Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

i24News channel - under (first publication)

For two weeks, Israel has not had an ambassador in Egypt. Against the backdrop of tensions between Israel and Egypt and Prime Minister Netanyahu’s insistence on remaining in the Philadelphia axis, the Egyptians have refused, up to this moment, to give permission to the new Israeli ambassador to Egypt, Udi Rothman.

Philadelphia band is not on the egyptian soil.
What is the problem seen by egyptian side? (except if they have something to hide, for exemple a help for digging tunnels...)
No more off topic............
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Over two hundred of my relatives were murdered in the Holocaust. And not for revolting against German rule, either. That's genocide. Accusing Israel of genocide - Hamas' stated intention - is character assassination, a crime against peace, and theft of Israel's good name.

And if you consider what I wrote above to be even "dubious" rather than truthful then you're just a part of the antisemitic madness and insanity.
Sorry to disappoint you, but Germans started to deal with you properly after your terrorist killed German ambassador in Paris.
Oh , what was her name? Oh yes , remember now Rosa Luxembourg?
Anti Semetism , what's that in the most of the cases? Nothing really apart from your linguistic argument.
You see that game of the words, can be really contrsproductive for you.
When normal person realise that he is faced with someone who is a vermin and , a vermin won't let go and vermin can't be argued with, then it is natural that vermin should be crushed.
That thing, often happened to you.
I don't know how someone can argue for something like, 120k likes on Telegram channel. The clp was , little girl bleeding and comment " We will get you bitch, later ".
But you and pseudo French will carry on. You want to convince the general public that you have some reasons behind your thinking. Oh there is logic behind all of it, we are goyims and human animals? And all of this proved as overwhelming premise of your thinking.
Oh yes, my family died in wars , so personally, besides that I don't believe you, I don't give w sh about your family.
Be logical here, you yourself don't give a damn about the Palestinians yet you demand that we have sympathy for you.
Are you normal or a complete moron?
We erected a security fence to ensure the complete destruction of all existing tunnels, which date back to the period of the Israeli occupation of Gaza.
A fence never go deep enough to avoid 40 or 50mt deep tunnels.

A little bit easy to argue these tunnels were made before 2006.
Over two hundred of my relatives were murdered in the Holocaust. And not for revolting against German rule, either. That's genocide. Accusing Israel of genocide - Hamas' stated intention - is character assassination, a crime against peace, and theft of Israel's good name.

And if you consider what I wrote above to be even "dubious" rather than truthful then you're just a part of the antisemitic madness and insanity.

If you were doing in Germany what you are doing in Palestine, I can see why you were so hated
If you were doing in Germany what you are doing in Palestine, I can see why you were so hated

What has 'The Holocaust' got to do with Palestinians and Palestine.

The Jews now have an army as they say and so why are they aren't they fighting the Germans and Austrians who gathered them up and gassed them in their millions during WW2?
What has 'The Holocaust' got to do with Palestinians and Palestine.

The Jews now have an army as they say and so why are they aren't they fighting the Germans and Austrians who gathered them up and gassed them in their millions during WW2?

Why would they when they guilt trip them and Jew billions out of them every year

The Jews have shown they have learnt nothing, they think they are preserving themselves, they are just sewing the seeds of their own destruction

The blood letting will be immense
What has 'The Holocaust' got to do with Palestinians and Palestine.

The Jews now have an army as they say and so why are they aren't they fighting the Germans and Austrians who gathered them up and gassed them in their millions during WW2?
Bringing up the holocaust is a fishing exercise for sympathy. Its a case of we are still victims hence our behaviour can be justified. Oldest trick in the book.
Candace Owens has really took the sword to the Jews lately, she is a good speaker and trounced that weird rabbi

I see now she has been suspended and demonitised on YouTube

Once again, if any Jew thinks this is victory is a fool, it's just laying the foundation for a massive movement

The same with the students, I read a article about the harsh punishment student protesters are facing, and I just thought that's it's one way till the destruction of Israel from now on

They can't control the narrative and their are too many platforms to control now
Sources for the "Jewish Bolsheviks" ?
How about Russian Archives?
How about that Jew who killed Moshe Uretzky? What did he say afterwards? " I killed Jewish blood sucking Vampire, in order to clear our good name"
Don't play around and use your idiotic arguments. You are hardly literate.
Oh yes , how about Goloshinsky? After ritualistic murder of Royal family, proven, he went on to killed 38% of Khazastan?
Jews have really low inductive capacity to aquire the knowledge, but high to use someone's else.
Nowadays, you are completely retarded.
Don't play with me bozo , I don't have self pity, oh I don't have much pity in general, let alone for idiots like you?
You have no arguments but lies and misinfornation, I owned you on every argument you created. Not my issue you suffer from delusion.
A person on open forum suggesting Palestinians are a plague for everyone is lowering his mask and showing us hatred that is next level. He has no argument - just blatant hatred and someone that is content to applaud genocide as it takes place.....

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