Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

It seems Israel has various airforce bases around Israel
Seems like Iran-Yamen-Lebnoon have ample targets
to consider

Seems like with Iran's satellite above in sky and various Hypersonic missiles this should be the logical target

Other possible targets should be
  • Power station
  • Water Desalination plants (6 million population no water to drink)
  • Electric cables , spreading across the terrain any remote area cable can be cut , just fly the drone in remote terrain (desert and chop off a power cable)
It would be the obvious choice to reduce effectiveness of enemy in Israel for Resistance force

Why shoot on the hills or tiny buildings ?

Credit : Google , USA for this info below

If the regional countries like Turkey-Egypt-Iran-Iraq-Syria-Lebnoon-Saudi Arabia - Pakistan - Jordan ever decided respond , it would be very difficult for Israel to survive
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Hypersonic Missiles should be targeting all Airfields in Israel
Heck if you have that kind of missile which can't be stopped

All you need is 50-60 good Hypesonic missiles should be good initiative

1- Airfields
2- Power station , so army can't use their air-condition in bunker
3- Water desalination plant which supply water to 6 million Settlers

Settlers will make less Tik Tok videos and focus more about water once that happens

But may be Resistance forces of Palestine have different tactics

If you will park the Missiles outside , these can be seen from above in settlelite , so it is wrong strategy

They have to respond with same level of intensity as Enemy
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I read Israel has withdrawn all troops except for one reserve division from Gaza. good opportunity for Hamas to rebuild as Israel's attentions turn north.
Hopefully Iran joins to help Hezbollah too.
I think Israelis had given up on Gaza's total control and are rushing into expanding the war by attacking Lebanon. Several calculations are play: More than one analyst has said after a few weeks, the weather will make it harder to do air-strikes in the Middle East. Then there is the American elections: Both political parties are fighting to win in a very tight race where every morsel, every person, every dollar counts. And AIPAC has the most money. Netanyahu knows the American politics quite well.
I think Yemen, the militias in Iraq/Syria should start to move toward the Golan Heights and Lebanon border. This is the time!

If the regional countries like Turkey-Egypt-Iran-Iraq-Syria-Lebnoon-Saudi Arabia - Pakistan - Jordan ever decided respond , it would be very difficult for Israel to survive

Even some Israelis are afraid of what Jordan and Egypt would do. Yes, even Jordan. Once a regional war starts then anything is possible. Anything!
Just sitting ducks you just need good attack and 6 million people will fall to their knees

a) You don't even need to fight against F15-F16 or F35

Israel believe in Genocide , if Resistance force of Palestine really responded with same ferocity , there are so many ways they can win

Bye Bye , cold refreshing showers
Bye Bye farming, or food production , face food shortages
Bye Bye Economy for at least 10 years

Water Desalination plant




How many Hypersonic missiles are there with Yamen /Iran and other nations ?

May the force be with you Resistance Force of Palestine
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What a cowardly nation!

Israel Is Recruiting African Asylum Seekers for Life-threatening Gaza War Operations, Promising Permanent Legal Status​

Israeli security officials are offering the incentive of permanent residency status to asylum seekers who agree to participate in sometimes life-threatening military operations in Gaza. Sources say that internal criticism of this exploitation has been silenced: 'This is a very problematic matter'
Heard they also were hiring Indian Laborer to come buildings in Israel
10,000 visas

Very risky job in middle of war offering $300 per month , generous salaries for Indians from Israelis

Initially I thought they were offering something like 10,000 USD per day for workers , like Sheikh did in Kuwait War but seems like Israelis don't pay that good go Goy Indians
@Falcon29 don't read too much into Mossad twitter , their job is to spread , SPIN propaganda , to make it seems Palestinians are weak and their ability to respond is negligible

When Iran-Yamen-Palestine-Lebnoon will launch their counter offensive they themselves will release their own Video should they feel like it

Iran has a big debt to pay back to Israel
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Hezbollah has been striking northern Israel over the past 30 minutes. Mostly deeper areas in and around Haifa and South Golan.

There were also a couple strikes in southern Israel, Eilat. Unclear if from Yemen, Iraq, or Iran.
Impressive strikes by Hezbollah, covering all of northern Israel. Ongoing.

Last strikes hitting coast of Haifa.

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