Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Bibi said yesterday they want to change the face of the region and this guy repeats it. so obviously their goals would be a good victory. but it's not realistic

I do not read what specific Israeli leaders say and didn't check what Netanyahu said yesterday; I base my judgment on information from sources with contacts within the government(s) or very knowledgeable people who are subject matter experts and not some YouTubers.
Doesn’t look like Hezbollah is at all prepared for an all out war. They are getting pummeled and lots of their leaders are getting taken out so easy. It looks like they were only looking for tit for tat strikes. They are going to have to look inward and figure out their true capabilities and which steps to take. Before all that, they are going to have to clamp down on traitors. They have very big problem with moles, Hamas under more extreme circumstances has held up way better with much weaker weaponry under siege.
Then , what the f , they have been doing last 35 years?
Do you remember Nasrallah saying he would not have ordered the capture of two Israeli soldiers had he known that it would trigger such a war?

Please pray that some peace is restored; if not, the Israelis will make him meet his creator soon.
they do not fear death. they will not back down. Israel will not win. cope.
You can call it "hopium"; it will not change the ground realities. Answer me this: in the previous conflicts, have the Israelis been as violent as they've shown themselves in Gaza and the West Bank this time? From 2008 to 2020, on record, 5500 Palestinians have been killed; within the last year alone, up to now, 42,000 have been killed that are accounted for. They now control every access point in Gaza, including the Philadelphia Corridor, which is making the Egyptians cry like a village woman and completely disregarding every known human rights and children in conflict zone rights conventions.

As I mentioned, their fortifications are being demolished, a shock and awe moment they are experiencing in front of their eyes. The Israelis will have no problem demolishing Beqaa to make it Gaza 2.0 if it comes down to it; as for the Syrian border, the Israelis have been striking at transport vehicles for over a decade and could intensify strikes unchallenged.

Do you remember Nasrallah saying he would not have ordered the capture of two Israeli soldiers had he known that it would trigger such a war?

Please pray that some peace is restored; if not, the Israelis will make him meet his creator soon.
Stop being so doom and gloom. If everyone had this mentality at the first sign of war, there would be no resistance. Hezbollah and Hamas are not a conventional military. They are bound to take losses from the air, they however are deeply entrenched warriors who will not back down and will sacrifice everything to fight this terrorist state. How long has Hamas who has been under siege for years with very basic weapons held? They will have to put some boots on the ground in Lebanon to win any war with Hezbollah and they are going to be taking much more losses than in Gaza. Israeli cowards cannot take losses, they will flee like rats the moment they take heavy losses like in 2006.
Yes. Seid can make the points on twitter, seemingly , he can't protect his ass even in Tehran.
Maybe if he knew that battles are won on the battle fields etc , maybe it could have been different.
In all reality, and I don't want to be rude, whome he wants me to follow?
People who are completely infiltrated? From top to bottom?
As I have said today, to me vast majority of them look and behave like shawarma guys. It is truly sad. I wish them lack but I am nit one if the delusional people on this forum to say " Hezbollah needs not to be provoked into general war etc "
Do those people have eyes?
Command and control destroyed, Communications compromised?
It is completely logical that Israeli will go for the kill . And God knows where they will stop?
Who is to guarantee that Lebanese and Syrian Christians won't turn on Muslims?
Last time someone predicted something like this back in 2006, south Lebanon was liberated from Israeli occupation.

Liberated from who? The Israelis voluntarily withdrew from Southern Lebanon in 2000 after occupying it for 18 years with the support of the SLA-Christian-backed militia. It was only then Hezbollah started heavy re-arming with Iranian assistance through Syria.
They are funding and supplying the resistance

What exactly have you or our countries done that you are so insulting????
I’m a Pakistani shia Muslim with actual connection with Iran. I’m not into of these non Shia Pakistanis who criticize just for the sake of criticism that so many south Asians are known for.

I am of the view that they need to keep Their mouths shut
they do not fear death. they will not back down. Israel will not win. cope.

Not fearing death does not solve the issue at hand. As I said, I do care not if Israel wins or doesn't, as I have no dog in the fight, but some ground realities show the situation isn't good for Hezbollah.
Stop being so doom and gloom. If everyone had this mentality at the first sign of war, there would be no resistance. Hezbollah and Hamas are not a conventional military. They are bound to take losses from the air, they however are deeply entrenched warriors who will not back down and will sacrifice everything to fight this terrorist state. How long has Hamas who has been under siege for years with very basic weapons held? They will have to put some boots on the ground in Lebanon to win any war with Hezbollah and they are going to be taking much more losses than in Gaza. Israeli cowards cannot take losses, they will flee like rats the moment they take heavy losses like in 2006.

Ok, I will stop with the doom and gloom. 🤗
Not fearing death does not solve the issue at hand. As I said, I do care not if Israel wins or doesn't, as I have no dog in the fight, but some ground realities show the situation isn't good for Hezbollah.
Who are you, really?

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