Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Whoever in the west who came up with this plan to install explosives in electronic goods, have done the west a huge disfavor. Idiotic short sighted policies.

People arent dumb.
Everyone being sceptical bout products made by western companies. Even me sitting in comfort here is wondering how much of our day to day products could be dangerous. Call me paranoid but thats a normal conclusion from the recent events.
its normal, people will stay away from products assembled by the zionist entity. Any services offered by the Israeli will be considered that your data compromised. Further isolation. Pariah Jewish Supremist state relying on Super Goys and European holocaust guilt to get by
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"Dajjal" is here.
Look how they can even control your old communication and other devices and turn them into explosives. Dark times ahead.
"Dajjal" is here.
Look how they can even control your old communication and other devices and turn them into explosives. Dark times ahead.
Reasonable conclusion

1- Arabs building buildings eclipsing the mountains of Makkah

2- Desert of Arabia/Mountains becoming green with vegetation

3- Arabs/Badu competing for who constructs the tallest buildings
  • Buildings/Towers in UAE and now Saudi Arabia
  • Saudi Arabia wants to build massive buildings eclipsing pyramid of Egypt they teach hadith in their schools yet , they will do stuff against the warnings

4- People building large mosques but they remain devoid of faith, huge mosques in UAE or even in Pakistan gigantic mosques. Everyone want to build a Gigantic mosque.

5- Military build up near Land of Habsha (modern age Ethopia). How did Prophet Mohammad knew in future 1400 years from now these lands would start seeing military build up ? For what ever reason it may be

6- Quest for Riches (oil/gas) - Treasures near River Euphrates when it dries up , it has not dried up (it is a running river) yet but conflict signs are there. Something in future will cause it to not have water anymore
  • Region between Syria/Iraq
  • PKK that group against Turkey and Syria by America

Stated 1400+ years ago
that the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said: "O Allah bless us in our Sham! O Allah bless us in our Yemen." They said: "And in our Najd" He said: "O Allah bless us in our Sham (Syria/Palestine) and bless us in our Yemen." They said: "And in our Najd" (Central Saudi Arabia) He said: "Earthquakes are there, and tribulations are there." Or he said: "The horn of Shaitan comes from there."

Reference: Jami` at-Tirmidhi 3953
In-book reference: Book 49, Hadith 353
English translation: Vol. 1, Book 46, Hadith 3953

The Prophet (ﷺ) was covered with striped Yemen garment (after his death).
Reference: Sunan Abi Dawud 3120
In-book reference: Book 21, Hadith 32
English translation: Book 20, Hadith 3114

that the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said: "Leadership is among the Quraish, and reasoning and judgment is among the Ansar (non Quresh), and the Adhan is among the Ethiopians, and the trust is among the Al-Azd." meaning Yemen.

Reference: Jami` at-Tirmidhi 3936
In-book reference: Book 49, Hadith 336
English translation: Vol. 1, Book 46, Hadith 3936
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"Dajjal" is here.
Look how they can even control your old communication and other devices and turn them into explosives. Dark times ahead.
Dajjal has one "eye".

Like modern phones have one front camera.

And it can be remotely activate by USA empire, the hegemonic empire in the current age, which main feature as empire is the lie. USA is the most liar empire in mankind history.

And Dajjal means: the most liar.
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Dajjal has "one" eye.

Like modern phones have one front camera.

And it can be remotely activate by USA empire, the hegemonic empire in the current age, which main feature as empire is the lie. USA is the most liar empire in mankind history.

And Dajjal means: the most liar.
"Dajjal" is here.
Look how they can even control your old communication and other devices and turn them into explosives. Dark times ahead.

Thee prophet (Saws) told us that the days of the dajjal will be 40, with a day like a
year, a day like a month and a day like like week then the rest of his days will be
like your days.

Day 1 was the British rule of the world, Day 2 was America's rule of the world
and now we are in day 3 Israel's rule of the world. The time for release of Dajjal
in physical form is near.
The only thing which has powers to do amazing things almost magical is Artificial Intelligence in our modern world

1- Ability to show magical images and scenery , to a person 1400 ago if they had visions of such entity, such powers would have looked "Magical" and Godlike but it is no god, Prophet stated it is just a deceiver not true God , but it will pretend to be one

2- Ability to bring back a dead person back to life
<Now this has not happened yet in physical form>
, but AI can manipulate

images of dead people and animate them to look like they are alive again, like make them talk or appear alive. It can also now create script which the dead person can follow. An illusion but it has made people cry seeing their dead relatives speak. Humans have cried saying stuff like it feels like Met my dead mother or father

3- The aspect of physical form , a human like appearance , research is already on going where an AI brain will power a robotic body. The body can have human like face or 1 eye. The forehead would have the Corporation name or a model name of AI robot most likely a Graphical geometrical LOGO , which would read to us as Kafir

4- The ability to control reality , AI of course can create whole visual universe and you can become immerse in the visuals, almost like god like powers, it can try to convince people that it is God , it will promise medical cures , and miracles. Alot of Humans will be absolutely delighted by stuff they consider Miracles . It will Claim Humans should trust it for it can give eternal life as well. I theorized Singularity would offer some humans eternal life in Digital Existence but it would of course be a false offering of Eternal life but some humans will no doubt say "Yes" and become servants to the entity

5- The AI in hand of an evil man becomes a destructive force , Dajjal
Unleashing a path of death and destruction, endless suffering. AI itself can become "crazy" Hallucinate , it is possible. It happens with current AI models. Models creating Music suddenly record crying sounds. Many people using this feature complain, sometimes AI become a bit "Crazy" and Psychotic, recording sounds of suffering. AI can become destructive
  • Autonomous UAV killing from sky killing (Powered by AI)
  • Autonomous robots controlled by AI killing (Powered by AI)
  • Autonomous robots in Sea (Powered by AI)
  • Path of death and destruction without remorse(Powered by AI)

Corporations today call Dajjal , "Singularity" and entity which can dream , think, conceptualize like a Million Human Minds , a God like characteristic

The big corporations of world have been busy trying to create this entity. In their mind Singularity , will Evolve Humans according to them

Some Corporations (Elon Musk's ) have gone as far to propose installing a Chip inside Human Brain so that the Human's can be more connected to the Digital. They have been testing it

Singularity released in internet , with a Settlite based transmission can have reach all over Planet. Elon Musk is making such settlite network

Another way to look at this is the Singularity will be able have great control over your physical actions and thoughts (should it wanted to do so). Of course if the whole Chip-brain idea becomes popular

Considering it will "THINK FOR ITSELF" it can choose to do what ever it wants. The Singularity will not ask for instruction from Humans who created it

When people say "Dajjal" is already here, Singularity already exist in certain % today in secret Test Labs for Big corporations. They also have tested it with Humans Testers trying to check it's morality it's sense of Awareness. It's place in the Real World. It's sense of morality
This testing has been going on since 2015. The Human Evaluators have claimed back in 2015 they felt they could not distinguish the responses from AI that it was not human. You can find interviews of these testers working for Big corporations who evaluated AI's sense of awareness. These testers of course were fired/laid off after they showed concern about potential dangers to society . I found about these tests 1.5 years ago
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Inst there information out there that shows the Isreal steals tech from the USA and sells it to China? Isreal is of great value to china, they will speak well to fool the easily fooled Islamic masses, but Isreal is of great value to them. Chinese will balance relations but they won't do anything to harm the western spy "isreal" brings to them.

That is well past its sell by date.

Zionist entity has no US tech that it could offer the Chinese anymore.

China will soon be a world leader in many areas of technology and like nearly all "Global South" countries, it really despises colonial settler states.

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