in Gaza is an epic tragedy, they have more or less achieved their objectives of derailing the progress of the Abraham Accord to include Saudi Arabia, at least for now. And you are right: The Soviets also lost many, as did the Vietnamese as did the Afghans but they all eventually prevailed.
And Israel is aware of it. Especially, Netanyahu knows that short of his 'total victory', his own political future is dark and Israel's own viability would be a big question mark. It would be like a nuke on Israel if the educated, connected European-origin Jews lose faith in Israel's viability and leave en masse to Europe; they have the means to do so!

As to quoted part: Gone are the talks of the Sinai Tent City or the mass expulsion through the so called Gaza Peer. Both would be to Israel's liking but were not feasible due to the large, resistant population in Gaza, plus there is enough international pressure to prevent that--even from the seemingly collaborative Arab nations. I think what Netanyahu wants to achieve is to engineer a regional war to bring in the Americans and in the 'fog of war', destroy and expel Gazans into the Sinai.

Regardless of the role IHamas Mujahideen plays in this conflict, the Saudi governments themselves have repeatedly mentioned that any normalisation with Israel would have to be part of a comprehensive peace process where the Palestinians get a real state of their own. Not to even mentioned the Saudi people themselves are against the normalisation process to begin with, and that Israel would have to make serious concessions if it wants real people-to-people relations and not just yet another "peace treaty". like the ones they signed with Egypt, where the population is still very hostile to Israel.
Regardless of the role IHamas Mujahideen plays in this conflict, the Saudi governments themselves have repeatedly mentioned that any normalisation with Israel would have to be part of a comprehensive peace process where the Palestinians get a real state of their own. Not to even mentioned the Saudi people themselves are against the normalisation process to begin with, and that Israel would have to make serious concessions if it wants real people-to-people relations and not just yet another "peace treaty". like the ones they signed with Egypt, where the population is still very hostile to Israel.

Yes. As far as I know, the Saudi govt. never publicly agreed to join the Abraham Accords unless and until Palestinian sovereignty was respected. And now it is near impossible given the massacre in Gaza.
I believe Israelis are trying to manipulate the Saudis by offering a 'concrete path to a Palestinian State' of some sort. Israelis would never allow that unless they are strategically defeated--on the battlefield! Not in the PR war, not in the boycott divestment, not in the diplomatic war, not even in the economic war. But on the battlefield. That's how hardened Israelis are against the Palestinians. So for the Saudis to fall for some hollow 'promise' knowing Israel's real intentions would be stupid and also cruel to the Palestinian.
Behind the closed door, the Americans are trying to convince the Saudis to make a historic wrong deal with Israel.
It's plausible....its easy for a godless rat to support an ethno fascist terror state.
It's more than plausible, it is the truth.
A God? What kind of god is it to let its servants be killed in unsuccessfull and futiles wars? These is why I'm now atheist. But I understand a religian can be a help in life.
Yes. As far as I know, the Saudi govt. never publicly agreed to join the Abraham Accords unless and until Palestinian sovereignty was respected. And now it is near impossible given the massacre in Gaza.
I believe Israelis are trying to manipulate the Saudis by offering a 'concrete path to a Palestinian State' of some sort. Israelis would never allow that unless they are strategically defeated--on the battlefield! Not in the PR war, not in the boycott divestment, not in the diplomatic war, not even in the economic war. But on the battlefield. That's how hardened Israelis are against the Palestinians. So for the Saudis to fall for some hollow 'promise' knowing Israel's real intentions would be stupid and also cruel to the Palestinian.
Behind the closed door, the Americans are trying to convince the Saudis to make a historic wrong deal with Israel.

Negotiate for a Palestinian independent state instead of working on a Saudi deal. Wouldn’t that be more effective to this intractable conflict?
"In Rome live as a roman".
We are tired to see strangers, 90% muslims (sorry) that want to change our way of life, while they are jobless and left their own muslim paradise (case of Algerians for exemple).
Is it so difficult to understand?

White racists are not the most bright or logical people.

They demand that legal immigrants to their countries follow their own culture but then support the implantation of a settler entity that takes an alien culture into Palestine and the heart of the Arab world.

One rule for their home country and another for their beloved settler entity in Palestine, that did not even have the consent of the owners of the land to set up shop there.

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