Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

I think Israelis had given up on Gaza's total control and are rushing into expanding the war by attacking Lebanon. Several calculations are play: More than one analyst has said after a few weeks, the weather will make it harder to do air-strikes in the Middle East. Then there is the American elections: Both political parties are fighting to win in a very tight race where every morsel, every person, every dollar counts. And AIPAC has the most money. Netanyahu knows the American politics quite well.
I think Yemen, the militias in Iraq/Syria should start to move toward the Golan Heights and Lebanon border. This is the time!

Even some Israelis are afraid of what Jordan and Egypt would do. Yes, even Jordan. Once a regional war starts then anything is possible. Anything!
If the Green party make clear their position on Gaza they will get a lot of votes, the American people are getting sick of dirty work being done in their name and with their tax dollars for Israel.
Christian extremists... Genocide Palestinians so Jesus comes back... Huh?

Maybe 2 chicken coops.

They are still using katyusha rockets.... Go figure.
TBH some People here are extremely hypocrite

Israeli Terrorist force when strikes Lebanon,it kills civilians, militants both but no strategic purpose achieved acc. to pseudo intellectuals here

Meanwhile,when HZ successfully lands some rockets in empty land,it somehow achieves significant strategic target 🎯.

These species are brainwashed with some worst quality opium.
🔴Israel and the United States are testing new weapons
A military source explains that this massive explosion in southern Lebanon resulted from the Israeli Air Force dropping one of the largest caliber bombs in its arsenal on a target in Lebanon - the American GBU-28 bunker-busting guided bomb.


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